2015-12-24 02:03:16 +01:00

426 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.client.gui.widgets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction;
import appeng.api.config.ActionItems;
import appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput;
import appeng.api.config.FullnessMode;
import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode;
import appeng.api.config.ItemSubstitution;
import appeng.api.config.LevelType;
import appeng.api.config.OperationMode;
import appeng.api.config.PowerUnits;
import appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode;
import appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection;
import appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode;
import appeng.api.config.SearchBoxMode;
import appeng.api.config.Settings;
import appeng.api.config.SortDir;
import appeng.api.config.SortOrder;
import appeng.api.config.StorageFilter;
import appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle;
import appeng.api.config.ViewItems;
import appeng.api.config.YesNo;
import appeng.client.texture.ExtraBlockTextures;
import appeng.core.localization.ButtonToolTips;
public class GuiImgButton extends GuiButton implements ITooltip
private static final Pattern COMPILE = Pattern.compile( "%s" );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_NEW_LINE = Pattern.compile( "\\n", Pattern.LITERAL );
private static Map<EnumPair, ButtonAppearance> appearances;
private final Enum buttonSetting;
private boolean halfSize = false;
private String fillVar;
private Enum currentValue;
public GuiImgButton( final int x, final int y, final Enum idx, final Enum val )
super( 0, 0, 16, "" );
this.buttonSetting = idx;
this.currentValue = val;
this.xPosition = x;
this.yPosition = y;
this.width = 16;
this.height = 16;
if( appearances == null )
appearances = new HashMap<EnumPair, ButtonAppearance>();
this.registerApp( 16 * 7, Settings.CONDENSER_OUTPUT, CondenserOutput.TRASH, ButtonToolTips.CondenserOutput, ButtonToolTips.Trash );
this.registerApp( 16 * 7 + 1, Settings.CONDENSER_OUTPUT, CondenserOutput.MATTER_BALLS, ButtonToolTips.CondenserOutput, ButtonToolTips.MatterBalls );
this.registerApp( 16 * 7 + 2, Settings.CONDENSER_OUTPUT, CondenserOutput.SINGULARITY, ButtonToolTips.CondenserOutput, ButtonToolTips.Singularity );
this.registerApp( 16 * 9 + 1, Settings.ACCESS, AccessRestriction.READ, ButtonToolTips.IOMode, ButtonToolTips.Read );
this.registerApp( 16 * 9, Settings.ACCESS, AccessRestriction.WRITE, ButtonToolTips.IOMode, ButtonToolTips.Write );
this.registerApp( 16 * 9 + 2, Settings.ACCESS, AccessRestriction.READ_WRITE, ButtonToolTips.IOMode, ButtonToolTips.ReadWrite );
this.registerApp( 16 * 10, Settings.POWER_UNITS, PowerUnits.AE, ButtonToolTips.PowerUnits, PowerUnits.AE.unlocalizedName );
this.registerApp( 16 * 10 + 1, Settings.POWER_UNITS, PowerUnits.EU, ButtonToolTips.PowerUnits, PowerUnits.EU.unlocalizedName );
this.registerApp( 16 * 10 + 2, Settings.POWER_UNITS, PowerUnits.MK, ButtonToolTips.PowerUnits, PowerUnits.MK.unlocalizedName );
this.registerApp( 16 * 10 + 3, Settings.POWER_UNITS, PowerUnits.WA, ButtonToolTips.PowerUnits, PowerUnits.WA.unlocalizedName );
this.registerApp( 16 * 10 + 4, Settings.POWER_UNITS, PowerUnits.RF, ButtonToolTips.PowerUnits, PowerUnits.RF.unlocalizedName );
this.registerApp( 3, Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.IGNORE, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.AlwaysActive );
this.registerApp( 0, Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.LOW_SIGNAL, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.ActiveWithoutSignal );
this.registerApp( 1, Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.HIGH_SIGNAL, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.ActiveWithSignal );
this.registerApp( 2, Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.SIGNAL_PULSE, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.ActiveOnPulse );
this.registerApp( 0, Settings.REDSTONE_EMITTER, RedstoneMode.LOW_SIGNAL, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.EmitLevelsBelow );
