AlgorithmX2 3080510317 Major Update for Cable Rendering.
TESRs will are no longer used if the tile contains no dynamic renders.
Added alpha pass rendering for stained glass.
Enabled Stained Glass facades.
Cables / Facades have less geometry by hiding faces on connected boxes.
Added AlphaPass Option to disable AlphaPass Cables rendering ( fixes crash with Immbis Microblocks. )
2014-05-04 19:51:05 -05:00

542 lines
13 KiB

package appeng.fmp;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.RedNetConnectionType;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.util.AECableType;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
import appeng.client.render.BusRenderHelper;
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.helpers.AEMultiTile;
import appeng.tile.networking.TileCableBus;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import codechicken.lib.raytracer.IndexedCuboid6;
import codechicken.lib.vec.Cuboid6;
import codechicken.lib.vec.Vector3;
import codechicken.multipart.IRedstonePart;
import codechicken.multipart.JCuboidPart;
import codechicken.multipart.JNormalOcclusion;
import codechicken.multipart.NormalOcclusionTest;
import codechicken.multipart.NormallyOccludedPart;
import codechicken.multipart.TMultiPart;
import codechicken.multipart.scalatraits.TIInventoryTile;
public class CableBusPart extends JCuboidPart implements JNormalOcclusion, IRedstonePart, IPartHost, AEMultiTile
final static Cuboid6 sideTests[] = new Cuboid6[] {
new Cuboid6( 6.0 / 16.0, 0, 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0 ), // DOWN(0, -1, 0),
new Cuboid6( 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 1.0, 10.0 / 16.0 ), // UP(0, 1, 0),
new Cuboid6( 6.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 0.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0 ),// NORTH(0, 0, -1),
new Cuboid6( 6.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 1.0 ),// SOUTH(0, 0, 1),
new Cuboid6( 0.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0 ),// WEST(-1, 0, 0),
new Cuboid6( 10.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 1.0, 10.0 / 16.0, 10.0 / 16.0 ),// EAST(1, 0, 0),
public static ThreadLocal<Boolean> disableFacadeOcclusion = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();
public CableBusContainer cb = new CableBusContainer( this );
public boolean doesTick()
return false;
public AECableType getCableConnectionType(ForgeDirection dir)
return cb.getCableConnectionType( dir );
public AEColor getColor()
return cb.getColor();
public void save(NBTTagCompound tag)
cb.writeToNBT( tag );
public void load(NBTTagCompound tag)
cb.readFromNBT( tag );
public void writeDesc(MCDataOutput packet)
ByteBuf stream = Unpooled.buffer();
cb.writeToStream( stream );
packet.writeInt( stream.readableBytes() );
stream.capacity( stream.readableBytes() );
packet.writeByteArray( stream.array() );
catch (IOException e)
AELog.error( e );
public void readDesc(MCDataInput packet)
int len = packet.readInt();
byte data[] = packet.readByteArray( len );
if ( len > 0 )
ByteBuf bybuff = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer( data );
cb.readFromStream( bybuff );
catch (IOException e)
AELog.error( e );
public Cuboid6 getBounds()
AxisAlignedBB b = null;
for (AxisAlignedBB bx : cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( false, true, null, true ))
if ( b == null )
b = bx;
double minX = Math.min( b.minX, bx.minX );
double minY = Math.min( b.minY, bx.minY );
double minZ = Math.min( b.minZ, bx.minZ );
double maxX = Math.max( b.maxX, bx.maxX );
double maxY = Math.max( b.maxY, bx.maxY );
double maxZ = Math.max( b.maxZ, bx.maxZ );
b.setBounds( minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ );
if ( b == null )
return new Cuboid6( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
return new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ );
public String getType()
return PartRegistry.CableBusPart.getName();
public void onPartChanged(TMultiPart part)
public ItemStack pickItem(MovingObjectPosition hit)
Vec3 v3 = hit.hitVec.addVector( -hit.blockX, -hit.blockY, -hit.blockZ );
SelectedPart sp = cb.selectPart( v3 );
if ( sp != null )
if ( sp.part != null )
return sp.part.getItemStack( PartItemStack.Break );
if ( sp.facade != null )
return sp.facade.getItemStack();
return null;
public Iterable<ItemStack> getDrops()
return cb.getDrops( new ArrayList() );
public void onEntityCollision(Entity entity)
cb.onEntityCollision( entity );
public void onWorldJoin()
canUpdate = true;
public void onWorldSeparate()
canUpdate = false;
public boolean canConnectRedstone(int side)
return cb.canConnectRedstone( EnumSet.of( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) ) );
public int strongPowerLevel(int side)
return cb.isProvidingStrongPower( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) );
public int weakPowerLevel(int side)
return cb.isProvidingWeakPower( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) );
public void onNeighborChanged()
public boolean activate(EntityPlayer player, MovingObjectPosition hit, ItemStack item)
return cb.activate( player, hit.hitVec.addVector( -hit.blockX, -hit.blockY, -hit.blockZ ) );
public void renderDynamic(Vector3 pos, float frame, int pass)
if ( pass == 0 || (pass == 1 && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.AlphaPass )) )
