AlgorithmX2 a464686393 No more snow in spatial cells.
Fixed 2 network connection bugs when QNB's re-connect/worlds unload.
Matrix Frame can no longer be removed or even hovered over, even in creative.
Spatial Pylons Can now be seen on the Network Tool Gui.
2014-03-06 22:30:59 -06:00

324 lines
8.3 KiB

package appeng.spatial;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.util.WorldCoord;
import appeng.block.spatial.BlockMatrixFrame;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper;
public class StorageHelper
private static StorageHelper instance;
public static StorageHelper getInstance()
if ( instance == null )
instance = new StorageHelper();
return instance;
class triggerUpdates implements ISpatialVisitor
World dst;
public triggerUpdates(World dst2) {
dst = dst2;
public void visit(int x, int y, int z)
Block blk = dst.getBlock( x, y, z );
blk.onNeighborBlockChange( dst, x, y, z, Platform.air );
class WrapInMatrixFrame implements ISpatialVisitor
World dst;
Block blkID;
int Meta;
public WrapInMatrixFrame(Block blockID, int metaData, World dst2) {
dst = dst2;
blkID = blockID;
Meta = metaData;
public void visit(int x, int y, int z)
dst.setBlock( x, y, z, blkID, Meta, 3 );
class TelDestination
TelDestination(World _dim, AxisAlignedBB srcBox, double _x, double _y, double _z) {
dim = _dim;
x = Math.min( srcBox.maxX - 0.5, Math.max( srcBox.minX + 0.5, _x ) );
y = Math.min( srcBox.maxY - 0.5, Math.max( srcBox.minY + 0.5, _y ) );
z = Math.min( srcBox.maxZ - 0.5, Math.max( srcBox.minZ + 0.5, _z ) );
final World dim;
final double x;
final double y;
final double z;
class METeleporter extends Teleporter
TelDestination dest;
public METeleporter(WorldServer par1WorldServer, TelDestination d) {
super( par1WorldServer );
dest = d;
public void placeInPortal(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8)
par1Entity.setLocationAndAngles( dest.x, dest.y, dest.z, par1Entity.rotationYaw, 0.0F );
par1Entity.motionX = par1Entity.motionY = par1Entity.motionZ = 0.0D;
public boolean makePortal(Entity par1Entity)
return false;
public boolean placeInExistingPortal(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8)
return false;
public void removeStalePortalLocations(long par1)
Method onEntityRemoved;
* Mostly from dimentional doors.. which mostly got it form X-Comp.
* @param world
* @param entity
* @param link
* @return
public Entity teleportEntity(Entity entity, TelDestination link)
WorldServer oldWorld, newWorld;
EntityPlayerMP player;
oldWorld = (WorldServer) entity.worldObj;
newWorld = (WorldServer) link.dim;
player = (entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) ? (EntityPlayerMP) entity : null;
catch (Throwable e)
return entity;
if ( oldWorld == null )
return entity;
if ( newWorld == null )
return entity;
// Is something riding? Handle it first.
if ( entity.riddenByEntity != null )
return teleportEntity( entity.riddenByEntity, link );
// Are we riding something? Dismount and tell the mount to go first.
Entity cart = entity.ridingEntity;
if ( cart != null )
entity.mountEntity( null );
cart = teleportEntity( cart, link );
// We keep track of both so we can remount them on the other side.
boolean difDest = newWorld != oldWorld;
if ( difDest )
if ( player != null )
player.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension( player, link.dim.provider.dimensionId, new METeleporter( newWorld, link ) );
int entX = entity.chunkCoordX;
int entZ = entity.chunkCoordZ;
if ( (entity.addedToChunk) && (oldWorld.getChunkProvider().chunkExists( entX, entZ )) )
oldWorld.getChunkFromChunkCoords( entX, entZ ).removeEntity( entity );
oldWorld.getChunkFromChunkCoords( entX, entZ ).isModified = true;
if ( onEntityRemoved == null )
onEntityRemoved = ReflectionHelper.findMethod( WorldServer.class, oldWorld, new String[] { "onEntityRemoved", "func_72847_b" },
Entity.class );
if ( onEntityRemoved != null )
onEntityRemoved.invoke( oldWorld, entity );
catch (Throwable t)
AELog.error( t );
if ( player == null ) // Are we NOT working with a player?
