AlgorithmX2 67d46d57d2 Patterns can now be encoded.
Added a clear button to the Pattern Terminal.
Added description to the Encoded Pattern Item.
2014-04-17 01:15:56 -05:00

53 lines
1.3 KiB

package appeng.core.localization;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
public enum GuiText
inventory("container"), // mc's default Inventory localization.
Chest, StoredEnergy, Of, Condenser, Drive, GrindStone, SkyChest,
VibrationChamber, SpatialIOPort, LevelEmitter, Terminal,
Interface, Config, StoredItems, Patterns, ImportBus, ExportBus,
CellWorkbench, NetworkDetails, StorageCells, IOBuses,
IOPort, BytesUsed, Types, QuantumLinkChamber, PortableCell,
NetworkTool, PowerUsageRate, PowerInputRate, Installed, EnergyDrain,
StorageBus, Priority, Security, Encoded, Blank, Unlinked, Linked,
SecurityCardEditor, NoPermissions, WirelessTerminal, Wireless,
CraftingTerminal, FormationPlane, Inscriber, QuartzCuttingKnife,
METunnel, ItemTunnel, RedstoneTunnel, MJTunnel, EUTunnel, FluidTunnel, StoredSize,
StoredPower, MaxPower, RequiredPower, Efficiency, CopyMode, CopyModeDesc, PatternTerminal,
CraftingPattern, ProcessingPattern, Crafts, Creates, And, With;
String root;
GuiText() {
root = "gui.appliedenergistics2";
GuiText(String r) {
root = r;
public String getUnlocalized()
return root + "." + toString();
public String getLocal()
return StatCollector.translateToLocal( getUnlocalized() );