AlgorithmX2 3f29590fad Paint balls now color entities their color when they get hit for 30 or so seconds ( mostly works ).
Paint balls now color sheep.
The Color Applicator can now accept snow balls.
Snowballs can be used to clean paint balls, and to clean cables ( restore fluix )
Tweaks to Color API.
2014-07-20 22:45:08 -05:00

160 lines
5 KiB

package appeng.client.render.blocks;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock;
import appeng.client.render.BaseBlockRender;
import appeng.client.texture.ExtraBlockTextures;
import appeng.helpers.Splot;
import appeng.tile.misc.TilePaint;
public class RenderBlockPaint extends BaseBlockRender
public RenderBlockPaint() {
super( false, 0 );
public void renderInventory(AEBaseBlock block, ItemStack is, RenderBlocks renderer, ItemRenderType type, Object[] obj)
public boolean renderInWorld(AEBaseBlock imb, IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, RenderBlocks renderer)
TilePaint tp = imb.getTileEntity( world, x, y, z );
boolean out = false;
if ( tp != null )
// super.renderInWorld( imb, world, x, y, z, renderer );
IIcon icoSet[] = new IIcon[] { imb.getIcon( 0, 0 ), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockPaint2.getIcon(), ExtraBlockTextures.BlockPaint3.getIcon() };
Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
int lumen = 14 << 20 | 14 << 4;
int worldb = imb.getMixedBrightnessForBlock( world, x, y, z );
double offoff = 0.001;
EnumSet<ForgeDirection> validSides = EnumSet.noneOf( ForgeDirection.class );
for (ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if ( tp.isSideValid( side ) )
validSides.add( side );
for (Splot s : tp.getDots())
if ( !validSides.contains( s.side ) )
if ( s.lumen )
tess.setColorOpaque_I( s.color.whiteVariant );
tess.setBrightness( lumen );
tess.setColorOpaque_I( s.color.mediumVariant );
tess.setBrightness( worldb );
double offset = offoff;
offoff += 0.001;
double H = 0.1;
double pos_x = s.x();
double pos_y = s.y();
pos_x = Math.max( H, Math.min( 1.0 - H, pos_x ) );
pos_y = Math.max( H, Math.min( 1.0 - H, pos_y ) );
if ( s.side == ForgeDirection.SOUTH || s.side == ForgeDirection.NORTH )
pos_x += x;
pos_y += y;
else if ( s.side == ForgeDirection.UP || s.side == ForgeDirection.DOWN )
pos_x += x;
pos_y += z;
pos_x += y;
pos_y += z;
IIcon ico = icoSet[s.getSeed() % icoSet.length];
switch (s.side)
case UP:
offset = 1.0 - offset;
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, y + offset, pos_y - H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, y + offset, pos_y - H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, y + offset, pos_y + H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, y + offset, pos_y + H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
case DOWN:
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, y + offset, pos_y - H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, y + offset, pos_y - H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, y + offset, pos_y + H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, y + offset, pos_y + H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
case EAST:
offset = 1.0 - offset;
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x + H, pos_y - H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x - H, pos_y - H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x - H, pos_y + H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x + H, pos_y + H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
case WEST:
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x - H, pos_y - H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x + H, pos_y - H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x + H, pos_y + H, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( x + offset, pos_x - H, pos_y + H, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
case SOUTH:
offset = 1.0 - offset;
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, pos_y - H, z + offset, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, pos_y - H, z + offset, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, pos_y + H, z + offset, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, pos_y + H, z + offset, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
case NORTH:
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, pos_y - H, z + offset, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, pos_y - H, z + offset, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMinV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x + H, pos_y + H, z + offset, ico.getMaxU(), ico.getMaxV() );
tess.addVertexWithUV( pos_x - H, pos_y + H, z + offset, ico.getMinU(), ico.getMaxV() );
out = true;
return out;