AlgorithmX2 6cbc5aa953 Recursive crafting works.
MA's can accept pushes.
Interfaces no alter pushing behavior depending on ICraftingMachine settings.
Fixed bug where crafting would record items that don't exist as available for the initial pull.
2014-06-20 02:12:39 -05:00

787 lines
20 KiB

package appeng.helpers;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.config.Actionable;
import appeng.api.implementations.ICraftingPatternItem;
import appeng.api.implementations.tiles.ICraftingMachine;
import appeng.api.implementations.tiles.ISegmentedInventory;
import appeng.api.networking.GridFlags;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPatternDetails;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProviderHelper;
import appeng.api.networking.ticking.IGridTickable;
import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation;
import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest;
import appeng.api.util.AECableType;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
import appeng.api.util.IConfigManager;
import appeng.api.util.IConfigureableObject;
import appeng.core.settings.TickRates;
import appeng.tile.inventory.AppEngInternalAEInventory;
import appeng.tile.inventory.AppEngInternalInventory;
import appeng.tile.inventory.IAEAppEngInventory;
import appeng.tile.inventory.InvOperation;
import appeng.util.ConfigManager;
import appeng.util.IConfigManagerHost;
import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.inv.AdaptorIInventory;
import appeng.util.inv.IInventoryDestination;
import appeng.util.inv.WrapperInvSlot;
public class DualityInterface implements IGridTickable, ISegmentedInventory, IStorageMonitorable, IInventoryDestination, IAEAppEngInventory,
IConfigureableObject, IConfigManagerHost, ICraftingProvider
final int sides[] = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
final IAEItemStack requireWork[] = new IAEItemStack[] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
boolean hasConfig = false;
AENetworkProxy gridProxy;
IInterfaceHost iHost;
BaseActionSource mySrc;
ConfigManager cm = new ConfigManager( this );
List<ICraftingPatternDetails> craftingList = null;
List<ItemStack> waitingToSend = null;
public boolean hasItemsToSend()
return waitingToSend != null && !waitingToSend.isEmpty();
public void updateCraftingList()
Boolean accountedFor[] = new Boolean[] { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }; // 9...
assert (accountedFor.length == patterns.getSizeInventory());
if ( craftingList != null )
Iterator<ICraftingPatternDetails> i = craftingList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
ICraftingPatternDetails details =;
boolean found = false;
for (int x = 0; x < accountedFor.length; x++)
ItemStack is = patterns.getStackInSlot( x );
if ( details.getPattern() == is )
accountedFor[x] = found = true;
if ( !found )
for (int x = 0; x < accountedFor.length; x++)
if ( accountedFor[x] == false )
addToCraftingList( patterns.getStackInSlot( x ) );
gridProxy.getGrid().postEvent( new MENetworkCraftingPatternChange( this, gridProxy.getNode() ) );
catch (GridAccessException e)
// :P
public void addToCraftingList(ItemStack is)
if ( is == null )
if ( is.getItem() instanceof ICraftingPatternItem )
ICraftingPatternItem cpi = (ICraftingPatternItem) is.getItem();
ICraftingPatternDetails details = cpi.getPatternForItem( is, iHost.getTileEntity().getWorldObj() );
if ( details != null )
if ( craftingList == null )
craftingList = new LinkedList();
craftingList.add( details );
public void addToSendList(ItemStack is)
if ( is == null )
if ( waitingToSend == null )
waitingToSend = new LinkedList();
waitingToSend.add( is );
gridProxy.getTick().wakeDevice( gridProxy.getNode() );
catch (GridAccessException e)
// :P
public DualityInterface(AENetworkProxy prox, IInterfaceHost ih) {
gridProxy = prox;
gridProxy.setFlags( GridFlags.REQUIRE_CHANNEL );
iHost = ih;
mySrc = fluids.changeSource = items.changeSource = new MachineSource( iHost );
public void saveChanges()
private void readConfig()
boolean hadConfig = hasConfig;
hasConfig = false;
for (ItemStack p : config)
if ( p != null )
hasConfig = true;
boolean had = hasWorkToDo();
