2015-09-30 14:26:54 +02:00

626 lines
16 KiB

package appeng.client.render;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BlockFaceUV;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BlockPartFace;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.FaceBakery;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.IBakedModel;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelRotation;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumWorldBlockLayer;
import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IColoredBakedQuad;
import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock;
import appeng.client.texture.BaseIcon;
import appeng.client.texture.IAESprite;
import appeng.client.texture.MissingIcon;
import appeng.items.AEBaseItem;
public class ModelGenerator
private static final class CachedModel implements IBakedModel
List<BakedQuad>[] faces = new List[6];
List<BakedQuad> general;
public CachedModel()
this.general = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
for ( final EnumFacing f : EnumFacing.VALUES )
this.faces[f.ordinal()] = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
public boolean isGui3d()
return true;
public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
return false;
public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
return true;
public TextureAtlasSprite getTexture()
return null;
public ItemCameraTransforms getItemCameraTransforms()
return ItemCameraTransforms.DEFAULT;
public List getGeneralQuads()
return this.general;
public List getFaceQuads(
final EnumFacing p_177551_1_ )
return this.faces[p_177551_1_.ordinal()];
public int uvRotateBottom;
public int uvRotateEast;
public int uvRotateNorth;
public int uvRotateSouth;
public int uvRotateTop;
public int uvRotateWest;
public IAESprite overrideBlockTexture;
public boolean renderAllFaces;
public double renderMinX;
public double renderMaxX;
public double renderMinY;
public double renderMaxY;
public double renderMinZ;
public double renderMaxZ;
public IBlockAccess blockAccess;
CachedModel generatedModel = new CachedModel();
// used to create faces...
final FaceBakery faceBakery = new FaceBakery();
float tx=0,ty=0,tz=0;
final float[] defUVs = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
public void setRenderBoundsFromBlock(
final Block block )
if ( block == null ) return;
this.renderMinX = block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
this.renderMinY = block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
this.renderMinZ = block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();
this.renderMaxX = block.getBlockBoundsMaxX();
this.renderMaxY = block.getBlockBoundsMaxY();
this.renderMaxZ = block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ();
public void setRenderBounds(
final double d,
final double e,
final double f,
final double g,
final double h,
final double i )
this.renderMinX = d;
this.renderMinY = e;
this.renderMinZ = f;
this.renderMaxX = g;
this.renderMaxY = h;
this.renderMaxZ = i;
int color = -1;
public void setBrightness(
final int i )
this.brightness =i;
public void setColorRGBA_F(
final int r,
final int g,
final int b,
final float a )
final int alpha = ( int ) ( a * 0xff );
this.color = alpha << 24 |
r << 16 |
b << 8 |
public void setColorOpaque_I(
final int whiteVariant )
final int alpha = 0xff;
this.color = //alpha << 24 |
public void setColorOpaque(
final int r,
final int g,
final int b )
final int alpha = 0xff;
this.color =// alpha << 24 |
r << 16 |
g << 8 |
public void setColorOpaque_F(
final int r,
final int g,
final int b )
final int alpha = 0xff;
this.color = //alpha << 24 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, r ) ) << 16 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, g ) ) << 8 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, b ) );
public void setColorOpaque_F(
final float rf,
final float bf,
final float gf )
final int r = (int)( rf * 0xff );
final int g = (int)( gf * 0xff );
final int b = (int)( bf * 0xff );
final int alpha = 0xff;
this.color = //alpha << 24 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, r ) ) << 16 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, g ) ) << 8 |
Math.min( 0xff, Math.max( 0, b ) );
public IAESprite getIcon(
final ItemStack is )
final Item it = is.getItem();
if ( it instanceof ItemMultiPart )
return ( (ItemMultiPart) it).getIcon( is);
final Block blk = Block.getBlockFromItem( it );
if ( blk != null )
return this.getIcon(blk.getStateFromMeta( is.getMetadata() ))[0];
if ( it instanceof AEBaseItem )
final IAESprite ico = ( (AEBaseItem)it ).getIcon(is);
if ( ico != null ) return ico;
return new MissingIcon( is );
public IAESprite[] getIcon(
final IBlockState state )
final IAESprite[] out = new IAESprite[6];
final Block blk = state.getBlock();
if ( blk instanceof AEBaseBlock )
final AEBaseBlock base = (AEBaseBlock)blk;
for ( final EnumFacing face : EnumFacing.VALUES )
out[face.ordinal()] = base.getIcon( face, state );
final TextureAtlasSprite spite = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher().getBlockModelShapes().getTexture( state );
if ( spite == null )
out[0] = new MissingIcon( blk );
out[1] = new MissingIcon( blk );
out[2] = new MissingIcon( blk );
out[3] = new MissingIcon( blk );
out[4] = new MissingIcon( blk );
out[5] = new MissingIcon( blk );
final IAESprite mySpite = new BaseIcon( spite );
out[0] = mySpite;
out[1] = mySpite;
out[2] = mySpite;
out[3] = mySpite;
out[4] = mySpite;
out[5] = mySpite;
return out;
public IAESprite[] getIcon( final IBlockAccess world, final BlockPos pos)
