thatsIch 37ae2131fe Closes #1899, Fixed #1898: Adds an easy way to export interesting information into CSV format
Mostly used for the recipe system, but can also be used for debugging purposes. Debug options needs to be ticked to use the full information gain. Recipes only require the normal localization and the specific name plus metadata.

Shifted the recipes into a recipes folder where the CSV will also reside. This will also elevate the copying of the readme to the user directory since it can reside in the recipes folder.

Fixed a bug where the copier would copy the would also copy empty folders
2015-09-26 23:15:25 +02:00

507 lines
19 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.core;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput;
import appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier;
import appeng.api.config.PowerUnits;
import appeng.api.config.SearchBoxMode;
import appeng.api.config.Settings;
import appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle;
import appeng.api.config.YesNo;
import appeng.api.util.IConfigManager;
import appeng.api.util.IConfigurableObject;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.core.settings.TickRates;
import appeng.items.materials.MaterialType;
import appeng.util.ConfigManager;
import appeng.util.IConfigManagerHost;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public final class AEConfig extends Configuration implements IConfigurableObject, IConfigManagerHost
public static final double TUNNEL_POWER_LOSS = 0.05;
public static final String VERSION = "@version@";
public static final String CHANNEL = "@aechannel@";
public static final String PACKET_CHANNEL = "AE";
public static AEConfig instance;
public final IConfigManager settings = new ConfigManager( this );
public final EnumSet<AEFeature> featureFlags = EnumSet.noneOf( AEFeature.class );
public final int[] craftByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 };
public final int[] priorityByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 };
public final int[] levelByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 };
private final double WirelessHighWirelessCount = 64;
private final File configFile;
public int storageBiomeID = -1;
public int storageProviderID = -1;
public int formationPlaneEntityLimit = 128;
public float spawnChargedChance = 0.92f;
public int quartzOresPerCluster = 4;
public int quartzOresClusterAmount = 15;
public int chargedChange = 4;
public int minMeteoriteDistance = 707;
public int minMeteoriteDistanceSq = this.minMeteoriteDistance * this.minMeteoriteDistance;
public double spatialPowerExponent = 1.35;
public double spatialPowerMultiplier = 1250.0;
public String[] grinderOres = {
// Vanilla Items
"Obsidian", "Ender", "EnderPearl", "Coal", "Iron", "Gold", "Charcoal", "NetherQuartz",
// Common Mod Ores
"Copper", "Tin", "Silver", "Lead", "Bronze",
// AE
"CertusQuartz", "Wheat", "Fluix",
// Other Mod Ores
"Brass", "Platinum", "Nickel", "Invar", "Aluminium", "Electrum", "Osmium", "Zinc" };
public double oreDoublePercentage = 90.0;
public boolean enableEffects = true;
public boolean useLargeFonts = false;
public boolean useColoredCraftingStatus;
public int wirelessTerminalBattery = 1600000;
public int entropyManipulatorBattery = 200000;
public int matterCannonBattery = 200000;
public int portableCellBattery = 20000;
public int colorApplicatorBattery = 20000;
public int chargedStaffBattery = 8000;
public boolean disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI = true;
public boolean updatable = false;
public double meteoriteClusterChance = 0.1;
public double meteoriteSpawnChance = 0.3;
public int[] meteoriteDimensionWhitelist = { 0 };
public int craftingCalculationTimePerTick = 5;
PowerUnits selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.AE;
private double WirelessBaseCost = 8;
private double WirelessCostMultiplier = 1;
private double WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = 1;
private double WirelessBaseRange = 16;
private double WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = 1;
private double WirelessBoosterExp = 1.5;
public AEConfig( final File configFile )
super( configFile );
this.configFile = configFile;
FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register( this );
PowerUnits.MK.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "Mekanism", DEFAULT_MEKANISM_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_MEKANISM_EXCHANGE );
final double DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE = 2.0;