this.registerApp( 1, Settings.REDSTONE_EMITTER, RedstoneMode.HIGH_SIGNAL, ButtonToolTips.RedstoneMode, ButtonToolTips.EmitLevelAbove );
this.registerApp( 51, Settings.OPERATION_MODE, OperationMode.FILL, ButtonToolTips.TransferDirection, ButtonToolTips.TransferToStorageCell );
this.registerApp( 50, Settings.OPERATION_MODE, OperationMode.EMPTY, ButtonToolTips.TransferDirection, ButtonToolTips.TransferToNetwork );
this.registerApp( 51, Settings.IO_DIRECTION, RelativeDirection.LEFT, ButtonToolTips.TransferDirection, ButtonToolTips.TransferToStorageCell );
this.registerApp( 50, Settings.IO_DIRECTION, RelativeDirection.RIGHT, ButtonToolTips.TransferDirection, ButtonToolTips.TransferToNetwork );
this.registerApp( 48, Settings.SORT_DIRECTION, SortDir.ASCENDING, ButtonToolTips.SortOrder, ButtonToolTips.ToggleSortDirection );
this.registerApp( 49, Settings.SORT_DIRECTION, SortDir.DESCENDING, ButtonToolTips.SortOrder, ButtonToolTips.ToggleSortDirection );
this.registerApp( 16 * 2 + 3, Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.AUTOSEARCH, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode_Auto );
this.registerApp( 16 * 2 + 4, Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.MANUAL_SEARCH, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode_Standard );
this.registerApp( 16 * 2 + 5, Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.NEI_AUTOSEARCH, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode_NEIAuto );
this.registerApp( 16 * 2 + 6, Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.NEI_MANUAL_SEARCH, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode, ButtonToolTips.SearchMode_NEIStandard );
this.registerApp( 16 * 5 + 3, Settings.LEVEL_TYPE, LevelType.ENERGY_LEVEL, ButtonToolTips.LevelType, ButtonToolTips.LevelType_Energy );
this.registerApp( 16 * 4 + 3, Settings.LEVEL_TYPE, LevelType.ITEM_LEVEL, ButtonToolTips.LevelType, ButtonToolTips.LevelType_Item );
this.registerApp( 16 * 13, Settings.TERMINAL_STYLE, TerminalStyle.TALL, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle_Tall );
this.registerApp( 16 * 13 + 1, Settings.TERMINAL_STYLE, TerminalStyle.SMALL, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle_Small );
this.registerApp( 16 * 13 + 2, Settings.TERMINAL_STYLE, TerminalStyle.FULL, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle, ButtonToolTips.TerminalStyle_Full );
this.registerApp( 64, Settings.SORT_BY, SortOrder.NAME, ButtonToolTips.SortBy, ButtonToolTips.ItemName );
this.registerApp( 65, Settings.SORT_BY, SortOrder.AMOUNT, ButtonToolTips.SortBy, ButtonToolTips.NumberOfItems );
this.registerApp( 68, Settings.SORT_BY, SortOrder.INVTWEAKS, ButtonToolTips.SortBy, ButtonToolTips.InventoryTweaks );
this.registerApp( 69, Settings.SORT_BY, SortOrder.MOD, ButtonToolTips.SortBy, ButtonToolTips.Mod );
this.registerApp( 66, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.WRENCH, ButtonToolTips.PartitionStorage, ButtonToolTips.PartitionStorageHint );
this.registerApp( 6, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.CLOSE, ButtonToolTips.Clear, ButtonToolTips.ClearSettings );
this.registerApp( 6, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.STASH, ButtonToolTips.Stash, ButtonToolTips.StashDesc );
this.registerApp( 8, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.ENCODE, ButtonToolTips.Encode, ButtonToolTips.EncodeDescription );
this.registerApp( 4 + 3 * 16, Settings.ACTIONS, ItemSubstitution.ENABLED, ButtonToolTips.Substitutions, ButtonToolTips.SubstitutionsDescEnabled );
this.registerApp( 7 + 3 * 16, Settings.ACTIONS, ItemSubstitution.DISABLED, ButtonToolTips.Substitutions, ButtonToolTips.SubstitutionsDescDisabled );
this.registerApp( 16, Settings.VIEW_MODE, ViewItems.STORED, ButtonToolTips.View, ButtonToolTips.StoredItems );
this.registerApp( 18, Settings.VIEW_MODE, ViewItems.ALL, ButtonToolTips.View, ButtonToolTips.StoredCraftable );
this.registerApp( 19, Settings.VIEW_MODE, ViewItems.CRAFTABLE, ButtonToolTips.View, ButtonToolTips.Craftable );
