yueh a14cf2204d Fixes anchor rendering (#2698)
* Fixes #2680: Use a shorter cable anchor model when blocked by a facade.
* Fixes #2664: Prevent anchors from creating intersection.

Replaced the simple List<ResourceLocation> for the static models with a
new container also indicating a solid part, which can be used to prevent
the creation of an intersection.
2016-12-14 22:37:10 +01:00

355 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.client.render.cablebus;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemOverrideList;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient;
import appeng.api.util.AECableType;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.block.networking.BlockCableBus;
public class CableBusBakedModel implements IBakedModel
private final CableBuilder cableBuilder;
private final FacadeBuilder facadeBuilder;
private final Map<ResourceLocation, IBakedModel> partModels;
private final TextureAtlasSprite particleTexture;
private final TextureMap textureMap = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks();
CableBusBakedModel( CableBuilder cableBuilder, FacadeBuilder facadeBuilder, Map<ResourceLocation, IBakedModel> partModels, TextureAtlasSprite particleTexture )
this.cableBuilder = cableBuilder;
this.facadeBuilder = facadeBuilder;
this.partModels = partModels;
this.particleTexture = particleTexture;
public List<BakedQuad> getQuads( @Nullable IBlockState state, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand )
CableBusRenderState renderState = getRenderingState( state );
if( renderState == null || side != null )
return Collections.emptyList();
BlockRenderLayer layer = MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderLayer();
List<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<>();
// The core parts of the cable will only be rendered in the CUTOUT layer. TRANSLUCENT is used only for
// translucent facades further down below.
if( layer == BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT )
// First, handle the cable at the center of the cable bus
addCableQuads( renderState, quads );
// Then handle attachments
for( EnumFacing facing : EnumFacing.values() )
final IPartModel partModel = renderState.getAttachments().get( facing );
if( partModel == null )
for( ResourceLocation model : partModel.getModels() )
IBakedModel bakedModel = partModels.get( model );
if( bakedModel == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Trying to use an unregistered part model: " + model );
List<BakedQuad> partQuads = bakedModel.getQuads( state, null, rand );
// Rotate quads accordingly
QuadRotator rotator = new QuadRotator();
partQuads = rotator.rotateQuads( partQuads, facing, EnumFacing.UP );
quads.addAll( partQuads );
quads );
return quads;
// Determines whether a cable is connected to exactly two sides that are opposite each other
private static boolean isStraightLine( AECableType cableType, EnumMap<EnumFacing, AECableType> sides )
final Iterator<Entry<EnumFacing, AECableType>> it = sides.entrySet().iterator();
if( !it.hasNext() )
return false; // No connections
final Entry<EnumFacing, AECableType> nextConnection =;
final EnumFacing firstSide = nextConnection.getKey();
final AECableType firstType = nextConnection.getValue();
if( !it.hasNext() )
return false; // Only a single connection
if( firstSide.getOpposite() != )
return false; // Connected to two sides that are not opposite each other
if( it.hasNext() )
return false; // Must not have any other connection points
final AECableType secondType = sides.get( firstSide.getOpposite() );
// Certain cable types have restrictions on when they're rendered as a straight connection
switch( cableType )
case GLASS:
return firstType == AECableType.GLASS && secondType == AECableType.GLASS;
case DENSE:
return firstType == AECableType.DENSE && secondType == AECableType.DENSE;
return true;
private void addCableQuads( CableBusRenderState renderState, List<BakedQuad> quadsOut )
AECableType cableType = renderState.getCableType();
if( cableType == AECableType.NONE )
AEColor cableColor = renderState.getCableColor();
EnumMap<EnumFacing, AECableType> connectionTypes = renderState.getConnectionTypes();
// If the connection is straight, no busses are attached, and no covered core has been forced (in case of glass
// cables), then render the cable as a simplified straight line.
