AlgorithmX2 49fcc7f510 Renamed Inscriber Recipe Type to Inscribe.
Missing Icon now supports Items.
Fixed Missing Icons for debug Items.
SkyStone Chests can now be disabled.
More work on Website Recipes.
Removed Unused method in Network Handler.
2014-03-08 21:35:53 -06:00

733 lines
19 KiB

package appeng.block;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResource;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import appeng.api.implementations.items.IMemoryCard;
import appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages;
import appeng.api.util.IOrientable;
import appeng.api.util.IOrientableBlock;
import appeng.block.networking.BlockCableBus;
import appeng.client.render.BaseBlockRender;
import appeng.client.render.BlockRenderInfo;
import appeng.client.render.WorldRender;
import appeng.client.texture.FlipableIcon;
import appeng.client.texture.MissingIcon;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeatureHandler;
import appeng.core.features.IAEFeature;
import appeng.core.features.ItemStackSrc;
import appeng.helpers.ICustomCollision;
import appeng.tile.AEBaseTile;
import appeng.tile.networking.TileCableBus;
import appeng.util.LookDirection;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.SettingsFrom;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class AEBaseBlock extends BlockContainer implements IAEFeature
private String FeatureFullname;
private String FeatureSubname;
private AEFeatureHandler feature;
private Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityType = null;
protected boolean isOpaque = true;
protected boolean isFullSize = true;
protected boolean hasSubtypes = false;
protected boolean isInventory = false;
public IIcon renderIcon;
BlockRenderInfo renderInfo;
public String toString()
return FeatureFullname;
protected Class<? extends BaseBlockRender> getRenderer()
return BaseBlockRender.class;
public int getRenderType()
return WorldRender.instance.getRenderId();
private FlipableIcon optionaIcon(IIconRegister ir, String Name, IIcon substitute)
// if the input is an flippable IIcon find the original.
while (substitute instanceof FlipableIcon)
substitute = ((FlipableIcon) substitute).getOriginal();
if ( substitute != null )
ResourceLocation resLoc = new ResourceLocation( Name );
resLoc = new ResourceLocation( resLoc.getResourceDomain(), String.format( "%s/%s%s", new Object[] { "textures/blocks",
resLoc.getResourcePath(), ".png" } ) );
IResource res = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource( resLoc );
if ( res != null )
return new FlipableIcon( ir.registerIcon( Name ) );
catch (Throwable e)
return new FlipableIcon( substitute );
return new FlipableIcon( ir.registerIcon( Name ) );
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegistry)
BlockRenderInfo info = getRendererInstance();
FlipableIcon topIcon;
FlipableIcon bottomIcon;
FlipableIcon sideIcon;
FlipableIcon eastIcon;
FlipableIcon westIcon;
FlipableIcon southIcon;
FlipableIcon northIcon;
this.blockIcon = topIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName(), null );
bottomIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "Bottom", topIcon );
sideIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "Side", topIcon );
eastIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "East", sideIcon );
westIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "West", sideIcon );
southIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "Front", sideIcon );
northIcon = optionaIcon( iconRegistry, this.getTextureName() + "Back", sideIcon );
info.updateIcons( bottomIcon, topIcon, northIcon, southIcon, eastIcon, westIcon );
public void registerNoIcons()
BlockRenderInfo info = getRendererInstance();
FlipableIcon i = new FlipableIcon( new MissingIcon( this ) );
info.updateIcons( i, i, i, i, i, i );
public IIcon getIcon(int direction, int metadata)
if ( renderIcon != null )
return renderIcon;
return getRendererInstance().getTexture( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( direction ) );
public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess w, int x, int y, int z, int s)
return getIcon( mapRotation( w, x, y, z, s ), w.getBlockMetadata( x, y, z ) );
protected void setTileEntiy(Class<? extends TileEntity> c)
AEBaseTile.registerTileItem( c, new ItemStackSrc( this, 0 ) );
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity( tileEntityType = c, FeatureFullname );
isInventory = IInventory.class.isAssignableFrom( c );
protected void setfeature(EnumSet<AEFeature> f)
feature = new AEFeatureHandler( f, this, FeatureSubname );
protected AEBaseBlock(Class<?> c, Material mat) {
this( c, mat, null );
setLightOpacity( 15 );
setLightLevel( 0 );