this.registerApp( 16 * 6, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.PERCENT_25, ButtonToolTips.FuzzyMode, ButtonToolTips.FZPercent_25 );
this.registerApp( 16 * 6 + 1, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.PERCENT_50, ButtonToolTips.FuzzyMode, ButtonToolTips.FZPercent_50 );
this.registerApp( 16 * 6 + 2, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.PERCENT_75, ButtonToolTips.FuzzyMode, ButtonToolTips.FZPercent_75 );
this.registerApp( 16 * 6 + 3, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.PERCENT_99, ButtonToolTips.FuzzyMode, ButtonToolTips.FZPercent_99 );
this.registerApp( 16 * 6 + 4, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL, ButtonToolTips.FuzzyMode, ButtonToolTips.FZIgnoreAll );
this.registerApp( 80, Settings.FULLNESS_MODE, FullnessMode.EMPTY, ButtonToolTips.OperationMode, ButtonToolTips.MoveWhenEmpty );
this.registerApp( 81, Settings.FULLNESS_MODE, FullnessMode.HALF, ButtonToolTips.OperationMode, ButtonToolTips.MoveWhenWorkIsDone );
this.registerApp( 82, Settings.FULLNESS_MODE, FullnessMode.FULL, ButtonToolTips.OperationMode, ButtonToolTips.MoveWhenFull );
this.registerApp( 16 + 5, Settings.BLOCK, YesNo.YES, ButtonToolTips.InterfaceBlockingMode, ButtonToolTips.Blocking );
this.registerApp( 16 + 4, Settings.BLOCK, YesNo.NO, ButtonToolTips.InterfaceBlockingMode, ButtonToolTips.NonBlocking );
this.registerApp( 16 + 3, Settings.CRAFT_ONLY, YesNo.YES, ButtonToolTips.Craft, ButtonToolTips.CraftOnly );
this.registerApp( 16 + 2, Settings.CRAFT_ONLY, YesNo.NO, ButtonToolTips.Craft, ButtonToolTips.CraftEither );
this.registerApp( 16 * 11 + 2, Settings.CRAFT_VIA_REDSTONE, YesNo.YES, ButtonToolTips.EmitterMode, ButtonToolTips.CraftViaRedstone );
this.registerApp( 16 * 11 + 1, Settings.CRAFT_VIA_REDSTONE, YesNo.NO, ButtonToolTips.EmitterMode, ButtonToolTips.EmitWhenCrafting );
this.registerApp( 16 * 3 + 5, Settings.STORAGE_FILTER, StorageFilter.EXTRACTABLE_ONLY, ButtonToolTips.ReportInaccessibleItems, ButtonToolTips.ReportInaccessibleItemsNo );
this.registerApp( 16 * 3 + 6, Settings.STORAGE_FILTER, StorageFilter.NONE, ButtonToolTips.ReportInaccessibleItems, ButtonToolTips.ReportInaccessibleItemsYes );
this.registerApp( 16 * 14, Settings.PLACE_BLOCK, YesNo.YES, ButtonToolTips.BlockPlacement, ButtonToolTips.BlockPlacementYes );
this.registerApp( 16 * 14 + 1, Settings.PLACE_BLOCK, YesNo.NO, ButtonToolTips.BlockPlacement, ButtonToolTips.BlockPlacementNo );
this.registerApp( 16 * 15, Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE, SchedulingMode.DEFAULT, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingMode, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingModeDefault );
this.registerApp( 16 * 15 + 1, Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE, SchedulingMode.ROUNDROBIN, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingMode, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingModeRoundRobin );
this.registerApp( 16 * 15 + 2, Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE, SchedulingMode.RANDOM, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingMode, ButtonToolTips.SchedulingModeRandom );
private void registerApp( final int iconIndex, final Settings setting, final Enum val, final ButtonToolTips title, final Object hint )
final ButtonAppearance a = new ButtonAppearance();
a.displayName = title.getUnlocalized();
a.displayValue = (String) ( hint instanceof String ? hint : ( (ButtonToolTips) hint ).getUnlocalized() );
a.index = iconIndex;
appearances.put( new EnumPair( setting, val ), a );
public void setVisibility( final boolean vis )
this.visible = vis;
this.enabled = vis;
public void drawButton( final Minecraft par1Minecraft, final int par2, final int par3 )
if( this.visible )
final int iconIndex = this.getIconIndex();
if( this.halfSize )
this.width = 8;
this.height = 8;
GL11.glTranslatef( this.xPosition, this.yPosition, 0.0F );
GL11.glScalef( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
if( this.enabled )
GL11.glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