NBTTagCompound entityNBT = new NBTTagCompound();
entity.posX = link.x;
entity.posY = link.y;
entity.posZ = link.z;
entity.prevPosX = link.x;
entity.prevPosY = link.y;
entity.prevPosZ = link.z;
entity.isDead = false;
entity.writeToNBTOptional( entityNBT );
entity.isDead = true;
entity = EntityList.createEntityFromNBT( entityNBT, newWorld );
if ( entity == null )
return entity;
newWorld.spawnEntityInWorld( entity );
entity.setWorld( newWorld );
entity.worldObj.updateEntityWithOptionalForce( entity, false );
if ( cart != null )
if ( player != null )
entity.worldObj.updateEntityWithOptionalForce( entity, true );
entity.mountEntity( cart );
if ( player != null )
WorldServer.class.cast( newWorld ).getChunkProvider()
.loadChunk( MathHelper.floor_double( entity.posX ) >> 4, MathHelper.floor_double( entity.posZ ) >> 4 );
return entity;
public void transverseEdges(int minx, int miny, int minz, int maxx, int maxy, int maxz, ISpatialVisitor obj)
for (int y = miny; y < maxy; y++)
for (int z = minz; z < maxz; z++)
obj.visit( minx, y, z );
obj.visit( maxx, y, z );
for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
for (int z = minz; z < maxz; z++)
obj.visit( x, miny, z );
obj.visit( x, maxy, z );
for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
for (int y = miny; y < maxy; y++)
obj.visit( x, y, minz );
obj.visit( x, y, maxz );
public void swapRegions(World src /** over world **/
, World dst /** storage cell **/
, int x, int y, int z, int i, int j, int k, int scaleX, int scaleY, int scaleZ)
BlockMatrixFrame blkMF = (BlockMatrixFrame) AEApi.instance().blocks().blockMatrixFrame.block();
transverseEdges( i - 1, j - 1, k - 1, i + scaleX + 1, j + scaleY + 1, k + scaleZ + 1, new WrapInMatrixFrame( blkMF, 0, dst ) );
AxisAlignedBB srcBox = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( x, y, z, x + scaleX + 1, y + scaleY + 1, z + scaleZ + 1 );
AxisAlignedBB dstBox = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( i, j, k, i + scaleX + 1, j + scaleY + 1, k + scaleZ + 1 );
CachedPlane cDst = new CachedPlane( dst, i, j, k, i + scaleX, j + scaleY, k + scaleZ );
CachedPlane cSrc = new CachedPlane( src, x, y, z, x + scaleX, y + scaleY, z + scaleZ );
// do nearly all the work... swaps blocks, tiles, and block ticks
cSrc.Swap( cDst );
List<Entity> srcE = src.getEntitiesWithinAABB( Entity.class, srcBox );
List<Entity> dstE = dst.getEntitiesWithinAABB( Entity.class, dstBox );
for (Entity e : dstE)
teleportEntity( e, new TelDestination( src, srcBox, e.posX - i + x, e.posY - j + y, e.posZ - k + z ) );
for (Entity e : srcE)
teleportEntity( e, new TelDestination( dst, dstBox, e.posX - x + i, e.posY - y + j, e.posZ - z + k ) );
for (WorldCoord wc : cDst.updates)
cDst.wrld.notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( wc.x, wc.y, wc.z, Platform.air );
for (WorldCoord wc : cSrc.updates)
cSrc.wrld.notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( wc.x, wc.y, wc.z, Platform.air );
transverseEdges( x - 1, y - 1, z - 1, x + scaleX + 1, y + scaleY + 1, z + scaleZ + 1, new triggerUpdates( src ) );
transverseEdges( i - 1, j - 1, k - 1, i + scaleX + 1, j + scaleY + 1, k + scaleZ + 1, new triggerUpdates( dst ) );
transverseEdges( x, y, z, x + scaleX, y + scaleY, z + scaleZ, new triggerUpdates( src ) );
transverseEdges( i, j, k, i + scaleX, j + scaleY, k + scaleZ, new triggerUpdates( dst ) );
* IChunkProvider cp = dest.getChunkProvider(); if ( cp instanceof ChunkProviderServer ) { ChunkProviderServer
* srv = (ChunkProviderServer) cp; srv.unloadAllChunks(); }
* cp.unloadQueuedChunks();