setHardness( 1.2F );
protected AEBaseBlock(Class<?> c, Material mat, String subname) {
super( mat );
if ( mat == )
setStepSound( Block.soundTypeGlass );
else if ( mat == Material.rock )
setStepSound( Block.soundTypeStone );
setStepSound( Block.soundTypeMetal );
FeatureFullname = AEFeatureHandler.getName( c, subname );
FeatureSubname = subname;
final public AEFeatureHandler feature()
return feature;
public boolean isOpaque()
return isOpaque;
final public boolean isOpaqueCube()
return isOpaque;
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
return isFullSize && isOpaque;
final public boolean isNormalCube(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
return isFullSize;
public boolean hasBlockTileEntity()
return tileEntityType != null;
final public boolean hasTileEntity(int metadata)
return hasBlockTileEntity();
public Class<? extends TileEntity> getTileEntityClass()
return tileEntityType;
public void setRenderStateByMeta(int itemDamage)
public BlockRenderInfo getRendererInstance()
if ( renderInfo != null )
return renderInfo;
return renderInfo = new BlockRenderInfo( getRenderer().newInstance() );
catch (Throwable t)
throw new RuntimeException( t );
final public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int var2)
return tileEntityType.newInstance();
catch (Throwable e)
throw new RuntimeException( e );
final public <T extends TileEntity> T getTileEntity(IBlockAccess w, int x, int y, int z)
if ( !hasBlockTileEntity() )
return null;
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
if ( tileEntityType.isInstance( te ) )
return (T) te;
return null;
final public boolean rotateBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection axis)
IOrientable rotateable = null;
if ( hasBlockTileEntity() )
rotateable = (AEBaseTile) getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
else if ( this instanceof IOrientableBlock )
rotateable = ((IOrientableBlock) this).getOrientable( w, x, y, z );
if ( rotateable != null && rotateable.canBeRotated() )
ForgeDirection forward = rotateable.getForward();
ForgeDirection up = rotateable.getUp();
for (int rs = 0; rs < 4; rs++)
forward = Platform.rotateAround( forward, axis );
up = Platform.rotateAround( up, axis );
if ( this.isValidOrientation( w, x, y, z, forward, up ) )
rotateable.setOrientation( forward, up );
return true;
return false;
public ForgeDirection mapRotation(IOrientable ori, ForgeDirection dir)
// case DOWN: return bottomIcon;
// case UP: return blockIcon;
// case NORTH: return northIcon;
// case SOUTH: return southIcon;
// case WEST: return sideIcon;
// case EAST: return sideIcon;
ForgeDirection forward = ori.getForward();
ForgeDirection up = ori.getUp();
ForgeDirection west = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
if ( forward == null || up == null )
return dir;
int west_x = forward.offsetY * up.offsetZ - forward.offsetZ * up.offsetY;
int west_y = forward.offsetZ * up.offsetX - forward.offsetX * up.offsetZ;
int west_z = forward.offsetX * up.offsetY - forward.offsetY * up.offsetX;
for (ForgeDirection dx : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if ( dx.offsetX == west_x && dx.offsetY == west_y && dx.offsetZ == west_z )
west = dx;
if ( dir.equals( forward ) )
return ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
if ( dir.equals( forward.getOpposite() ) )
return ForgeDirection.NORTH;
if ( dir.equals( up ) )
return ForgeDirection.UP;
if ( dir.equals( up.getOpposite() ) )
return ForgeDirection.DOWN;
if ( dir.equals( west ) )
return ForgeDirection.WEST;
if ( dir.equals( west.getOpposite() ) )
return ForgeDirection.EAST;
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
int mapRotation(IBlockAccess w, int x, int y, int z, int s)
IOrientable ori = null;
if ( hasBlockTileEntity() )
ori = (AEBaseTile) getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
else if ( this instanceof IOrientableBlock )
ori = ((IOrientableBlock) this).getOrientable( w, x, y, z );
if ( ori != null && ori.canBeRotated() )
return mapRotation( ori, ForgeDirection.getOrientation( s ) ).ordinal();
return s;
final public ForgeDirection[] getValidRotations(World w, int x, int y, int z)
if ( hasBlockTileEntity() )
AEBaseTile obj = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( obj != null && obj.canBeRotated() )
return ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS;
return new ForgeDirection[0];
public void breakBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, Block a, int b)
AEBaseTile te = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( te != null )
if ( te.dropItems )
ArrayList<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
te.getDrops( w, x, y, z, drops );
// Cry ;_; ...