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
updatePlan( x );
boolean has = hasWorkToDo();
if ( had != has )
if ( has )
gridProxy.getTick().alertDevice( gridProxy.getNode() );
gridProxy.getTick().sleepDevice( gridProxy.getNode() );
catch (GridAccessException e)
// :P
TileEntity te = iHost.getTileEntity();
if ( hadConfig != hasConfig && te != null && te.getWorldObj() != null )
te.getWorldObj().notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, Platform.air );
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
config.writeToNBT( data, "config" );
patterns.writeToNBT( data, "patterns" );
storage.writeToNBT( data, "storage" );
NBTTagList waitingToSend = new NBTTagList();
if ( this.waitingToSend != null )
for (ItemStack is : this.waitingToSend)
NBTTagCompound item = new NBTTagCompound();
is.writeToNBT( item );
waitingToSend.appendTag( item );
data.setTag( "waitingToSend", waitingToSend );
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
this.waitingToSend = null;
NBTTagList waitingList = data.getTagList( "waitingToSend", 10 );
if ( waitingList != null )
for (int x = 0; x < waitingList.tagCount(); x++)
NBTTagCompound c = waitingList.getCompoundTagAt( x );
if ( c != null )
ItemStack is = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( c );
addToSendList( is );
config.readFromNBT( data, "config" );
patterns.readFromNBT( data, "patterns" );
storage.readFromNBT( data, "storage" );
AppEngInternalAEInventory config = new AppEngInternalAEInventory( this, 8 );
AppEngInternalInventory storage = new AppEngInternalInventory( this, 8 );
AppEngInternalInventory patterns = new AppEngInternalInventory( this, 9 );
WrapperInvSlot slotInv = new WrapperInvSlot( storage );
InventoryAdaptor adaptor = new AdaptorIInventory( slotInv );
IMEInventory<IAEItemStack> destination;
private boolean isWorking = false;
public boolean canInsert(ItemStack stack)
IAEItemStack out = destination.injectItems( AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( stack ), Actionable.SIMULATE, null );
if ( out == null )
return true;
return out.getStackSize() != stack.stackSize;
// ItemStack after = adaptor.simulateAdd( stack );
// if ( after == null )
// return true;
// return after.stackSize != stack.stackSize;
private void updatePlan(int slot)
IAEItemStack req = config.getAEStackInSlot( slot );
if ( req != null && req.getStackSize() <= 0 )
config.setInventorySlotContents( slot, null );
req = null;
ItemStack Stored = storage.getStackInSlot( slot );
if ( req == null && Stored != null )
IAEItemStack work = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( Stored );
requireWork[slot] = work.setStackSize( -work.getStackSize() );
else if ( req != null )
if ( Stored == null ) // need to add stuff!
requireWork[slot] = req.copy();
else if ( req.isSameType( Stored ) ) // same type ( qty diffrent? )!
if ( req.getStackSize() != Stored.stackSize )
requireWork[slot] = req.copy();
requireWork[slot].setStackSize( req.getStackSize() - Stored.stackSize );
else if ( Stored != null ) // dispose!
IAEItemStack work = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( Stored );
requireWork[slot] = work.setStackSize( -work.getStackSize() );
// else
requireWork[slot] = null;
static private boolean interfaceRequest = false;
class InterfaceInventory extends MEMonitorIInventory
public InterfaceInventory(DualityInterface tileInterface) {
super( InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor(, ForgeDirection.UP ) );
mySource = new MachineSource( iHost );
public IAEItemStack injectItems(IAEItemStack input, Actionable type, BaseActionSource src)
if ( interfaceRequest )
return input;
return super.injectItems( input, type, src );
public IAEItemStack extractItems(IAEItemStack request, Actionable type, BaseActionSource src)
if ( interfaceRequest )
return null;
return super.extractItems( request, type, src );
private boolean usePlan(int x, IAEItemStack itemStack)
boolean changed = false;
slotInv.setSlot( x );
interfaceRequest = isWorking = true;
destination = gridProxy.getStorage().getItemInventory();
IEnergySource src = gridProxy.getEnergy();
if ( itemStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
// make sure strange things didn't happen...
