thatsIch 37ae2131fe Closes #1899, Fixed #1898: Adds an easy way to export interesting information into CSV format
Mostly used for the recipe system, but can also be used for debugging purposes. Debug options needs to be ticked to use the full information gain. Recipes only require the normal localization and the specific name plus metadata.

Shifted the recipes into a recipes folder where the CSV will also reside. This will also elevate the copying of the readme to the user directory since it can reside in the recipes folder.

Fixed a bug where the copier would copy the would also copy empty folders
2015-09-26 23:15:25 +02:00

202 lines
4.3 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.entity;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import appeng.api.implementations.items.IGrowableCrystal;
import appeng.api.implementations.tiles.ICrystalGrowthAccelerator;
import appeng.client.EffectType;
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
import appeng.core.CommonHelper;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public final class EntityGrowingCrystal extends EntityItem
private int progress_1000 = 0;
public EntityGrowingCrystal( final World w )
super( w );
public EntityGrowingCrystal( final World w, final double x, final double y, final double z, final ItemStack is )
super( w, x, y, z, is );
public void onUpdate()
if( !AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.InWorldPurification ) )
if( this.age > 600 )
this.age = 100;
final ItemStack is = this.getEntityItem();
final Item gc = is.getItem();
if( gc instanceof IGrowableCrystal ) // if it changes this just stops being an issue...
final int j = MathHelper.floor_double( this.posX );
final int i = MathHelper.floor_double( this.posY );
final int k = MathHelper.floor_double( this.posZ );
final Block blk = this.worldObj.getBlock( j, i, k );
final Material mat = blk.getMaterial();
final IGrowableCrystal cry = (IGrowableCrystal) is.getItem();
final float multiplier = cry.getMultiplier( blk, mat );
final int speed = (int) Math.max( 1, this.getSpeed( j, i, k ) * multiplier );
final boolean isClient = Platform.isClient();
if( mat.isLiquid() )
if( isClient )
this.progress_1000 += speed;
this.progress_1000 = 0;
if( isClient )
int len = 40;
if( speed > 2 )
len = 20;
if( speed > 90 )
len = 15;
if( speed > 150 )
len = 10;
if( speed > 240 )
len = 7;
if( speed > 360 )
len = 3;
if( speed > 500 )
len = 1;
if( this.progress_1000 >= len )
this.progress_1000 = 0;
CommonHelper.proxy.spawnEffect( EffectType.Vibrant, this.worldObj, this.posX, this.posY + 0.2, this.posZ, null );
if( this.progress_1000 > 1000 )
this.progress_1000 -= 1000;
this.setEntityItemStack( cry.triggerGrowth( is ) );
private int getSpeed( final int x, final int y, final int z )
final int per = 80;
final float mul = 0.3f;
int qty = 0;
if( this.isAccelerated( x + 1, y, z ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
if( this.isAccelerated( x, y + 1, z ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
if( this.isAccelerated( x, y, z + 1 ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
if( this.isAccelerated( x - 1, y, z ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
if( this.isAccelerated( x, y - 1, z ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
if( this.isAccelerated( x, y, z - 1 ) )
qty += per + qty * mul;
return qty;
private boolean isAccelerated( final int x, final int y, final int z )
final TileEntity te = this.worldObj.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
return te instanceof ICrystalGrowthAccelerator && ( (ICrystalGrowthAccelerator) te ).isPowered();