2015-04-29 18:38:24 +02:00

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* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.worldgen;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.definitions.IBlockDefinition;
import appeng.api.definitions.IBlocks;
import appeng.api.definitions.IMaterials;
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
import appeng.core.WorldSettings;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.Fallout;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.FalloutCopy;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.FalloutSand;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.FalloutSnow;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.IMeteoriteWorld;
import appeng.worldgen.meteorite.MeteoriteBlockPutter;
public final class MeteoritePlacer
public static final double PRESSES_SPAWN_CHANCE = 0.7;
public static final int SKYSTONE_SPAWN_LIMIT = 12;
private final Collection<Block> validSpawn = new HashSet<Block>();
private final Collection<Block> invalidSpawn = new HashSet<Block>();
private final IBlockDefinition skyChestDefinition;
private final IBlockDefinition skyStoneDefinition;
private final MeteoriteBlockPutter putter = new MeteoriteBlockPutter();
private double meteoriteSize = ( Math.random() * 6.0 ) + 2;
private double realCrater = this.meteoriteSize * 2 + 5;
private double squaredMeteoriteSize = this.meteoriteSize * this.meteoriteSize;
private double crater = this.realCrater * this.realCrater;
private NBTTagCompound settings;
private Fallout type;
public MeteoritePlacer()
final IBlocks blocks = AEApi.instance().definitions().blocks();
this.skyChestDefinition = blocks.skyChest();
this.skyStoneDefinition = blocks.skyStone();
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.stone );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.cobblestone );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.grass );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.sand );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.dirt );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.gravel );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.netherrack );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.iron_ore );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.gold_ore );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.diamond_ore );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.redstone_ore );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.hardened_clay );
this.validSpawn.add( );
this.validSpawn.add( Blocks.snow );
for( Block skyStoneBlock : this.skyStoneDefinition.maybeBlock().asSet() )
this.invalidSpawn.add( skyStoneBlock );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.planks );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.iron_door );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.iron_bars );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.wooden_door );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.brick_block );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.clay );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.water );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.log );
this.invalidSpawn.add( Blocks.log2 );
this.type = new Fallout( this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
public boolean spawnMeteorite( IMeteoriteWorld w, NBTTagCompound meteoriteBlob )
this.settings = meteoriteBlob;
int x = this.settings.getInteger( "x" );
int y = this.settings.getInteger( "y" );
int z = this.settings.getInteger( "z" );
this.meteoriteSize = this.settings.getDouble( "real_sizeOfMeteorite" );
this.realCrater = this.settings.getDouble( "realCrater" );
this.squaredMeteoriteSize = this.settings.getDouble( "sizeOfMeteorite" );
this.crater = this.settings.getDouble( "crater" );
Block blk = Block.getBlockById( this.settings.getInteger( "blk" ) );
if( blk == Blocks.sand )
this.type = new FalloutSand( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
else if( blk == Blocks.hardened_clay )
this.type = new FalloutCopy( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
else if( blk == || blk == Blocks.snow )
this.type = new FalloutSnow( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
int skyMode = this.settings.getInteger( "skyMode" );
// creator
if( skyMode > 10 )
this.placeCrater( w, x, y, z );
this.placeMeteorite( w, x, y, z );
// collapse blocks...
