Finished Crafting Confirm Screen Added logic to prevent crafting in cpus with too little storage.
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package appeng.core.localization;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
public enum GuiText
inventory("container"), // mc's default Inventory localization.
Chest, StoredEnergy, Of, Condenser, Drive, GrindStone, SkyChest,
VibrationChamber, SpatialIOPort, LevelEmitter, Terminal,
Interface, Config, StoredItems, Patterns, ImportBus, ExportBus,
CellWorkbench, NetworkDetails, StorageCells, IOBuses,
IOPort, BytesUsed, Types, QuantumLinkChamber, PortableCell,
NetworkTool, PowerUsageRate, PowerInputRate, Installed, EnergyDrain,
StorageBus, Priority, Security, Encoded, Blank, Unlinked, Linked,
SecurityCardEditor, NoPermissions, WirelessTerminal, Wireless,
CraftingTerminal, FormationPlane, Inscriber, QuartzCuttingKnife,
METunnel, ItemTunnel, RedstoneTunnel, MJTunnel, EUTunnel, FluidTunnel, StoredSize,
CopyMode, CopyModeDesc, PatternTerminal, CraftingPattern, ProcessingPattern, Crafts, Creates, And, With, MolecularAssembler,
StoredPower, MaxPower, RequiredPower, Efficiency, InWorldCrafting, inWorldFluix, inWorldPurificationCertus, inWorldPurificationNether, inWorldPurificationFluix, inWorldSingularity, ChargedQuartz,
OfSecondOutput, NoSecondOutput, RFTunnel, Stores, Next, SelectAmount, Lumen, Empty, ConfirmCrafting,
Stored, Crafting, Scheduled, CraftingStatus, Cancel, FromStorage, ToCraft, CraftingPlan, CalculatingWait, Start, Bytes, CraftingCPU, Automatic, CoProcessors, Simulation, Missing, InterfaceTerminal, NoCraftingCPUs;
String root;
GuiText() {
root = "gui.appliedenergistics2";
GuiText(String r) {
root = r;
public String getUnlocalized()
return root + "." + toString();
public String getLocal()
return StatCollector.translateToLocal( getUnlocalized() );