AlgorithmX2 929efa5597 Added 4 View Cell Slots.
Multiple View Cells now sum together to allow more customization.
View Cells are now protected by Build Security.
Meteorite Compass now renders correctly in other peoples hands.
2014-03-04 21:12:23 -06:00

340 lines
6.1 KiB

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
public class CompassService implements Runnable
private class CompassMessage
public boolean isUpdate()
return false;
public boolean isRequest()
return false;
private class CMUpdatePost extends CompassMessage
public final World world;
public final int chunkX, chunkZ;
public final int doubleChunkY; // 32 blocks instead of 16.
public final boolean value;
public boolean isUpdate()
return true;
public CMUpdatePost(World w, int cx, int cz, int dcy, boolean val) {
world = w;
chunkX = cx;
doubleChunkY = dcy;
chunkZ = cz;
value = val;
private class CMDirectionRequest extends CompassMessage
public final int maxRange;
public final DimensionalCoord coord;
public final ICompassCallback callback;
public boolean isRequest()
return true;
public CMDirectionRequest(DimensionalCoord coord, int getMaxRange, ICompassCallback cc) {
this.coord = coord;
this.maxRange = getMaxRange;
callback = cc;
private LinkedList<CompassMessage> jobList = new LinkedList();
public void updateArea(World w, int x, int y, int z)
int cx = x >> 4;
int cdy = y >> 5;
int cz = z >> 4;
int low_x = cx << 4;
int low_z = cz << 4;
int low_y = cdy << 5;
int hi_x = low_x + 16;
int hi_z = low_z + 16;
int hi_y = low_y + 32;
Block skystone = AEApi.instance().blocks().blockSkyStone.block();
for (int i = low_x; i < hi_x; i++)
for (int j = low_z; j < hi_z; j++)
for (int k = low_y; k < hi_y; k++)
Block blk = w.getBlock( i, k, j );
if ( blk == skystone && w.getBlockMetadata( i, k, j ) == 0 )
postJob( new CMUpdatePost( w, cx, cz, cdy, true ) );
postJob( new CMUpdatePost( w, cx, cz, cdy, false ) );
public void getCompassDirection(DimensionalCoord coord, int maxRange, ICompassCallback cc)
postJob( new CMDirectionRequest( coord, maxRange, cc ) );
private void postJob(CompassMessage msg)
synchronized (jobList)
if ( msg != null )
jobList.offer( msg );
private CompassMessage getNextMessage()
CompassMessage myMsg = null;
while (myMsg == null && run)
synchronized (jobList)
myMsg = jobList.poll();
overOberdened = jobList.isEmpty();
if ( myMsg == null )
catch (InterruptedException e)
// :P
return myMsg;
boolean overOberdened = false;
HashMap<World, CompassReader> worldSet = new HashMap();
final File rootFolder;
public CompassService(File aEFolder) {
rootFolder = aEFolder;
public CompassReader getReader(World w)
CompassReader cr = worldSet.get( w );
if ( cr == null )
cr = new CompassReader( w, rootFolder );
worldSet.put( w, cr );
return cr;
private void processRequest(CMDirectionRequest req)
int cx = req.coord.x >> 4;
int cz = req.coord.z >> 4;
CompassReader cr = getReader( req.coord.getWorld() );
// Am I standing on it?
if ( cr.hasBeacon( cx, cz ) )
req.callback.calculatedDirection( true, true, -999, 0 );
// spiral outward...
for (int offset = 1; offset < req.maxRange; offset++)
int minx = cx - offset;
int minz = cz - offset;
int maxx = cx + offset;
int maxz = cz + offset;
int closest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int chosen_x = cx;
int chosen_z = cz;
for (int z = minz; z <= maxz; z++)
if ( cr.hasBeacon( minx, z ) )
int closness = dist( cx, cz, minx, z );
if ( closness < closest )
closest = closness;
chosen_x = minx;
chosen_z = z;
if ( cr.hasBeacon( maxx, z ) )
int closness = dist( cx, cz, maxx, z );
if ( closness < closest )
closest = closness;
chosen_x = maxx;
chosen_z = z;
for (int x = minx + 1; x < maxx; x++)
if ( cr.hasBeacon( x, minz ) )
int closness = dist( cx, cz, x, minz );
if ( closness < closest )
closest = closness;
chosen_x = x;
chosen_z = minz;
if ( cr.hasBeacon( x, maxz ) )
int closness = dist( cx, cz, x, maxz );
if ( closness < closest )
closest = closness;
chosen_x = x;
chosen_z = maxz;
if ( closest < Integer.MAX_VALUE )
req.callback.calculatedDirection( true, false, rad( cx, cz, chosen_x, chosen_z ), dist( cx, cz, chosen_x, chosen_z ) );
if ( !overOberdened )
// didn't find shit...
req.callback.calculatedDirection( false, true, -999, 999 );
if ( !overOberdened )
private int dist(int ax, int az, int bx, int bz)
int up = (bz - az) * 16;
int side = (bx - ax) * 16;
return up * up + side * side;
private double rad(int ax, int az, int bx, int bz)
int up = bz - az;
int side = bx - ax;
return Math.atan2( -up, side ) - Math.PI / 2.0;
private void processUpdate(CMUpdatePost req)
CompassReader cr = getReader( );
cr.setHasBeacon( req.chunkX, req.chunkZ, req.doubleChunkY, req.value );
boolean run = true;
boolean stopped = false;
public void run()
while (run)
CompassMessage myMsg = getNextMessage();
if ( myMsg != null )
if ( myMsg.isRequest() )
processRequest( (CMDirectionRequest) myMsg );
else if ( myMsg.isUpdate() )
processUpdate( (CMUpdatePost) myMsg );
catch (CompassException ce)
stopped = true;
public void kill()
run = false;
postJob( null );
while (!stopped)
Thread.sleep( 100 );
catch (InterruptedException e)
// :P