yueh 500fc47490 Reduces visibility of internal fields/methods
Reduces the visibility of all fields to private and create setters/getters
when necessary. Exceptions are fields with GuiSync as these need to be

Reduces the visibility of internal methods to private/protected/default when possible.
2015-10-30 18:52:20 +01:00

273 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.client.render.blocks;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.block.networking.BlockWireless;
import appeng.client.render.BaseBlockRender;
import appeng.client.render.BlockRenderInfo;
import appeng.client.texture.CableBusTextures;
import appeng.client.texture.ExtraBlockTextures;
import appeng.client.texture.OffsetIcon;
import appeng.tile.networking.TileWireless;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class RenderBlockWireless extends BaseBlockRender<BlockWireless, TileWireless>
private int centerX = 0;
private int centerY = 0;
private int centerZ = 0;
private BlockWireless blk;
private boolean hasChan = false;
private boolean hasPower = false;
public RenderBlockWireless()
super( false, 20 );
public void renderInventory( final BlockWireless blk, final ItemStack is, final RenderBlocks renderer, final ItemRenderType type, final Object[] obj )
this.blk = blk;
this.centerX = 0;
this.centerY = 0;
this.centerZ = 0;
this.hasChan = false;
this.hasPower = false;
final BlockRenderInfo ri = blk.getRendererInstance();
final Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
renderer.renderAllFaces = true;
IIcon r = CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon();
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSides.getIcon(), r, r );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 5, 5, 0, 11, 11, 1, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
this.renderInvBlock( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ), blk, is, tess, 0xffffff, renderer );
r = CableBusTextures.PartWirelessSides.getIcon();
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), r, r );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 5, 5, 1, 11, 11, 2, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
this.renderInvBlock( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ), blk, is, tess, 0xffffff, renderer );
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcon( null );
this.renderTorchAtAngle( renderer, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
super.postRenderInWorld( renderer );
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), r, r );
final ForgeDirection[] sides = { ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.WEST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.DOWN };
int s = 1;
for( final ForgeDirection side : sides )
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 2 : -2 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 2 : -2 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 2 : -1 ) + s, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 4 : 2 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 4 : 2 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 5 : 1 ) + s, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
this.renderInvBlock( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ), blk, is, tess, 0xffffff, renderer );
s = 3;
for( final ForgeDirection side : sides )
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 4 : -1 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 4 : -1 ), 1 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 4 : -1 ) + s, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 5 : 1 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 5 : 1 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 5 : 1 ) + s, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
this.renderInvBlock( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ), blk, is, tess, 0xffffff, renderer );
public boolean renderInWorld( final BlockWireless blk, final IBlockAccess world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final RenderBlocks renderer )
final TileWireless tw = blk.getTileEntity( world, x, y, z );
this.blk = blk;
if( tw != null )
this.hasChan = ( tw.getClientFlags() & ( TileWireless.POWERED_FLAG | TileWireless.CHANNEL_FLAG ) ) == ( TileWireless.POWERED_FLAG | TileWireless.CHANNEL_FLAG );
this.hasPower = ( tw.getClientFlags() & TileWireless.POWERED_FLAG ) == TileWireless.POWERED_FLAG;
final BlockRenderInfo ri = blk.getRendererInstance();
final ForgeDirection fdy = tw.getUp();
final ForgeDirection fdz = tw.getForward();
final ForgeDirection fdx = Platform.crossProduct( fdz, fdy ).getOpposite();
renderer.renderAllFaces = true;
IIcon r = CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon();
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSides.getIcon(), r, r );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 5, 5, 0, 11, 11, 1, fdx, fdy, fdz );
super.renderInWorld( blk, world, x, y, z, renderer );