if( skyMode > 3 )
this.decay( w, x, y, z );
return true;
private void placeCrater( IMeteoriteWorld w, int x, int y, int z )
boolean lava = this.settings.getBoolean( "lava" );
int maxY = 255;
int minX = w.minX( x - 200 );
int maxX = w.maxX( x + 200 );
int minZ = w.minZ( z - 200 );
int maxZ = w.maxZ( z + 200 );
for( int j = y - 5; j < maxY; j++ )
boolean changed = false;
for( int i = minX; i < maxX; i++ )
for( int k = minZ; k < maxZ; k++ )
double dx = i - x;
double dz = k - z;
double h = y - this.meteoriteSize + 1 + this.type.adjustCrater();
double distanceFrom = dx * dx + dz * dz;
if( j > h + distanceFrom * 0.02 )
if( lava && j < y && w.getBlock( x, y - 1, z ).isBlockSolid( w.getWorld(), i, j, k, 0 ) )
if( j > h + distanceFrom * 0.02 )
this.putter.put( w, i, j, k, Blocks.lava );
changed = this.putter.put( w, i, j, k, Platform.AIR ) || changed;
for( Object o : w.getWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityItem.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( w.minX( x - 30 ), y - 5, w.minZ( z - 30 ), w.maxX( x + 30 ), y + 30, w.maxZ( z + 30 ) ) ) )
Entity e = (Entity) o;
private void placeMeteorite( IMeteoriteWorld w, int x, int y, int z )
int meteorXLength = w.minX( x - 8 );
int meteorXHeight = w.maxX( x + 8 );
int meteorZLength = w.minZ( z - 8 );
int meteorZHeight = w.maxZ( z + 8 );
// spawn meteor
for( int i = meteorXLength; i < meteorXHeight; i++ )
for( int j = y - 8; j < y + 8; j++ )
for( int k = meteorZLength; k < meteorZHeight; k++ )
double dx = i - x;
double dy = j - y;
double dz = k - z;
if( dx * dx * 0.7 + dy * dy * ( j > y ? 1.4 : 0.8 ) + dz * dz * 0.7 < this.squaredMeteoriteSize )
for( Block skyStoneBlock : this.skyStoneDefinition.maybeBlock().asSet() )
this.putter.put( w, i, j, k, skyStoneBlock );
if( AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.SpawnPressesInMeteorites ) )
for( Block skyChestBlock : this.skyChestDefinition.maybeBlock().asSet() )
this.putter.put( w, x, y, z, skyChestBlock );
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
if( te instanceof IInventory )
InventoryAdaptor ap = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( te, ForgeDirection.UP );
int primary = Math.max( 1, (int) ( Math.random() * 4 ) );
if( primary > 3 ) // in case math breaks...
primary = 3;
for( int zz = 0; zz < primary; zz++ )
int r = 0;
boolean duplicate = false;
duplicate = false;
if( Math.random() > PRESSES_SPAWN_CHANCE )
r = WorldSettings.getInstance().getNextOrderedValue( "presses" );
r = (int) ( Math.random() * 1000 );
ItemStack toAdd = null;
final IMaterials materials = AEApi.instance().definitions().materials();
switch( r % 4 )
case 0:
for( ItemStack calc : materials.calcProcessorPress().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() )
toAdd = calc;
case 1:
for( ItemStack calc : materials.engProcessorPress().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() )
toAdd = calc;
case 2:
for( ItemStack calc : materials.logicProcessorPress().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() )
toAdd = calc;
case 3:
for( ItemStack calc : materials.siliconPress().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() )
toAdd = calc;
if( toAdd != null )
if( ap.simulateRemove( 1, toAdd, null ) == null )
ap.addItems( toAdd );
duplicate = true;
while( duplicate );
int secondary = Math.max( 1, (int) ( Math.random() * 3 ) );
for( int zz = 0; zz < secondary; zz++ )
switch( (int) ( Math.random() * 1000 ) % 3 )
case 0:
final int amount = (int) ( ( Math.random() * SKYSTONE_SPAWN_LIMIT ) + 1 );
for( ItemStack skyStoneStack : this.skyStoneDefinition.maybeStack( amount ).asSet() )
ap.addItems( skyStoneStack );
case 1:
List<ItemStack> possibles = new LinkedList<ItemStack>();
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetIron" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetCopper" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetTin" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetSilver" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetLead" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetPlatinum" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetNickel" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetAluminium" ) );
possibles.addAll( OreDictionary.getOres( "nuggetElectrum" ) );
possibles.add( new ItemStack( net.minecraft.init.Items.gold_nugget ) );
ItemStack nugget = Platform.pickRandom( possibles );
if( nugget != null )
nugget = nugget.copy();
nugget.stackSize = (int) ( Math.random() * 12 ) + 1;
ap.addItems( nugget );
private void decay( IMeteoriteWorld w, int x, int y, int z )
double randomShit = 0;
int meteorXLength = w.minX( x - 30 );
int meteorXHeight = w.maxX( x + 30 );
int meteorZLength = w.minZ( z - 30 );
int meteorZHeight = w.maxZ( z + 30 );
for( int i = meteorXLength; i < meteorXHeight; i++ )
for( int k = meteorZLength; k < meteorZHeight; k++ )
for( int j = y - 9; j < y + 30; j++ )
Block blk = w.getBlock( i, j, k );
if( blk == Blocks.lava )
if( blk.isReplaceable( w.getWorld(), i, j, k ) )
blk = Platform.AIR;
Block blk_b = w.getBlock( i, j + 1, k );
if( blk_b != blk )
int meta_b = w.getBlockMetadata( i, j + 1, k );
w.setBlock( i, j, k, blk_b, meta_b, 3 );
w.setBlock( i, j + 1, k, blk );
else if( randomShit < 100 * this.crater )
double dx = i - x;
double dy = j - y;
double dz = k - z;
double dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
Block xf = w.getBlock( i, j - 1, k );
if( !xf.isReplaceable( w.getWorld(), i, j - 1, k ) )
double extraRange = Math.random() * 0.6;
double height = this.crater * ( extraRange + 0.2 ) - Math.abs( dist - this.crater * 1.7 );
if( xf != blk && height > 0 && Math.random() > 0.6 )
this.type.getRandomFall( w, i, j, k );
// decay.