PowerUnits.EU.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "IC2", DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE );
final double DEFAULT_RTC_EXCHANGE = 1.0 / 11256.0;
PowerUnits.WA.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "RotaryCraft", DEFAULT_RTC_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_RTC_EXCHANGE );
final double DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE = 0.5;
PowerUnits.RF.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "ThermalExpansion", DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE );
final double usageEffective = this.get( "PowerRatios", "UsageMultiplier", 1.0 ).getDouble( 1.0 );
PowerMultiplier.CONFIG.multiplier = Math.max( 0.01, usageEffective );
CondenserOutput.MATTER_BALLS.requiredPower = this.get( "Condenser", "MatterBalls", 256 ).getInt( 256 );
CondenserOutput.SINGULARITY.requiredPower = this.get( "Condenser", "Singularity", 256000 ).getInt( 256000 );
this.grinderOres = this.get( "GrindStone", "grinderOres", this.grinderOres ).getStringList();
this.oreDoublePercentage = this.get( "GrindStone", "oreDoublePercentage", this.oreDoublePercentage ).getDouble( this.oreDoublePercentage );
this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS, YesNo.YES );
this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.TERMINAL_STYLE, TerminalStyle.TALL );
this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.AUTOSEARCH );
this.spawnChargedChance = (float) ( 1.0 - this.get( "worldGen", "spawnChargedChance", 1.0 - this.spawnChargedChance ).getDouble( 1.0 - this.spawnChargedChance ) );
this.minMeteoriteDistance = this.get( "worldGen", "minMeteoriteDistance", this.minMeteoriteDistance ).getInt( this.minMeteoriteDistance );
this.meteoriteClusterChance = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteClusterChance", this.meteoriteClusterChance ).getDouble( this.meteoriteClusterChance );
this.meteoriteSpawnChance = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteSpawnChance", this.meteoriteSpawnChance ).getDouble( this.meteoriteSpawnChance );
this.meteoriteDimensionWhitelist = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteDimensionWhitelist", this.meteoriteDimensionWhitelist ).getIntList();
this.quartzOresPerCluster = this.get( "worldGen", "quartzOresPerCluster", this.quartzOresPerCluster ).getInt( this.quartzOresPerCluster );
this.quartzOresClusterAmount = this.get( "worldGen", "quartzOresClusterAmount", this.quartzOresClusterAmount ).getInt( this.quartzOresClusterAmount );
this.minMeteoriteDistanceSq = this.minMeteoriteDistance * this.minMeteoriteDistance;
this.addCustomCategoryComment( "wireless", "Range= WirelessBaseRange + WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, WirelessBoosterExp )\nPowerDrain= WirelessBaseCost + WirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / WirelessHighWirelessCount )" );
this.WirelessBaseCost = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessBaseCost", this.WirelessBaseCost ).getDouble( this.WirelessBaseCost );
this.WirelessCostMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessCostMultiplier", this.WirelessCostMultiplier ).getDouble( this.WirelessCostMultiplier );
this.WirelessBaseRange = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessBaseRange", this.WirelessBaseRange ).getDouble( this.WirelessBaseRange );
this.WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier", this.WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier ).getDouble( this.WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier );
this.WirelessBoosterExp = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessBoosterExp", this.WirelessBoosterExp ).getDouble( this.WirelessBoosterExp );
this.WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier", this.WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier ).getDouble( this.WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier );
this.formationPlaneEntityLimit = this.get( "automation", "formationPlaneEntityLimit", this.formationPlaneEntityLimit ).getInt( this.formationPlaneEntityLimit );
this.wirelessTerminalBattery = this.get( "battery", "wirelessTerminal", this.wirelessTerminalBattery ).getInt( this.wirelessTerminalBattery );
this.chargedStaffBattery = this.get( "battery", "chargedStaff", this.chargedStaffBattery ).getInt( this.chargedStaffBattery );
this.entropyManipulatorBattery = this.get( "battery", "entropyManipulator", this.entropyManipulatorBattery ).getInt( this.entropyManipulatorBattery );
this.portableCellBattery = this.get( "battery", "portableCell", this.portableCellBattery ).getInt( this.portableCellBattery );
