2014-11-14 12:03:00 +01:00

394 lines
10 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.client.gui.implementations;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.client.gui.AEBaseGui;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiScrollbar;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.MEGuiTextField;
import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerInterfaceTerminal;
import appeng.core.localization.GuiText;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class GuiInterfaceTerminal extends AEBaseGui
private static final int LINES_ON_PAGE = 6;
// TODO: copied from GuiMEMonitorable. It looks not changed, maybe unneeded?
final int offsetX = 9;
private final HashMap<Long, ClientDCInternalInv> byId = new HashMap<Long, ClientDCInternalInv>();
private final HashMultimap<String, ClientDCInternalInv> byName = HashMultimap.create();
private final ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
private final ArrayList<Object> lines = new ArrayList<Object>();
private final Map<String, Set<Object>> cachedSearches = new WeakHashMap<String, Set<Object>>();
private boolean refreshList = false;
private MEGuiTextField searchField;
public GuiInterfaceTerminal(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, PartMonitor te)
super( new ContainerInterfaceTerminal( inventoryPlayer, te ) );
this.myScrollBar = new GuiScrollbar();
this.xSize = 195;
this.ySize = 222;
public void initGui()
myScrollBar.setLeft( 175 );
myScrollBar.setHeight( 106 );
myScrollBar.setTop( 18 );
searchField = new MEGuiTextField( fontRendererObj, this.guiLeft + Math.max( 104, offsetX ), this.guiTop + 4, 65, 12 );
searchField.setEnableBackgroundDrawing( false );
searchField.setMaxStringLength( 25 );
searchField.setTextColor( 0xFFFFFF );
searchField.setVisible( true );
searchField.setFocused( true );
protected void mouseClicked(int xCoord, int yCoord, int btn)
searchField.mouseClicked( xCoord, yCoord, btn );
if ( btn == 1 && searchField.isMouseIn( xCoord, yCoord ) )
this.searchField.setText( "" );
super.mouseClicked( xCoord, yCoord, btn );
protected void keyTyped(char character, int key)
if ( !this.checkHotbarKeys( key ) )
if ( character == ' ' && this.searchField.getText().length() == 0 )
if ( searchField.textboxKeyTyped( character, key ) )
super.keyTyped( character, key );
public void drawBG(int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY)
bindTexture( "guis/interfaceterminal.png" );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, xSize, ySize );
int offset = 17;
int ex = myScrollBar.getCurrentScroll();
for (int x = 0; x < LINES_ON_PAGE && ex + x < lines.size(); x++)
Object lineObj = lines.get( ex + x );
if ( lineObj instanceof ClientDCInternalInv )
ClientDCInternalInv inv = (ClientDCInternalInv) lineObj;
GL11.glColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
int width = inv.inv.getSizeInventory() * 18;
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX + 7, offsetY + offset, 7, 139, width, 18 );
offset += 18;
if ( searchField != null )
public void drawFG(int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY)
fontRendererObj.drawString( getGuiDisplayName( GuiText.InterfaceTerminal.getLocal() ), 8, 6, 4210752 );
fontRendererObj.drawString( GuiText.inventory.getLocal(), 8, ySize - 96 + 3, 4210752 );
int offset = 17;
int ex = myScrollBar.getCurrentScroll();
Iterator<Object> o = inventorySlots.inventorySlots.iterator();
while (o.hasNext())
if ( instanceof SlotDisconnected )
for (int x = 0; x < LINES_ON_PAGE && ex + x < lines.size(); x++)
Object lineObj = lines.get( ex + x );
if ( lineObj instanceof ClientDCInternalInv )
ClientDCInternalInv inv = (ClientDCInternalInv) lineObj;
for (int z = 0; z < inv.inv.getSizeInventory(); z++)
inventorySlots.inventorySlots.add( new SlotDisconnected( inv, z, z * 18 + 8, 1 + offset ) );
else if ( lineObj instanceof String )
String name = (String) lineObj;
int rows = byName.get( name ).size();
if ( rows > 1 )
name = name + " (" + rows + ")";
while (name.length() > 2 && fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( name ) > 155)
name = name.substring( 0, name.length() - 1 );
fontRendererObj.drawString( name, 10, 6 + offset, 4210752 );
offset += 18;
public void postUpdate(NBTTagCompound in)
if ( in.getBoolean( "clear" ) )
refreshList = true;
for (Object oKey : in.func_150296_c())
String key = (String) oKey;
if ( key.startsWith( "=" ) )
long id = Long.parseLong( key.substring( 1 ), Character.MAX_RADIX );
NBTTagCompound invData = in.getCompoundTag( key );
ClientDCInternalInv current = getById( id, invData.getLong( "sortBy" ), invData.getString( "un" ) );
for (int x = 0; x < current.inv.getSizeInventory(); x++)
String which = Integer.toString( x );
if ( invData.hasKey( which ) )
current.inv.setInventorySlotContents( x, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( invData.getCompoundTag( which ) ) );
catch (NumberFormatException ignored)
if ( refreshList )
refreshList = false;
// invalid caches on refresh
* Rebuilds the list of interfaces.