if ( adaptor.simulateAdd( itemStack.getItemStack() ) != null )
changed = true;
throw new GridAccessException();
IAEItemStack aquired = Platform.poweredExtraction( src, destination, itemStack, mySrc );
if ( aquired != null )
changed = true;
ItemStack issue = adaptor.addItems( aquired.getItemStack() );
if ( issue != null )
throw new RuntimeException( "bad attempt at managing inventory. ( addItems )" );
else if ( itemStack.getStackSize() < 0 )
IAEItemStack toStore = itemStack.copy();
toStore.setStackSize( -toStore.getStackSize() );
long diff = toStore.getStackSize();
// make sure strange things didn't happen...
ItemStack canExtract = adaptor.simulateRemove( (int) diff, toStore.getItemStack(), null );
if ( canExtract == null || canExtract.stackSize != diff )
changed = true;
throw new GridAccessException();
toStore = Platform.poweredInsert( src, destination, toStore, mySrc );
if ( toStore != null )
diff -= toStore.getStackSize();
if ( diff != 0 )
// extract items!
changed = true;
ItemStack removed = adaptor.removeItems( (int) diff, null, null );
if ( removed == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "bad attempt at managing inventory. ( removeItems )" );
else if ( removed.stackSize != diff )
throw new RuntimeException( "bad attempt at managing inventory. ( removeItems )" );
// else wtf?
catch (GridAccessException e)
// :P
if ( changed )
updatePlan( x );
interfaceRequest = isWorking = false;
return changed;
public IInventory getConfig()
return config;
public IInventory getPatterns()
return patterns;
MEMonitorPassthu<IAEItemStack> items = new MEMonitorPassthu<IAEItemStack>( new NullInventory(), IAEItemStack.class );
MEMonitorPassthu<IAEFluidStack> fluids = new MEMonitorPassthu<IAEFluidStack>( new NullInventory(), IAEFluidStack.class );
public void gridChanged()
items.setInternal( gridProxy.getStorage().getItemInventory() );
fluids.setInternal( gridProxy.getStorage().getFluidInventory() );
catch (GridAccessException gae)
items.setInternal( new NullInventory() );
fluids.setInternal( new NullInventory() );
TileEntity te = iHost.getTileEntity();
te.getWorldObj().notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, Platform.air );
public AECableType getCableConnectionType(ForgeDirection dir)
return AECableType.SMART;
public DimensionalCoord getLocation()
return new DimensionalCoord( iHost.getTileEntity() );
public IInventory getInternalInventory()
return storage;
public void markDirty()
for (int slot = 0; slot < storage.getSizeInventory(); slot++)
onChangeInventory( storage, slot, InvOperation.markDirty, null, null );
public void onChangeInventory(IInventory inv, int slot, InvOperation mc, ItemStack removed, ItemStack added)
if ( isWorking )
if ( inv == config )
else if ( inv == patterns && (removed != null || added != null) )
else if ( inv == storage && slot >= 0 )
boolean had = hasWorkToDo();
updatePlan( slot );
boolean now = hasWorkToDo();
if ( had != now )
if ( now )
gridProxy.getTick().alertDevice( gridProxy.getNode() );
gridProxy.getTick().sleepDevice( gridProxy.getNode() );
catch (GridAccessException e)
// :P
public boolean hasWorkToDo()
return hasItemsToSend() || requireWork[0] != null || requireWork[1] != null || requireWork[2] != null || requireWork[3] != null
|| requireWork[4] != null || requireWork[5] != null || requireWork[6] != null || requireWork[7] != null;
private boolean updateStorage()
boolean didSomething = false;
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
if ( requireWork[x] != null )
didSomething = usePlan( x, requireWork[x] ) || didSomething;
return didSomething;
public boolean hasConfig()
return hasConfig;
public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int side)
return sides;
public TickingRequest getTickingRequest(IGridNode node)
return new TickingRequest( TickRates.Interface.min, TickRates.Interface.max, !hasWorkToDo(), true );
public TickRateModulation tickingRequest(IGridNode node, int TicksSinceLastCall)
if ( hasItemsToSend() )
pushItemsOut( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ) );
