yueh de260b5283 Splitted channeldata into two ints
Previously it did encode the current and previous used channels into the
same as well as mask it with 0xFF. Which lead to an overflow every 256
gridnodes requiring a channel. This will not happen at > 2^31

Also removes the need to bitshift them for every access.

Fixes #1510
2015-06-18 00:46:14 +02:00

707 lines
15 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import appeng.api.exceptions.FailedConnection;
import appeng.api.networking.GridFlags;
import appeng.api.networking.GridNotification;
import appeng.api.networking.IGrid;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridBlock;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridCache;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridConnectionVisitor;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridHost;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridVisitor;
import appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingGrid;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.api.util.AEPartLocation;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
import appeng.api.util.IReadOnlyCollection;
import appeng.core.WorldSettings;
import appeng.hooks.TickHandler;
import appeng.util.ReadOnlyCollection;
public class GridNode implements IGridNode, IPathItem
private static final MENetworkChannelsChanged EVENT = new MENetworkChannelsChanged();
private static final int[] CHANNEL_COUNT = new int[] { 0, 8, 32 };
private final List<IGridConnection> connections = new LinkedList<IGridConnection>();
private final IGridBlock gridProxy;
// old power draw, used to diff
public double previousDraw = 0.0;
public long lastSecurityKey = -1;
public int playerID = -1;
private GridStorage myStorage = null;
private Grid myGrid;
private Object visitorIterationNumber = null;
// connection criteria
private int compressedData = 0;
private int usedChannels = 0;
private int lastUsedChannels = 0;
public GridNode( IGridBlock what )
this.gridProxy = what;
public IGridBlock getGridProxy()
return this.gridProxy;
public Grid getMyGrid()
return this.myGrid;
public int usedChannels()
return this.lastUsedChannels;
public Class<? extends IGridHost> getMachineClass()
return this.getMachine().getClass();
public void addConnection( IGridConnection gridConnection )
this.connections.add( gridConnection );
if( gridConnection.hasDirection() )
this.gridProxy.onGridNotification( GridNotification.ConnectionsChanged );
final IGridNode gn = this;
Collections.sort( this.connections, new ConnectionComparator( gn ) );
public void removeConnection( IGridConnection gridConnection )
this.connections.remove( gridConnection );
if( gridConnection.hasDirection() )
this.gridProxy.onGridNotification( GridNotification.ConnectionsChanged );
public boolean hasConnection( IGridNode otherSide )
for( IGridConnection gc : this.connections )
if( gc.a() == otherSide || gc.b() == otherSide )
return true;
return false;
public void validateGrid()
GridSplitDetector gsd = new GridSplitDetector( this.getInternalGrid().getPivot() );
this.beginVisit( gsd );
if( !gsd.pivotFound )
IGridVisitor gp = new GridPropagator( new Grid( this ) );
this.beginVisit( gp );
public Grid getInternalGrid()
if( this.myGrid == null )
this.myGrid = new Grid( this );
return this.myGrid;
public void beginVisit( IGridVisitor g )
Object tracker = new Object();
LinkedList<GridNode> nextRun = new LinkedList<GridNode>();
nextRun.add( this );
this.visitorIterationNumber = tracker;
if( g instanceof IGridConnectionVisitor )
LinkedList<IGridConnection> nextConn = new LinkedList<IGridConnection>();
IGridConnectionVisitor gcv = (IGridConnectionVisitor) g;
while( !nextRun.isEmpty() )
while( !nextConn.isEmpty() )
gcv.visitConnection( nextConn.poll() );
Iterable<GridNode> thisRun = nextRun;
nextRun = new LinkedList<GridNode>();
for( GridNode n : thisRun )
n.visitorConnection( tracker, g, nextRun, nextConn );
while( !nextRun.isEmpty() )
Iterable<GridNode> thisRun = nextRun;
nextRun = new LinkedList<GridNode>();
for( GridNode n : thisRun )
n.visitorNode( tracker, g, nextRun );
public void updateState()
EnumSet<GridFlags> set = this.gridProxy.getFlags();
this.compressedData = set.contains( GridFlags.CANNOT_CARRY ) ? 0 : ( set.contains( GridFlags.DENSE_CAPACITY ) ? 2 : 1 );
this.compressedData |= ( this.gridProxy.getGridColor().ordinal() << 3 );
for( EnumFacing dir : this.gridProxy.getConnectableSides() )
this.compressedData |= ( 1 << ( dir.ordinal() + 8 ) );
public IGridHost getMachine()
return this.gridProxy.getMachine();
public IGrid getGrid()
return this.myGrid;
public void setGrid( Grid grid )
if( this.myGrid == grid )
if( this.myGrid != null )
this.myGrid.remove( this );
if( this.myGrid.isEmpty() )
for( IGridCache c : grid.getCaches().values() )
c.onJoin( this.myGrid.getMyStorage() );
this.myGrid = grid;
this.myGrid.add( this );
public void destroy()
while( !this.connections.isEmpty() )
// not part of this network for real anymore.