this.colorApplicatorBattery = this.get( "battery", "colorApplicator", this.colorApplicatorBattery ).getInt( this.colorApplicatorBattery );
this.matterCannonBattery = this.get( "battery", "matterCannon", this.matterCannonBattery ).getInt( this.matterCannonBattery );
for( final AEFeature feature : AEFeature.values() )
if( feature.isVisible() )
if( this.get( "Features." + feature.category,, feature.defaultValue ).getBoolean( feature.defaultValue ) )
this.featureFlags.add( feature );
this.featureFlags.add( feature );
final ModContainer imb = cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().get( "ImmibisCore" );
if( imb != null )
final List<String> version = Arrays.asList( "59.0.0", "59.0.1", "59.0.2" );
if( version.contains( imb.getVersion() ) )
this.featureFlags.remove( AEFeature.AlphaPass );
this.selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.valueOf( this.get( "Client", "PowerUnit",, this.getListComment( this.selectedPowerUnit ) ).getString() );
catch( final Throwable t )
this.selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.AE;
for( final TickRates tr : TickRates.values() )
tr.Load( this );
if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.SpatialIO ) )
this.storageBiomeID = this.get( "spatialio", "storageBiomeID", this.storageBiomeID ).getInt( this.storageBiomeID );
this.storageProviderID = this.get( "spatialio", "storageProviderID", this.storageProviderID ).getInt( this.storageProviderID );
this.spatialPowerMultiplier = this.get( "spatialio", "spatialPowerMultiplier", this.spatialPowerMultiplier ).getDouble( this.spatialPowerMultiplier );
this.spatialPowerExponent = this.get( "spatialio", "spatialPowerExponent", this.spatialPowerExponent ).getDouble( this.spatialPowerExponent );
if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.CraftingCPU ) )
this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick = this.get( "craftingCPU", "craftingCalculationTimePerTick", this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick ).getInt( this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick );
this.updatable = true;
private void clientSync()
this.disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI = this.get( "Client", "disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI", true ).getBoolean( true );
this.enableEffects = this.get( "Client", "enableEffects", true ).getBoolean( true );
this.useLargeFonts = this.get( "Client", "useTerminalUseLargeFont", false ).getBoolean( false );
this.useColoredCraftingStatus = this.get( "Client", "useColoredCraftingStatus", true ).getBoolean( true );
// load buttons..
for( int btnNum = 0; btnNum < 4; btnNum++ )
final Property cmb = this.get( "Client", "craftAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.craftByStacks[btnNum] );
final Property pmb = this.get( "Client", "priorityAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] );
final Property lmb = this.get( "Client", "levelAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.levelByStacks[btnNum] );
final int buttonCap = (int) ( Math.pow( 10, btnNum + 1 ) - 1 );
this.craftByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( cmb.getInt( this.craftByStacks[btnNum] ) );
this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( pmb.getInt( this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] ) );
this.levelByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( pmb.getInt( this.levelByStacks[btnNum] ) );
cmb.comment = "Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap;
pmb.comment = "Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap;
lmb.comment = "Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap;
this.craftByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.craftByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap );
this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.priorityByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap );
this.levelByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.levelByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap );
for( final Settings e : this.settings.getSettings() )
final String Category = "Client"; // e.getClass().getSimpleName();
Enum<?> value = this.settings.getSetting( e );
final Property p = this.get( Category,,, this.getListComment( value ) );
value = Enum.valueOf( value.getClass(), p.getString() );
catch( final IllegalArgumentException er )
{ "Invalid value '" + p.getString() + "' for " + + " using '" + + "' instead" );
this.settings.putSetting( e, value );
private String getListComment( final Enum value )
