AlgorithmX2 c3549e483c Fixed Bug with Terminal Scroll Bar and Searching.
Switched to Reactive Packet size protection.
2014-02-06 10:57:01 -06:00

221 lines
6 KiB

package appeng.client.gui.implementations;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import appeng.api.config.Settings;
import appeng.api.implementations.guiobjects.IPortableCell;
import appeng.api.implementations.tiles.IMEChest;
import appeng.client.gui.AEBaseMEGui;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiImgButton;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiScrollbar;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.ISortSource;
import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerMEMonitorable;
import appeng.container.slot.AppEngSlot;
import appeng.core.Configuration;
import appeng.core.localization.GuiText;
import appeng.helpers.WirelessTerminalGuiObject;
import appeng.tile.misc.TileSecurity;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class GuiMEMonitorable extends AEBaseMEGui implements ISortSource
GuiTextField searchField;
ItemRepo repo;
GuiText myName;
int xoffset = 9;
int perRow = 9;
int reservedSpace = 0;
int lowerTextureOffset = 0;
boolean customSortOrder = true;
int rows = 0;
int maxRows = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public GuiMEMonitorable(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, IStorageMonitorable te) {
this( inventoryPlayer, te, new ContainerMEMonitorable( inventoryPlayer, null ) );
public GuiMEMonitorable(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, IStorageMonitorable te, ContainerMEMonitorable c) {
super( c );
myScrollBar = new GuiScrollbar();
repo = new ItemRepo( myScrollBar, this );
xSize = 195;
ySize = 204;
if ( te instanceof TileSecurity )
myName = GuiText.Security;
else if ( te instanceof WirelessTerminalGuiObject )
myName = GuiText.WirelessTerminal;
else if ( te instanceof IPortableCell )
myName = GuiText.PortableCell;
else if ( te instanceof IMEChest )
myName = GuiText.Chest;
else if ( te instanceof PartTerminal )
myName = GuiText.Terminal;
public void postUpdate(List<IAEItemStack> list)
for (IAEItemStack is : list)
repo.postUpdate( is );
private void setScrollBar()
myScrollBar.setTop( 18 ).setLeft( 175 ).setHeight( rows * 18 - 2 );
myScrollBar.setRange( 0, (repo.size() + perRow - 1) / perRow - rows, Math.max( 1, rows / 6 ) );
public void initGui()
int NEI = 0;
int top = 4;
int magicNumber = 114 + 1;
int extraSpace = height - magicNumber - NEI - top - reservedSpace;
rows = (int) Math.floor( extraSpace / 18 );
if ( rows > maxRows )
top += (rows - maxRows) * 18 / 2;
rows = maxRows;
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < perRow; x++)
meSlots.add( new InternalSlotME( repo, x + y * perRow, xoffset + x * 18, 18 + y * 18 ) );
// full size : 204
// extra slots : 72
// slot 18
this.ySize = magicNumber + rows * 18 + reservedSpace;
this.guiTop = top;
int offset = guiTop + 8;
if ( customSortOrder )
buttonList.add( new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, offset, Settings.SORT_BY, Configuration.instance.settings.getSetting( Settings.SORT_BY ) ) );
offset += 20;
buttonList.add( new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, offset, Settings.SORT_DIRECTION, Configuration.instance.settings
.getSetting( Settings.SORT_DIRECTION ) ) );
searchField = new GuiTextField( this.fontRenderer, this.guiLeft + Math.max( 82, xoffset ), this.guiTop + 6, 89, this.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT );
searchField.setEnableBackgroundDrawing( false );
searchField.setMaxStringLength( 25 );
searchField.setTextColor( 0xFFFFFF );
searchField.setVisible( true );
searchField.setFocused( true );
for (Object s : inventorySlots.inventorySlots)
if ( s instanceof AppEngSlot )
if ( ((AppEngSlot) s).xDisplayPosition < 197 )
((AppEngSlot) s).yDisplayPosition = ((AppEngSlot) s).defY + ySize - 78 - 5;
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton btn)
if ( btn instanceof GuiImgButton )
GuiImgButton iBtn = (GuiImgButton) btn;
Enum cv = iBtn.getCurrentValue();
Enum next = Platform.nextEnum( cv );
Configuration.instance.settings.putSetting( iBtn.getSetting(), next );
iBtn.set( next );
protected void keyTyped(char character, int key)
if ( !this.checkHotbarKeys( key ) )
if ( searchField.textboxKeyTyped( character, key ) )
repo.searchString = this.searchField.getText();
super.keyTyped( character, key );
public void drawBG(int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY)
int x_width = 197;
bindTexture( getBackground() );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, x_width, 18 );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX + x_width, offsetY, x_width, 0, 46, 128 );
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++)
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY + 18 + x * 18, 0, 18, x_width, 18 );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY + 16 + rows * 18 + lowerTextureOffset, 0, 106 - 18 - 18, x_width, 99 + reservedSpace - lowerTextureOffset );
protected String getBackground()
return "guis/terminal.png";
public void drawFG(int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY)
fontRenderer.drawString( myName.getLocal(), 8, 6, 4210752 );
fontRenderer.drawString( GuiText.inventory.getLocal(), 8, ySize - 96 + 3, 4210752 );
public Enum getSortBy()
return Configuration.instance.settings.getSetting( Settings.SORT_BY );
public Enum getSortDir()
return Configuration.instance.settings.getSetting( Settings.SORT_DIRECTION );