* Respects a search term if present (ignores case) and adding only matching patterns.
private void refreshList()
final String searchFilterLowerCase = searchField.getText().toLowerCase();
final Set<Object> cachedSearch = this.getCacheForSearchTerm( searchFilterLowerCase );
final boolean rebuild = cachedSearch.isEmpty();
for (ClientDCInternalInv entry : byId.values())
// ignore inventory if not doing a full rebuild or cache already marks it as miss.
if ( !rebuild && !cachedSearch.contains( entry ) )
// Shortcut to skip any filter if search term is ""/empty
boolean found = searchFilterLowerCase.isEmpty();
// Search if the current inventory holds a pattern containing the search term.
if ( !found && !searchFilterLowerCase.equals( "" ) )
for (ItemStack itemStack : entry.inv)
found = itemStackMatchesSearchTerm( itemStack, searchFilterLowerCase );
if ( found )
// if found, filter skipped or machine name matching the search term, add it
if ( found || entry.getName().toLowerCase().contains( searchFilterLowerCase ) )
byName.put( entry.getName(), entry );
cachedSearch.add( entry );
cachedSearch.remove( entry );
names.addAll( byName.keySet() );
Collections.sort( names );
lines.ensureCapacity( getMaxRows() );
for (String n : names)
lines.add( n );
ArrayList<ClientDCInternalInv> clientInventories = new ArrayList<ClientDCInternalInv>();
clientInventories.addAll( byName.get( n ) );
Collections.sort( clientInventories );
lines.addAll( clientInventories );
myScrollBar.setRange( 0, lines.size() - LINES_ON_PAGE, 2 );
private boolean itemStackMatchesSearchTerm(ItemStack itemStack, String searchTerm)
if ( itemStack == null )
return false;
NBTTagCompound encodedValue = itemStack.getTagCompound();
if ( encodedValue == null )
return false;
// Potential later use to filter by input
// NBTTagList inTag = encodedValue.getTagList( "in", 10 );
NBTTagList outTag = encodedValue.getTagList( "out", 10 );
for (int i = 0; i < outTag.tagCount(); i++)
ItemStack parsedItemStack = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( outTag.getCompoundTagAt( i ) );
if ( parsedItemStack != null )
String displayName = Platform.getItemDisplayName( AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( parsedItemStack ) ).toLowerCase();
if ( displayName.contains( searchTerm ) )
return true;
return false;
* Tries to retrieve a cache for a with search term as keyword.
* If this cache should be empty, it will populate it with an earlier cache if available or at least the cache for
* the empty string.
* @param searchTerm
* the corresponding search
* @return a Set matching a superset of the search term
private Set<Object> getCacheForSearchTerm(String searchTerm)
if ( !cachedSearches.containsKey( searchTerm ) )
cachedSearches.put( searchTerm, new HashSet<Object>() );
Set<Object> cache = cachedSearches.get( searchTerm );
if ( cache.isEmpty() && searchTerm.length() > 1 )
cache.addAll( getCacheForSearchTerm( searchTerm.substring( 0, searchTerm.length() - 1 ) ) );
return cache;
return cache;
* The max amount of unique names and each inv row. Not affected by the filtering.
* @return max amount of unique names and each inv row
private int getMaxRows()
return names.size() + byId.size();
private ClientDCInternalInv getById(long id, long sortBy, String string)
ClientDCInternalInv o = byId.get( id );
if ( o == null )
byId.put( id, o = new ClientDCInternalInv( 9, id, sortBy, string ) );
refreshList = true;
return o;