String comment = null;
if( value != null )
final EnumSet set = EnumSet.allOf( value.getClass() );
for( final Object Oeg : set )
final Enum eg = (Enum) Oeg;
if( comment == null )
comment = "Possible Values: " +;
comment += ", " +;
return comment;
public boolean isFeatureEnabled( final AEFeature f )
return this.featureFlags.contains( f );
public double wireless_getDrainRate( final double range )
return this.WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier * range;
public double wireless_getMaxRange( final int boosters )
return this.WirelessBaseRange + this.WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, this.WirelessBoosterExp );
public double wireless_getPowerDrain( final int boosters )
return this.WirelessBaseCost + this.WirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / this.WirelessHighWirelessCount );
public Property get( final String category, final String key, final String defaultValue, final String comment, final Property.Type type )
final Property prop = super.get( category, key, defaultValue, comment, type );
if( prop != null )
if( !category.equals( "Client" ) )
prop.setRequiresMcRestart( true );
return prop;
public void save()
if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.SpatialIO ) )
this.get( "spatialio", "storageBiomeID", this.storageBiomeID ).set( this.storageBiomeID );
this.get( "spatialio", "storageProviderID", this.storageProviderID ).set( this.storageProviderID );
this.get( "Client", "PowerUnit",, this.getListComment( this.selectedPowerUnit ) ).set( );
if( this.hasChanged() )
public void onConfigChanged( final ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent eventArgs )
if( eventArgs.modID.equals( AppEng.MOD_ID ) )
public boolean disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI()
return this.disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI;
public String getFilePath()
return this.configFile.toString();
public boolean useAEVersion( final MaterialType mt )
if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.WebsiteRecipes ) )
return true;
this.setCategoryComment( "OreCamouflage", "AE2 Automatically uses alternative ores present in your instance of MC to blend better with its surroundings, if you prefer you can disable this selectively using these flags; Its important to note, that some if these items even if enabled may not be craftable in game because other items are overriding their recipes." );
final Property p = this.get( "OreCamouflage",, true );
p.comment = "OreDictionary Names: " + mt.getOreName();
return !p.getBoolean( true );
public void updateSetting( final IConfigManager manager, final Enum setting, final Enum newValue )
for( final Settings e : this.settings.getSettings() )
if( e == setting )
final String Category = "Client";
final Property p = this.get( Category,, this.settings.getSetting( e ).name(), this.getListComment( newValue ) );
p.set( );
if( this.updatable )
public int getFreeMaterial( final int varID )
return this.getFreeIDSLot( varID, "materials" );
public int getFreeIDSLot( final int varID, final String category )
boolean alreadyUsed = false;
int min = 0;
for( final Property p : this.getCategory( category ).getValues().values() )
final int thisInt = p.getInt();
if( varID == thisInt )
alreadyUsed = true;
min = Math.max( min, thisInt + 1 );
if( alreadyUsed )
if( min < 16383 )
min = 16383;
return min;
return varID;
public int getFreePart( final int varID )
return this.getFreeIDSLot( varID, "parts" );
public IConfigManager getConfigManager()
return this.settings;
public boolean useTerminalUseLargeFont()
return this.useLargeFonts;
public int craftItemsByStackAmounts( final int i )
return this.craftByStacks[i];
public int priorityByStacksAmounts( final int i )
return this.priorityByStacks[i];
public int levelByStackAmounts( final int i )
return this.levelByStacks[i];
public Enum getSetting( final String category, final Class<? extends Enum> class1, final Enum myDefault )
final String name = class1.getSimpleName();
final Property p = this.get( category, name, );
return (Enum) class1.getField( p.toString() ).get( class1 );
catch( final Throwable t )
// :{
return myDefault;
public void setSetting( final String category, final Enum s )
final String name = s.getClass().getSimpleName();
this.get( category, name, ).set( );;
public PowerUnits selectedPowerUnit()
return this.selectedPowerUnit;
public void nextPowerUnit( final boolean backwards )
this.selectedPowerUnit = Platform.rotateEnum( this.selectedPowerUnit, backwards, Settings.POWER_UNITS.getPossibleValues() );;