if( this.connections.size() == 1 )
this.setGridStorage( null );
IGridConnection c = this.connections.listIterator().next();
GridNode otherSide = (GridNode) c.getOtherSide( this );
otherSide.getInternalGrid().setPivot( otherSide );
if( this.myGrid != null )
this.myGrid.remove( this );
public World getWorld()
return this.gridProxy.getLocation().getWorld();
public EnumSet<AEPartLocation> getConnectedSides()
EnumSet<AEPartLocation> set = EnumSet.noneOf( AEPartLocation.class );
for( IGridConnection gc : this.connections )
set.add( gc.getDirection( this ) );
return set;
public IReadOnlyCollection<IGridConnection> getConnections()
return new ReadOnlyCollection<IGridConnection>( this.connections );
public IGridBlock getGridBlock()
return this.gridProxy;
public boolean isActive()
IGrid g = this.getGrid();
if( g != null )
IPathingGrid pg = g.getCache( IPathingGrid.class );
IEnergyGrid eg = g.getCache( IEnergyGrid.class );
return this.meetsChannelRequirements() && eg.isNetworkPowered() && !pg.isNetworkBooting();
return false;
public void loadFromNBT( String name, NBTTagCompound nodeData )
if( this.myGrid == null )
NBTTagCompound node = nodeData.getCompoundTag( name );
this.playerID = node.getInteger( "p" );
this.lastSecurityKey = node.getLong( "k" );
this.setGridStorage( WorldSettings.getInstance().getGridStorage( node.getLong( "g" ) ) );
throw new IllegalStateException( "Loading data after part of a grid, this is invalid." );
public void saveToNBT( String name, NBTTagCompound nodeData )
if( this.myStorage != null )
NBTTagCompound node = new NBTTagCompound();
node.setInteger( "p", this.playerID );
node.setLong( "k", this.lastSecurityKey );
node.setLong( "g", this.myStorage.getID() );
nodeData.setTag( name, node );
nodeData.removeTag( name );
public boolean meetsChannelRequirements()
return( !this.gridProxy.getFlags().contains( GridFlags.REQUIRE_CHANNEL ) || this.getUsedChannels() > 0 );
public boolean hasFlag( GridFlags flag )
return this.gridProxy.getFlags().contains( flag );
public int getPlayerID()
return this.playerID;
public void setPlayerID( int playerID )
if( playerID >= 0 )
this.playerID = playerID;
public int getUsedChannels()
return this.usedChannels;
public void FindConnections()
if( !this.gridProxy.isWorldAccessible() )
EnumSet<AEPartLocation> newSecurityConnections = EnumSet.noneOf( AEPartLocation.class );
DimensionalCoord dc = this.gridProxy.getLocation();
for( AEPartLocation f : AEPartLocation.SIDE_LOCATIONS )
IGridHost te = this.findGridHost( dc.getWorld(), dc.x + f.xOffset, dc.y + f.yOffset, dc.z + f.zOffset );
if( te != null )
GridNode node = (GridNode) te.getGridNode( f.getOpposite() );
if( node == null )
boolean isValidConnection = this.canConnect( node, f ) && node.canConnect( this, f.getOpposite() );
IGridConnection con = null; // find the connection for this
// direction..
for( IGridConnection c : this.getConnections() )
if( c.getDirection( this ) == f )
con = c;
if( con != null )
IGridNode os = con.getOtherSide( this );
if( os == node )
// if this connection is no longer valid, destroy it.
if( !isValidConnection )
// throw new GridException( "invalid state found, encountered connection to phantom block." );
else if( isValidConnection )
if( node.lastSecurityKey != -1 )
newSecurityConnections.add( f );
// construct a new connection between these two nodes.