GL11.glColor4f( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f );
par1Minecraft.renderEngine.bindTexture( ExtraBlockTextures.GuiTexture( "guis/states.png" ) );
this.hovered = par2 >= this.xPosition && par3 >= this.yPosition && par2 < this.xPosition + this.width && par3 < this.yPosition + this.height;
final int uv_y = (int) Math.floor( iconIndex / 16 );
final int uv_x = iconIndex - uv_y * 16;
this.drawTexturedModalRect( 0, 0, 256 - 16, 256 - 16, 16, 16 );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( 0, 0, uv_x * 16, uv_y * 16, 16, 16 );
this.mouseDragged( par1Minecraft, par2, par3 );
if( this.enabled )
GL11.glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
GL11.glColor4f( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f );
par1Minecraft.renderEngine.bindTexture( ExtraBlockTextures.GuiTexture( "guis/states.png" ) );
this.hovered = par2 >= this.xPosition && par3 >= this.yPosition && par2 < this.xPosition + this.width && par3 < this.yPosition + this.height;
final int uv_y = (int) Math.floor( iconIndex / 16 );
final int uv_x = iconIndex - uv_y * 16;
this.drawTexturedModalRect( this.xPosition, this.yPosition, 256 - 16, 256 - 16, 16, 16 );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( this.xPosition, this.yPosition, uv_x * 16, uv_y * 16, 16, 16 );
this.mouseDragged( par1Minecraft, par2, par3 );
GL11.glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
private int getIconIndex()
if( this.buttonSetting != null && this.currentValue != null )
final ButtonAppearance app = appearances.get( new EnumPair( this.buttonSetting, this.currentValue ) );
if( app == null )
return 256 - 1;
return app.index;
return 256 - 1;
public Settings getSetting()
return (Settings) this.buttonSetting;
public Enum getCurrentValue()
return this.currentValue;
public String getMessage()
String displayName = null;
String displayValue = null;
if( this.buttonSetting != null && this.currentValue != null )
final ButtonAppearance buttonAppearance = appearances.get( new EnumPair( this.buttonSetting, this.currentValue ) );
if( buttonAppearance == null )
return "No Such Message";
displayName = buttonAppearance.displayName;
displayValue = buttonAppearance.displayValue;
if( displayName != null )
String name = StatCollector.translateToLocal( displayName );
String value = StatCollector.translateToLocal( displayValue );
if( name == null || name.isEmpty() )
name = displayName;
if( value == null || value.isEmpty() )
value = displayValue;
if( this.fillVar != null )
value = COMPILE.matcher( value ).replaceFirst( this.fillVar );
value = PATTERN_NEW_LINE.matcher( value ).replaceAll( "\n" );
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( value );
int i = sb.lastIndexOf( "\n" );
if( i <= 0 )
i = 0;
while( i + 30 < sb.length() && ( i = sb.lastIndexOf( " ", i + 30 ) ) != -1 )
sb.replace( i, i + 1, "\n" );
return name + '\n' + sb;
return null;
public int xPos()
return this.xPosition;
public int yPos()
return this.yPosition;
public int getWidth()
return this.halfSize ? 8 : 16;
public int getHeight()
return this.halfSize ? 8 : 16;
public boolean isVisible()
return this.visible;
public void set( final Enum e )
if( this.currentValue != e )
this.currentValue = e;
public boolean isHalfSize()
return this.halfSize;
public void setHalfSize( final boolean halfSize )
this.halfSize = halfSize;
public String getFillVar()
return this.fillVar;
public void setFillVar( final String fillVar )
this.fillVar = fillVar;
private static final class EnumPair
final Enum setting;
final Enum value;
EnumPair( final Enum a, final Enum b )
this.setting = a;
this.value = b;
public int hashCode()
return this.setting.hashCode() ^ this.value.hashCode();
public boolean equals( final Object obj )
if( obj == null )
return false;
if( this.getClass() != obj.getClass() )
return false;
final EnumPair other = (EnumPair) obj;
return other.setting == this.setting && other.value == this.value;
private static class ButtonAppearance
public int index;
public String displayName;
public String displayValue;