yueh 1e20086799 Extracts item comparison from Platform into their own helper. (#2555)
* Extracts item comparison from Platform into their own helper.

Renamed methods to be more more fitting for the actual comparison.
Added documentation about each methods behaviour.
2016-11-04 09:27:52 +01:00

300 lines
8.3 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.core.features.registries;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import appeng.api.features.IGrinderEntry;
import appeng.api.features.IGrinderRegistry;
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.core.features.registries.entries.AppEngGrinderRecipe;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public final class GrinderRecipeManager implements IGrinderRegistry, IOreListener
private final List<IGrinderEntry> recipes;
private final Map<ItemStack, String> ores;
private final Map<ItemStack, String> ingots;
private final Map<String, ItemStack> dusts;
public GrinderRecipeManager()
{ = new ArrayList<IGrinderEntry>();
this.ores = new HashMap<ItemStack, String>();
this.ingots = new HashMap<ItemStack, String>();
this.dusts = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>();
this.addOre( "Coal", new ItemStack( Items.COAL ) );
this.addOre( "Charcoal", new ItemStack( Items.COAL, 1, 1 ) );
this.addOre( "NetherQuartz", new ItemStack( Blocks.QUARTZ_ORE ) );
this.addIngot( "NetherQuartz", new ItemStack( Items.QUARTZ ) );
this.addOre( "Gold", new ItemStack( Blocks.GOLD_ORE ) );
this.addIngot( "Gold", new ItemStack( Items.GOLD_INGOT ) );
this.addOre( "Iron", new ItemStack( Blocks.IRON_ORE ) );
this.addIngot( "Iron", new ItemStack( Items.IRON_INGOT ) );
this.addOre( "Obsidian", new ItemStack( Blocks.OBSIDIAN ) );
this.addIngot( "Ender", new ItemStack( Items.ENDER_PEARL ) );
this.addIngot( "EnderPearl", new ItemStack( Items.ENDER_PEARL ) );
this.addIngot( "Wheat", new ItemStack( Items.WHEAT ) );
OreDictionaryHandler.INSTANCE.observe( this );
public List<IGrinderEntry> getRecipes()
this.log( "API - getRecipes" );
public void addRecipe( final ItemStack in, final ItemStack out, final int cost )
if( in == null || out == null )
this.log( "Invalid Grinder Recipe Specified." );
this.log( "Allow Grinding of " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( in ) + " to " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( out ) + " for " + cost );
this.injectRecipe( new AppEngGrinderRecipe( this.copy( in ), this.copy( out ), cost ) );
public void addRecipe( final ItemStack in, final ItemStack out, final ItemStack optional, final float chance, final int cost )
if( in == null || ( optional == null && out == null ) )
this.log( "Invalid Grinder Recipe Specified." );
this.log( "Allow Grinding of " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( in ) + " to " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( out ) + " with optional " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( optional ) + " for " + cost );
this.injectRecipe( new AppEngGrinderRecipe( this.copy( in ), this.copy( out ), this.copy( optional ), chance, cost ) );
public void addRecipe( final ItemStack in, final ItemStack out, final ItemStack optional, final float chance, final ItemStack optional2, final float chance2, final int cost )
if( in == null || ( optional == null && out == null && optional2 == null ) )
this.log( "Invalid Grinder Recipe Specified." );
this.log( "Allow Grinding of " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( in ) + " to " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( out ) + " with optional " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( optional ) + " for " + cost );
this.injectRecipe( new AppEngGrinderRecipe( this.copy( in ), this.copy( out ), this.copy( optional ), this.copy( optional2 ), chance, chance2, cost ) );
private void injectRecipe( final AppEngGrinderRecipe appEngGrinderRecipe )
for( final IGrinderEntry gr : )
if( Platform.itemComparisons().isSameItem( gr.getInput(), appEngGrinderRecipe.getInput() ) )
} appEngGrinderRecipe );
private ItemStack copy( final ItemStack is )
if( is != null )
return is.copy();
return null;
public IGrinderEntry getRecipeForInput( final ItemStack input )
this.log( "Looking up recipe for " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( input ) );
if( input != null )
for( final IGrinderEntry r : )
if( Platform.itemComparisons().isEqualItem( input, r.getInput() ) )
this.log( "Recipe for " + input.getUnlocalizedName() + " found " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( r.getOutput() ) );
return r;
this.log( "Could not find recipe for " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( input ) );
return null;
private void log( final String o )
AELog.grinder( o );
private int getDustToOreRatio( final String name )
if( name.equals( "Obsidian" ) )
return 1;
if( name.equals( "Charcoal" ) )
return 1;
if( name.equals( "Coal" ) )
return 1;
return 2;
private void addOre( final String name, final ItemStack item )
if( item == null )
this.log( "Adding Ore - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) );
this.ores.put( item, name );
if( this.dusts.containsKey( name ) )
final ItemStack is = this.dusts.get( name ).copy();
final int ratio = this.getDustToOreRatio( name );
if( ratio > 1 )
final ItemStack extra = is.copy();
extra.stackSize = ratio - 1;
this.addRecipe( item, is, extra, (float) ( AEConfig.instance.oreDoublePercentage / 100.0 ), 8 );
this.addRecipe( item, is, 8 );
private void addIngot( final String name, final ItemStack item )
if( item == null )
this.log( "Adding Ingot - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) );
this.ingots.put( item, name );
if( this.dusts.containsKey( name ) )
this.addRecipe( item, this.dusts.get( name ), 4 );
private void addDust( final String name, final ItemStack item )
if( item == null )
if( this.dusts.containsKey( name ) )
this.log( "Rejecting Dust - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) );
this.log( "Adding Dust - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) );
this.dusts.put( name, item );
for( final Entry<ItemStack, String> d : this.ores.entrySet() )
if( name.equals( d.getValue() ) )
final ItemStack is = item.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
final int ratio = this.getDustToOreRatio( name );
if( ratio > 1 )
final ItemStack extra = is.copy();
extra.stackSize = ratio - 1;
this.addRecipe( d.getKey(), is, extra, (float) ( AEConfig.instance.oreDoublePercentage / 100.0 ), 8 );
this.addRecipe( d.getKey(), is, 8 );
for( final Entry<ItemStack, String> d : this.ingots.entrySet() )
if( name.equals( d.getValue() ) )
this.addRecipe( d.getKey(), item, 4 );
public void oreRegistered( final String name, final ItemStack item )
if( name.startsWith( "ore" ) || name.startsWith( "crystal" ) || name.startsWith( "gem" ) || name.startsWith( "ingot" ) || name.startsWith( "dust" ) )
for( final String ore : AEConfig.instance.grinderOres )
if( name.equals( "ore" + ore ) )
this.addOre( ore, item );
else if( name.equals( "crystal" + ore ) || name.equals( "ingot" + ore ) || name.equals( "gem" + ore ) )
this.addIngot( ore, item );
else if( name.equals( "dust" + ore ) )
this.addDust( ore, item );