boolean couldDoWork = updateStorage();
return hasWorkToDo() ? (couldDoWork ? TickRateModulation.URGENT : TickRateModulation.SLOWER) : TickRateModulation.SLEEP;
public IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> getItemInventory()
if ( hasConfig() )
return new InterfaceInventory( this );
return items;
public IMEMonitor<IAEFluidStack> getFluidInventory()
if ( hasConfig() )
return null;
return fluids;
public IInventory getInventoryByName(String name)
if ( name.equals( "storage" ) )
return storage;
if ( name.equals( "patterns" ) )
return patterns;
if ( name.equals( "config" ) )
return config;
return null;
public IInventory getStorage()
return storage;
public TileEntity getTile()
return (TileEntity) (iHost instanceof TileEntity ? iHost : null);
public IPart getPart()
return (IPart) (iHost instanceof IPart ? iHost : null);
public appeng.api.util.IConfigManager getConfigManager()
return cm;
public void updateSetting(IConfigManager manager, Enum settingName, Enum newValue)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public IStorageMonitorable getMonitorable(ForgeDirection side, BaseActionSource src, IStorageMonitorable myInterface)
if ( Platform.canAccess( gridProxy, src ) )
return myInterface;
final DualityInterface di = this;
return new IStorageMonitorable() {
public IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> getItemInventory()
return new InterfaceInventory( di );
public IMEMonitor<IAEFluidStack> getFluidInventory()
return null;
public boolean isBusy()
if ( hasItemsToSend() )
return true;
boolean busy = false;
if ( isBlocking() )
EnumSet<ForgeDirection> possibleDirections = iHost.getTargets();
TileEntity tile = iHost.getTileEntity();
World w = tile.getWorldObj();
for (ForgeDirection s : possibleDirections)
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( tile.xCoord + s.offsetX, tile.yCoord + s.offsetY, tile.zCoord + s.offsetZ );
InventoryAdaptor ad = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( te, s.getOpposite() );
if ( ad != null )
if ( ad.simulateRemove( 1, null, null ) != null )
busy = true;
return busy;
private boolean isBlocking()
return true;
public boolean pushPattern(ICraftingPatternDetails patternDetails, InventoryCrafting table)
if ( hasItemsToSend() )
return false;
TileEntity tile = iHost.getTileEntity();
World w = tile.getWorldObj();
EnumSet<ForgeDirection> possibleDirections = iHost.getTargets();
for (ForgeDirection s : possibleDirections)
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( tile.xCoord + s.offsetX, tile.yCoord + s.offsetY, tile.zCoord + s.offsetZ );
if ( te instanceof ICraftingMachine )
ICraftingMachine cm = (ICraftingMachine) te;
if ( cm.acceptsPlans() )
if ( cm.pushPattern( patternDetails, table, s.getOpposite() ) )
return true;
InventoryAdaptor ad = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( te, s.getOpposite() );
if ( ad != null )
for (int x = 0; x < table.getSizeInventory(); x++)
ItemStack is = table.getStackInSlot( x );
if ( is != null )
addToSendList( ad.addItems( is ) );
pushItemsOut( possibleDirections );
return true;
return false;
private void pushItemsOut(EnumSet<ForgeDirection> possibleDirections)
if ( !hasItemsToSend() )
TileEntity tile = iHost.getTileEntity();
World w = tile.getWorldObj();
Iterator<ItemStack> i = waitingToSend.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
ItemStack whatToSend =;
for (ForgeDirection s : possibleDirections)
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( tile.xCoord + s.offsetX, tile.yCoord + s.offsetY, tile.zCoord + s.offsetZ );
if ( te == null )
InventoryAdaptor ad = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( te, s.getOpposite() );
if ( ad != null )
whatToSend = ad.addItems( whatToSend );
if ( whatToSend == null )
if ( whatToSend == null )
whatToSend.stackSize = whatToSend.stackSize;
if ( waitingToSend.isEmpty() )
waitingToSend = null;
public void provideCrafting(ICraftingProviderHelper craftingTracker)
if ( craftingList != null )
for (ICraftingPatternDetails details : craftingList)
craftingTracker.addCraftingOption( this, details );