Platform.spawnDrops( w, x, y, z, drops );
super.breakBlock( w, x, y, z, a, b );
if ( te != null )
w.setTileEntity( x, y, z, null );
public MovingObjectPosition collisionRayTrace(World w, int x, int y, int z, Vec3 a, Vec3 b)
ICustomCollision collisionHandler = null;
if ( this instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) this;
AEBaseTile te = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( te instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) te;
if ( collisionHandler != null )
Iterable<AxisAlignedBB> bbs = collisionHandler.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( w, x, y, z, null, true );
MovingObjectPosition br = null;
double lastDist = 0;
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : bbs)
setBlockBounds( (float) bb.minX, (float) bb.minY, (float) bb.minZ, (float) bb.maxX, (float) bb.maxY, (float) bb.maxZ );
MovingObjectPosition r = super.collisionRayTrace( w, x, y, z, a, b );
setBlockBounds( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
if ( r != null )
double xLen = (a.xCoord - r.hitVec.xCoord);
double yLen = (a.yCoord - r.hitVec.yCoord);
double zLen = (a.zCoord - r.hitVec.zCoord);
double thisDist = xLen * xLen + yLen * yLen + zLen * zLen;
if ( br == null || lastDist > thisDist )
lastDist = thisDist;
br = r;
if ( br != null )
return br;
return null;
setBlockBounds( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
return super.collisionRayTrace( w, x, y, z, a, b );
final public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World w, int x, int y, int z)
ICustomCollision collisionHandler = null;
AxisAlignedBB b = null;
if ( this instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) this;
AEBaseTile te = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( te instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) te;
if ( collisionHandler != null )
if ( Platform.isClient() )
LookDirection ld = Platform.getPlayerRay( Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer );
Iterable<AxisAlignedBB> bbs = collisionHandler.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( w, x, y, z, Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, true );
AxisAlignedBB br = null;
double lastDist = 0;
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : bbs)
setBlockBounds( (float) bb.minX, (float) bb.minY, (float) bb.minZ, (float) bb.maxX, (float) bb.maxY, (float) bb.maxZ );
MovingObjectPosition r = super.collisionRayTrace( w, x, y, z, ld.a, ld.b );
setBlockBounds( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
if ( r != null )
double xLen = (ld.a.xCoord - r.hitVec.xCoord);
double yLen = (ld.a.yCoord - r.hitVec.yCoord);
double zLen = (ld.a.zCoord - r.hitVec.zCoord);
double thisDist = xLen * xLen + yLen * yLen + zLen * zLen;
if ( br == null || lastDist > thisDist )
lastDist = thisDist;
br = bb;
if ( br != null )
br.setBounds( br.minX + x, br.minY + y, br.minZ + z, br.maxX + x, br.maxY + y, br.maxZ + z );
return br;
for (AxisAlignedBB bx : collisionHandler.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( w, x, y, z, null, false ))
if ( b == null )
b = bx;
double minX = Math.min( b.minX, bx.minX );
double minY = Math.min( b.minY, bx.minY );
double minZ = Math.min( b.minZ, bx.minZ );
double maxX = Math.max( b.maxX, bx.maxX );
double maxY = Math.max( b.maxY, bx.maxY );
double maxZ = Math.max( b.maxZ, bx.maxZ );
b.setBounds( minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ );
b.setBounds( b.minX + x, b.minY + y, b.minZ + z, b.maxX + x, b.maxY + y, b.maxZ + z );
b = super.getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool( w, x, y, z );
return b;
final public void addCollisionBoxesToList(World w, int x, int y, int z, AxisAlignedBB bb, List out, Entity e)