boolean noAttachments = !renderState.getAttachments().values().stream().anyMatch( IPartModel::requireCableConnection );
if( noAttachments && isStraightLine( cableType, connectionTypes ) )
EnumFacing facing = connectionTypes.keySet().iterator().next();
switch( cableType )
case GLASS:
cableBuilder.addStraightGlassConnection( facing, cableColor, quadsOut );
cableBuilder.addStraightCoveredConnection( facing, cableColor, quadsOut );
case SMART:
cableBuilder.addStraightSmartConnection( facing, cableColor, renderState.getChannelsOnSide().get( facing ), quadsOut );
case DENSE:
cableBuilder.addStraightDenseConnection( facing, cableColor, renderState.getChannelsOnSide().get( facing ), quadsOut );
return; // Don't render the other form of connection
cableBuilder.addCableCore( renderState.getCoreType(), cableColor, quadsOut );
// Render all internal connections to attachments
EnumMap<EnumFacing, Integer> attachmentConnections = renderState.getAttachmentConnections();
for( EnumFacing facing : attachmentConnections.keySet() )
int distance = attachmentConnections.get( facing );
int channels = renderState.getChannelsOnSide().get( facing );
switch( cableType )
case GLASS:
cableBuilder.addConstrainedGlassConnection( facing, cableColor, distance, quadsOut );
cableBuilder.addConstrainedCoveredConnection( facing, cableColor, distance, quadsOut );
case SMART:
cableBuilder.addConstrainedSmartConnection( facing, cableColor, distance, channels, quadsOut );
case DENSE:
// Dense cables do not render connections to parts since none can be attached
// Render all outgoing connections using the appropriate type
for( final Entry<EnumFacing, AECableType> connection : connectionTypes.entrySet() )
final EnumFacing facing = connection.getKey();
final AECableType connectionType = connection.getValue();
final boolean cableBusAdjacent = renderState.getCableBusAdjacent().contains( facing );
final int channels = renderState.getChannelsOnSide().get( facing );
switch( cableType )
case GLASS:
cableBuilder.addGlassConnection( facing, cableColor, connectionType, cableBusAdjacent, quadsOut );
cableBuilder.addCoveredConnection( facing, cableColor, connectionType, cableBusAdjacent, quadsOut );
case SMART:
cableBuilder.addSmartConnection( facing, cableColor, connectionType, cableBusAdjacent, channels, quadsOut );
case DENSE:
cableBuilder.addDenseConnection( facing, cableColor, connectionType, cableBusAdjacent, channels, quadsOut );
* Gets a list of texture sprites appropriate for particles (digging, etc.) given the render state for a cable bus.
public List<TextureAtlasSprite> getParticleTextures( CableBusRenderState renderState )
CableCoreType coreType = CableCoreType.fromCableType( renderState.getCableType() );
AEColor cableColor = renderState.getCableColor();
List<TextureAtlasSprite> result = new ArrayList<>();
if( coreType != null )
result.add( cableBuilder.getCoreTexture( coreType, cableColor ) );
// If no core is present, just use the first part that comes into play
for( EnumFacing side : renderState.getAttachments().keySet() )
IPartModel partModel = renderState.getAttachments().get( side );
for( ResourceLocation model : partModel.getModels() )
IBakedModel bakedModel = partModels.get( model );
if( bakedModel == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Trying to use an unregistered part model: " + model );
TextureAtlasSprite particleTexture = bakedModel.getParticleTexture();
// If a part sub-model has no particle texture (indicated by it being the missing texture), don't
// add
// it,
// so we don't get ugly missing texture break particles.
if( textureMap.getMissingSprite() != particleTexture )
result.add( particleTexture );
return result;
private static CableBusRenderState getRenderingState( IBlockState state )
if( state == null || !( state instanceof IExtendedBlockState ) )
return null;
IExtendedBlockState extendedBlockState = (IExtendedBlockState) state;
return extendedBlockState.getValue( BlockCableBus.RENDER_STATE_PROPERTY );
public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
return false;
public boolean isGui3d()
return false;
public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
return false;
public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleTexture()
return particleTexture;
public ItemCameraTransforms getItemCameraTransforms()
return ItemCameraTransforms.DEFAULT;
public ItemOverrideList getOverrides()
return ItemOverrideList.NONE;