BusRenderHelper.instance.setPass( pass );
cb.renderDynamic( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z );
public boolean renderStatic(Vector3 pos, int pass)
if ( pass == 0 || (pass == 1 && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.AlphaPass )) )
BusRenderHelper.instance.setPass( pass );
cb.renderStatic( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z );
return BusRenderHelper.instance.getItemsRendered() > 0;
return false;
public int getLightValue()
return cb.getLightValue();
public boolean canAddPart(ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side)
IFacadePart fp = PartPlacement.isFacade( is, side );
if ( fp != null )
if ( !(side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || tile() == null) )
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new ArrayList();
IPartCollsionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true );
fp.getBoxes( bch );
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes)
disableFacadeOcclusion.set( true );
boolean canAdd = tile().canAddPart( new NormallyOccludedPart( new Cuboid6( bb ) ) );
if ( !canAdd )
return false;
return true;
if ( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem )
IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem();
is = is.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is );
if ( !(side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || tile() == null) )
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new ArrayList();
IPartCollsionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true );
bp.getBoxes( bch );
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes)
if ( !tile().canAddPart( new NormallyOccludedPart( new Cuboid6( bb ) ) ) )
return false;
return cb.canAddPart( is, side );
public ForgeDirection addPart(ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side, EntityPlayer owner)
return cb.addPart( is, side, owner );
public IPart getPart(ForgeDirection side)
return cb.getPart( side );
public void removePart(ForgeDirection side, boolean supressUpdate)
cb.removePart( side, supressUpdate );
boolean canUpdate = false;
public void markForUpdate()
if ( Platform.isServer() && canUpdate )
public DimensionalCoord getLocation()
return new DimensionalCoord( getTile() );
public void invalidateConvertedTile()
cb.setHost( this );
public void convertFromTile(TileEntity blockTileEntity)
TileCableBus tcb = (TileCableBus) blockTileEntity;
cb = tcb.cb;
public boolean occlusionTest(TMultiPart npart)
return NormalOcclusionTest.apply( this, npart );
public Iterable<Cuboid6> getCollisionBoxes()
LinkedList l = new LinkedList();
for (AxisAlignedBB b : cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( false, true, null, false ))
l.add( new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ ) );
return l;
public Iterable<IndexedCuboid6> getSubParts()
LinkedList<IndexedCuboid6> l = new LinkedList();
for (Cuboid6 c : getCollisionBoxes())
l.add( new IndexedCuboid6( 0, c ) );
return l;
public Iterable<Cuboid6> getOcclusionBoxes()
LinkedList l = new LinkedList();
for (AxisAlignedBB b : cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool( true, disableFacadeOcclusion.get() == null, null, true ))
l.add( new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ ) );
return l;
public IGridNode getGridNode(ForgeDirection dir)
return cb.getGridNode( dir );
public IFacadeContainer getFacadeContainer()
return cb.getFacadeContainer();
public void clearContainer()
cb = new CableBusContainer( this );
public boolean isBlocked(ForgeDirection side)
if ( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || tile() == null )
return false;
disableFacadeOcclusion.set( true );
boolean blocked = !tile().canAddPart( new NormallyOccludedPart( sideTests[side.ordinal()] ) );
return blocked;
public SelectedPart selectPart(Vec3 pos)
return cb.selectPart( pos );
public void partChanged()
if ( tile() instanceof TIInventoryTile )
((TIInventoryTile) tile()).rebuildSlotMap();
if ( world() != null )
world().notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange( x(), y(), z(), Platform.air );
public Set<LayerFlags> getLayerFlags()
return cb.getLayerFlags();
public void markForSave()
// mark the chunk for save...
TileEntity te = getTile();
if ( te != null && te.getWorldObj() != null )
te.getWorldObj().getChunkFromBlockCoords( x(), z() ).isModified = true;
public boolean hasRedstone(ForgeDirection side)
return cb.hasRedstone( side );
public void securityBreak()
public RedNetConnectionType getConnectionType(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side)
return cb.getConnectionType( world, x, y, z, side );
public int[] getOutputValues(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side)
return cb.getOutputValues( world, x, y, z, side );
public int getOutputValue(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side, int subnet)
return cb.getOutputValue( world, x, y, z, side, subnet );
public void onInputsChanged(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side, int[] inputValues)
cb.onInputsChanged( world, x, y, z, side, inputValues );
public void onInputChanged(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side, int inputValue)
cb.onInputChanged( world, x, y, z, side, inputValue );
public boolean isEmpty()
return cb.isEmpty();
public void cleanup()
tile().remPart( this );