AlgorithmX2 49fcc7f510 Renamed Inscriber Recipe Type to Inscribe.
Missing Icon now supports Items.
Fixed Missing Icons for debug Items.
SkyStone Chests can now be disabled.
More work on Website Recipes.
Removed Unused method in Network Handler.
2014-03-08 21:35:53 -06:00

175 lines
4 KiB

package appeng.core.features;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import appeng.api.util.AEItemDefinition;
import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock;
import appeng.block.AEBaseItemBlock;
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
import appeng.core.CommonHelper;
import appeng.core.CreativeTab;
import appeng.core.CreativeTabFacade;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
public class AEFeatureHandler implements AEItemDefinition
private final EnumSet<AEFeature> myFeatures;
private final String subname;
private IAEFeature obj;
private Item ItemData;
private Block BlockData;
public AEFeatureHandler(EnumSet<AEFeature> featureSet, IAEFeature _obj, String _subname) {
myFeatures = featureSet;
obj = _obj;
subname = _subname;
public void register()
if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
if ( obj instanceof Item )
initItem( (Item) obj );
if ( obj instanceof Block )
initBlock( (Block) obj );
public static String getName(Class o, String subname)
String name = o.getSimpleName();
if ( subname != null )
// simple hack to allow me to do get nice names for these without
// mode code outside of AEBaseItem
if ( subname.startsWith( "P2PTunnel" ) )
return "ItemPart.P2PTunnel";
if ( subname.equals( "CertusQuartzTools" ) )
return name.replace( "Quartz", "CertusQuartz" );
if ( subname.equals( "NetherQuartzTools" ) )
return name.replace( "Quartz", "NetherQuartz" );
name += "." + subname;
return name;
private void initItem(Item i)
ItemData = i;
String name = getName( i.getClass(), subname );
i.setTextureName( "appliedenergistics2:" + name );
i.setUnlocalizedName( /* "item." */"appliedenergistics2." + name );
if ( i instanceof ItemFacade )
i.setCreativeTab( CreativeTabFacade.instance );
i.setCreativeTab( CreativeTab.instance );
GameRegistry.registerItem( i, "item." + name );
private void initBlock(Block b)
BlockData = b;
String name = getName( b.getClass(), subname );
b.setCreativeTab( CreativeTab.instance );
b.setBlockName( /* "tile." */"appliedenergistics2." + name );
b.setBlockTextureName( "appliedenergistics2:" + name );
if ( Platform.isClient() && BlockData instanceof AEBaseBlock )
AEBaseBlock bb = (AEBaseBlock) b;
CommonHelper.proxy.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer( bb.getTileEntityClass(), bb );
Class itemBlock = AEBaseItemBlock.class;
if ( b instanceof AEBaseBlock )
itemBlock = ((AEBaseBlock) b).getItemBlockClass();
GameRegistry.registerBlock( b, itemBlock, "tile." + name );
public EnumSet<AEFeature> getFeatures()
return myFeatures.clone();
public boolean isFeatureAvailable()
boolean enabled = true;
for (AEFeature f : myFeatures)
enabled = enabled && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( f );
return enabled;
public Block block()
return BlockData;
public Class<? extends TileEntity> entity()
if ( BlockData instanceof AEBaseBlock )
AEBaseBlock bb = (AEBaseBlock) BlockData;
return bb.getTileEntityClass();
return null;
public Item item()
if ( ItemData == null && BlockData != null )
return Item.getItemFromBlock( BlockData );
return ItemData;
public ItemStack stack(int stackSize)
if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
ItemStack rv = null;
if ( ItemData != null )
rv = new ItemStack( ItemData );
rv = new ItemStack( BlockData );
rv.stackSize = stackSize;
return rv;
return null;
public boolean sameAs(ItemStack is)
if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
return Platform.isSameItemType( is, stack( 1 ) );
return false;