Block blk_b = w.getBlock( i, j + 1, k );
if( blk_b == Platform.AIR )
if( Math.random() > 0.4 )
double dx = i - x;
double dy = j - y;
double dz = k - z;
if( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz < this.crater * 1.6 )
this.type.getRandomInset( w, i, j, k );
public double getSqDistance( int x, int z )
int Cx = this.settings.getInteger( "x" ) - x;
int Cz = this.settings.getInteger( "z" ) - z;
return Cx * Cx + Cz * Cz;
public boolean spawnMeteorite( IMeteoriteWorld w, int x, int y, int z )
int validBlocks = 0;
if( !w.hasNoSky() )
return false;
Block blk = w.getBlock( x, y, z );
if( !this.validSpawn.contains( blk ) )
return false; // must spawn on a valid block..
this.settings = new NBTTagCompound();
this.settings.setInteger( "x", x );
this.settings.setInteger( "y", y );
this.settings.setInteger( "z", z );
this.settings.setInteger( "blk", Block.getIdFromBlock( blk ) );
this.settings.setDouble( "real_sizeOfMeteorite", this.meteoriteSize );
this.settings.setDouble( "realCrater", this.realCrater );
this.settings.setDouble( "sizeOfMeteorite", this.squaredMeteoriteSize );
this.settings.setDouble( "crater", this.crater );
this.settings.setBoolean( "lava", Math.random() > 0.9 );
if( blk == Blocks.sand )
this.type = new FalloutSand( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
else if( blk == Blocks.hardened_clay )
this.type = new FalloutCopy( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
else if( blk == || blk == Blocks.snow )
this.type = new FalloutSnow( w, x, y, z, this.putter, this.skyStoneDefinition );
int realValidBlocks = 0;
for( int i = x - 6; i < x + 6; i++ )
for( int j = y - 6; j < y + 6; j++ )
for( int k = z - 6; k < z + 6; k++ )
blk = w.getBlock( i, j, k );
if( this.validSpawn.contains( blk ) )
for( int i = x - 15; i < x + 15; i++ )
for( int j = y - 15; j < y + 15; j++ )
for( int k = z - 15; k < z + 15; k++ )
blk = w.getBlock( i, j, k );
if( this.invalidSpawn.contains( blk ) )
return false;
if( this.validSpawn.contains( blk ) )
int minBLocks = 200;
if( validBlocks > minBLocks && realValidBlocks > 80 )
// we can spawn here!
int skyMode = 0;
for( int i = x - 15; i < x + 15; i++ )
for( int j = y - 15; j < y + 11; j++ )
for( int k = z - 15; k < z + 15; k++ )
if( w.canBlockSeeTheSky( i, j, k ) )
boolean solid = true;
for( int j = y - 15; j < y - 1; j++ )
if( w.getBlock( x, j, z ) == Platform.AIR )
solid = false;
if( !solid )
skyMode = 0;
// creator
if( skyMode > 10 )
this.placeCrater( w, x, y, z );
this.placeMeteorite( w, x, y, z );
// collapse blocks...
if( skyMode > 3 )
this.decay( w, x, y, z );
this.settings.setInteger( "skyMode", skyMode );
WorldSettings.getInstance().addNearByMeteorites( w.getWorld().provider.dimensionId, x >> 4, z >> 4, this.settings );
return true;
return false;
public NBTTagCompound getSettings()
return this.settings;