ICustomCollision collisionHandler = null;
if ( this instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) this;
AEBaseTile te = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( te instanceof ICustomCollision )
collisionHandler = (ICustomCollision) te;
if ( collisionHandler != null && bb != null )
List<AxisAlignedBB> tmp = new ArrayList<AxisAlignedBB>();
collisionHandler.addCollidingBlockToList( w, x, y, z, bb, tmp, e );
for (AxisAlignedBB b : tmp)
b.minX += x;
b.minY += y;
b.minZ += z;
b.maxX += x;
b.maxY += y;
b.maxZ += z;
if ( bb.intersectsWith( b ) )
out.add( b );
super.addCollisionBoxesToList( w, x, y, z, bb, out, e );
public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
super.onBlockDestroyedByPlayer( par1World, par2, par3, par4, par5 );
public boolean onActivated(World w, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
return false;
final public boolean onBlockActivated(World w, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
if ( player != null )
ItemStack is = player.inventory.getCurrentItem();
if ( is != null )
if ( Platform.isWrench( player, is, x, y, z ) && player.isSneaking() )
Block id = w.getBlock( x, y, z );
if ( id != null )
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
ItemStack[] drops = Platform.getBlockDrops( w, x, y, z );
if ( tile == null )
return false;
if ( tile instanceof TileCableBus )
return false;
ItemStack op = new ItemStack( this );
for (ItemStack ol : drops)
if ( Platform.isSameItemType( ol, op ) )
NBTTagCompound tag = tile.downloadSettings( SettingsFrom.DISMANTLE_ITEM );
if ( tag != null )
ol.setTagCompound( tag );
if ( id.removedByPlayer( w, player, x, y, z ) )
List<ItemStack> l = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
for (ItemStack iss : drops)
l.add( iss );
Platform.spawnDrops( w, x, y, z, l );
w.setBlockToAir( x, y, z );
return false;
if ( is.getItem() instanceof IMemoryCard && !(this instanceof BlockCableBus) )
IMemoryCard memc = (IMemoryCard) is.getItem();
if ( player.isSneaking() )
AEBaseTile t = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( t != null )
String name = getUnlocalizedName();
NBTTagCompound data = t.downloadSettings( SettingsFrom.MEMORY_CARD );
if ( data != null )
memc.setMemoryCardContents( is, name, data );
memc.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.SETTINGS_SAVED );
return false;
String name = memc.getSettingsName( is );
NBTTagCompound data = memc.getData( is );
if ( getUnlocalizedName().equals( name ) )
AEBaseTile t = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
t.uploadSettings( SettingsFrom.MEMORY_CARD, data );
memc.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.SETTINGS_LOADED );
memc.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.INVALID_MACHINE );
return false;
return onActivated( w, x, y, z, player, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ );
public boolean isValidOrientation(World w, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection forward, ForgeDirection up)
return true;
public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack is)
return getUnlocalizedName();
public void addInformation(ItemStack is, EntityPlayer player, List<?> lines, boolean advancedItemTooltips)
public Class<AEBaseItemBlock> getItemBlockClass()
return AEBaseItemBlock.class;
public void postInit()
// override!
public boolean hasSubtypes()
return hasSubtypes;
public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride()
return isInventory;
public int getComparatorInputOverride(World w, int x, int y, int z, int s)
TileEntity te = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( te instanceof IInventory )
return Container.calcRedstoneFromInventory( (IInventory) te );
return 0;