AlgorithmX2 0bfded7bbf Fixed Bug: #0210 - Fuzzy on an export bus do not ignore NBT data and metadata.
Fixed Serious issue with items with the same hashes merging.
2014-03-21 22:58:03 -05:00

89 lines
2 KiB

package appeng.util.item;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class AEItemDef
public int myHash;
public int def;
private int itemID;
public Item item;
public int damageValue;
public int dspDamage;
public int maxDamage;
public AESharedNBT tagCompound;
public String displayName;
public List tooltip;
public OreRefrence isOre;
static AESharedNBT lowTag = new AESharedNBT( Integer.MIN_VALUE );
static AESharedNBT highTag = new AESharedNBT( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
public AEItemDef copy()
AEItemDef t = new AEItemDef();
t.def = def;
t.item = item;
t.damageValue = damageValue;
t.dspDamage = dspDamage;
t.maxDamage = maxDamage;
t.tagCompound = tagCompound;
t.isOre = isOre;
t.itemID = itemID;
return t;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
AEItemDef def = (AEItemDef) obj;
return def.damageValue == damageValue && def.item == item && tagCompound == def.tagCompound;
public int getDamageValueHack(ItemStack is)
return Items.blaze_rod.getDamage( is );
public boolean isItem(ItemStack otherStack)
// hackery!
int dmg = getDamageValueHack( otherStack );
if ( item == otherStack.getItem() && dmg == damageValue )
if ( (tagCompound != null) == otherStack.hasTagCompound() )
return true;
if ( tagCompound != null && otherStack.hasTagCompound() )
return Platform.NBTEqualityTest( (NBTBase) tagCompound, otherStack.getTagCompound() );
return true;
return false;
public void reHash()
def = itemID << Platform.DEF_OFFSET | damageValue;
myHash = def ^ (tagCompound == null ? 0 : System.identityHashCode( tagCompound ));