new GridConnection( node, this, f.getOpposite() );
catch( FailedConnection e )
TickHandler.INSTANCE.addCallable( node.getWorld(), new MachineSecurityBreak( this ) );
for( AEPartLocation f : newSecurityConnections )
IGridHost te = this.findGridHost( dc.getWorld(), dc.x + f.xOffset, dc.y + f.yOffset, dc.z + f.zOffset );
if( te != null )
GridNode node = (GridNode) te.getGridNode( f.getOpposite() );
if( node == null )
// construct a new connection between these two nodes.
new GridConnection( node, this, f.getOpposite() );
catch( FailedConnection e )
TickHandler.INSTANCE.addCallable( node.getWorld(), new MachineSecurityBreak( this ) );
private IGridHost findGridHost( World world, int x, int y, int z )
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x,y,z);
if( world.isBlockLoaded( pos ) )
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity( pos );
if( te instanceof IGridHost )
return (IGridHost) te;
return null;
public boolean canConnect( GridNode from, AEPartLocation dir )
if( !this.isValidDirection( dir ) )
return false;
if( !from.getColor().matches( this.getColor() ) )
return false;
return true;
private boolean isValidDirection( AEPartLocation dir )
return ( this.compressedData & ( 1 << ( 8 + dir.ordinal() ) ) ) > 0;
public AEColor getColor()
return AEColor.values()[( this.compressedData >> 3 ) & 0x1F];
private void visitorConnection( Object tracker, IGridVisitor g, Deque<GridNode> nextRun, Deque<IGridConnection> nextConnections )
if( g.visitNode( this ) )
for( IGridConnection gc : this.getConnections() )
GridNode gn = (GridNode) gc.getOtherSide( this );
GridConnection gcc = (GridConnection) gc;
if( gcc.visitorIterationNumber != tracker )
gcc.visitorIterationNumber = tracker;
nextConnections.add( gc );
if( tracker == gn.visitorIterationNumber )
gn.visitorIterationNumber = tracker;
nextRun.add( gn );
private void visitorNode( Object tracker, IGridVisitor g, Deque<GridNode> nextRun )
if( g.visitNode( this ) )
for( IGridConnection gc : this.getConnections() )
GridNode gn = (GridNode) gc.getOtherSide( this );
if( tracker == gn.visitorIterationNumber )
gn.visitorIterationNumber = tracker;
nextRun.add( gn );
public GridStorage getGridStorage()
return this.myStorage;
public void setGridStorage( GridStorage s )
this.myStorage = s;
this.usedChannels = 0;
public IPathItem getControllerRoute()
if( this.connections.isEmpty() || this.getFlags().contains( GridFlags.CANNOT_CARRY ) )
return null;
return (IPathItem) this.connections.get( 0 );
public void setControllerRoute( IPathItem fast, boolean zeroOut )
if( zeroOut )
this.usedChannels = 0;
int idx = this.connections.indexOf( fast );
if( idx > 0 )
this.connections.remove( fast );
this.connections.add( 0, (IGridConnection) fast );
public boolean canSupportMoreChannels()
return this.getUsedChannels() < this.getMaxChannels();
public int getMaxChannels()
return CHANNEL_COUNT[this.compressedData & 0x03];
public IReadOnlyCollection<IPathItem> getPossibleOptions()
return (IReadOnlyCollection) this.getConnections();
public void incrementChannelCount( int usedChannels )
this.usedChannels += usedChannels;
public EnumSet<GridFlags> getFlags()
return this.gridProxy.getFlags();
public void finalizeChannels()
if( this.getFlags().contains( GridFlags.CANNOT_CARRY ) )
if( this.getLastUsedChannels() != this.getUsedChannels() )
this.lastUsedChannels = this.usedChannels;
if( this.getInternalGrid() != null )
this.getInternalGrid().postEventTo( this, EVENT );
public int getLastUsedChannels()
return lastUsedChannels;
private static class MachineSecurityBreak implements Callable<Void>
private final GridNode node;
public MachineSecurityBreak( GridNode node )
this.node = node;
public Void call() throws Exception
return null;
private static class ConnectionComparator implements Comparator<IGridConnection>
private final IGridNode gn;
public ConnectionComparator( IGridNode gn )
{ = gn;
public int compare( IGridConnection o1, IGridConnection o2 )
boolean preferredA = o1.getOtherSide( ).hasFlag( GridFlags.PREFERRED );
boolean preferredB = o2.getOtherSide( ).hasFlag( GridFlags.PREFERRED );
return preferredA == preferredB ? 0 : ( preferredA ? -1 : 1 );