r = CableBusTextures.PartWirelessSides.getIcon();
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), r, r );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 5, 5, 1, 11, 11, 2, fdx, fdy, fdz );
super.renderInWorld( blk, world, x, y, z, renderer );
this.centerX = x;
this.centerY = y;
this.centerZ = z;
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcon( null );
this.renderTorchAtAngle( renderer, fdx, fdy, fdz );
super.postRenderInWorld( renderer );
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockWirelessInside.getIcon(), r, r );
final ForgeDirection[] sides = { ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.WEST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.DOWN };
int s = 1;
for( final ForgeDirection side : sides )
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 2 : -2 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 2 : -2 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 2 : -1 ) + s, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 4 : 2 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 4 : 2 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 5 : 1 ) + s, fdx, fdy, fdz );
super.renderInWorld( blk, world, x, y, z, renderer );
s = 3;
for( final ForgeDirection side : sides )
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 4 : -1 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 4 : -1 ), 1 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 4 : -1 ) + s, 8 + ( side.offsetX != 0 ? side.offsetX * 5 : 1 ), 8 + ( side.offsetY != 0 ? side.offsetY * 5 : 1 ), 2 + ( side.offsetZ != 0 ? side.offsetZ * 5 : 1 ) + s, fdx, fdy, fdz );
super.renderInWorld( blk, world, x, y, z, renderer );
r = CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatusLights.getIcon();
// ri.setTemporaryRenderIcons( r, r, ExtraTextures.BlockChargerInside.getIcon(),
// ExtraTextures.BlockChargerInside.getIcon(), r, r );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 5, 5, 0, 11, 11, 1, fdx, fdy, fdz );
if( this.hasChan )
final int l = 14;
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( l << 20 | l << 4 );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( AEColor.Transparent.blackVariant );
else if( this.hasPower )
final int l = 9;
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( l << 20 | l << 4 );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( AEColor.Transparent.whiteVariant );
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 0 );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( 0x000000 );
if( ForgeDirection.UP != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.UP );
if( ForgeDirection.DOWN != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.DOWN );
if( ForgeDirection.EAST != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.EAST );
if( ForgeDirection.WEST != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.WEST );
if( ForgeDirection.SOUTH != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
if( ForgeDirection.NORTH != fdz.getOpposite() )
super.renderFace( x, y, z, blk, r, renderer, ForgeDirection.NORTH );
ri.setTemporaryRenderIcon( null );
renderer.renderAllFaces = false;
return true;
private void renderTorchAtAngle( final RenderBlocks renderer, final ForgeDirection x, final ForgeDirection y, final ForgeDirection z )
final IIcon r = ( this.hasChan ? CableBusTextures.BlockWirelessOn.getIcon() : this.blk.getIcon( 0, 0 ) );
final IIcon sides = new OffsetIcon( r, 0.0f, -2.0f );
switch( z )
case DOWN:
renderer.uvRotateNorth = 3;
renderer.uvRotateSouth = 3;
renderer.uvRotateEast = 3;
renderer.uvRotateWest = 3;
case EAST:
renderer.uvRotateTop = 1;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 2;
renderer.uvRotateEast = 2;
renderer.uvRotateWest = 1;
case NORTH:
renderer.uvRotateTop = 0;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 0;
renderer.uvRotateNorth = 2;
renderer.uvRotateSouth = 1;
case SOUTH:
renderer.uvRotateTop = 3;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 3;
renderer.uvRotateNorth = 1;
renderer.uvRotateSouth = 2;
case WEST:
renderer.uvRotateTop = 2;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 1;
renderer.uvRotateEast = 1;
renderer.uvRotateWest = 2;
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( 0xffffff );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 0, 7, 1, 16, 9, 16, x, y, z );
this.renderFace( this.centerX, this.centerY, this.centerZ, this.blk, sides, renderer, y );
this.renderFace( this.centerX, this.centerY, this.centerZ, this.blk, sides, renderer, y.getOpposite() );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 7, 0, 1, 9, 16, 16, x, y, z );
this.renderFace( this.centerX, this.centerY, this.centerZ, this.blk, sides, renderer, x );
this.renderFace( this.centerX, this.centerY, this.centerZ, this.blk, sides, renderer, x.getOpposite() );
this.renderBlockBounds( renderer, 7, 7, 1, 9, 9, 10.6, x, y, z );
this.renderFace( this.centerX, this.centerY, this.centerZ, this.blk, r, renderer, z );