final IBlockState state = world.getBlockState( pos );
final Block blk = state.getBlock();
if ( blk instanceof AEBaseBlock )
final IAESprite[] out = new IAESprite[6];
final AEBaseBlock base = (AEBaseBlock)blk;
for ( final EnumFacing face : EnumFacing.VALUES )
out[face.ordinal()] = base.getIcon( world, pos, face );
return out;
return this.getIcon( state );
int point =0;
int brightness = -1;
float[][] points = new float[4][];
public void addVertexWithUV(
final EnumFacing face,
final double x,
final double y,
final double z,
final double u,
final double v )
this.points[this.point++] = new float[]{ (float)x+ this.tx, (float)y+ this.ty, (float)z+, (float)u, (float)v };
if ( this.point == 4 )
this.brightness = -1;
final int[] vertData = {
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[0][0] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[0][1] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[0][2] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[0][3] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[0][4] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[1][0] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[1][1] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[1][2] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[1][3] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[1][4] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[2][0] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[2][1] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[2][2] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[2][3] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[2][4] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[3][0] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[3][1] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[3][2] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[3][3] ),
Float.floatToRawIntBits( this.points[3][4] ),
this.generatedModel.general.add( new IColoredBakedQuad.ColoredBakedQuad( vertData, this.color, face ));
this.point =0;
public boolean renderStandardBlock(
final Block block,
final BlockPos pos )
//setRenderBoundsFromBlock( block );
final IAESprite[] textures = this.getIcon( this.blockAccess,pos );
this.setColorOpaque_I( 0xffffff );
this.renderFaceXNeg( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.WEST.ordinal()] );
this.renderFaceXPos( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.EAST.ordinal()] );
this.renderFaceYNeg( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.DOWN.ordinal()] );
this.renderFaceYPos( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.UP.ordinal()] );
this.renderFaceZNeg( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.NORTH.ordinal()] );
this.renderFaceZPos( block, pos, textures[EnumFacing.SOUTH.ordinal()] );
return false;
public void setTranslation(
final int x,
final int y,
final int z )
this.tx =x;
this.ty =y; =z;
public boolean isAlphaPass()
return MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderLayer() == EnumWorldBlockLayer.TRANSLUCENT;
final float[] quadsUV = {
public EnumSet<EnumFacing> renderFaces = EnumSet.allOf(EnumFacing.class);
public boolean flipTexture=false;
private List<SMFace> faces = new ArrayList();
private float[] getFaceUvs(
final EnumFacing face,
final Vector3f to_16,
final Vector3f from_16 )
float from_a = 0;
float from_b = 0;
float to_a = 0;
float to_b = 0;
switch ( face )
case UP:
from_a = from_16.x / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.z / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.x / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.z / 16.0f;
case DOWN:
from_a = from_16.x / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.z / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.x / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.z / 16.0f;
case SOUTH:
from_a = from_16.x / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.y / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.x / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.y / 16.0f;
case NORTH:
from_a = from_16.x / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.y / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.x / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.y / 16.0f;
case EAST:
from_a = from_16.y / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.z / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.y / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.z / 16.0f;
case WEST:
from_a = from_16.y / 16.0f;
from_b = from_16.z / 16.0f;
to_a = to_16.y / 16.0f;
to_b = to_16.z / 16.0f;
from_a = 1.0f - from_a;
from_b = 1.0f - from_b;
to_a = 1.0f - to_a;
to_b = 1.0f - to_b;
final float[] afloat = {// :P
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[0] + this.quadsUV[2] * from_a + this.quadsUV[4] * from_b ), // 0
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[1] + this.quadsUV[3] * from_a + this.quadsUV[5] * from_b ), // 1
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[0] + this.quadsUV[2] * to_a + this.quadsUV[4] * from_b ), // 2
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[1] + this.quadsUV[3] * to_a + this.quadsUV[5] * from_b ), // 3
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[0] + this.quadsUV[2] * to_a + this.quadsUV[4] * to_b ), // 2
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[1] + this.quadsUV[3] * to_a + this.quadsUV[5] * to_b ), // 3
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[0] + this.quadsUV[2] * from_a + this.quadsUV[4] * to_b ), // 0
16.0f * ( this.quadsUV[1] + this.quadsUV[3] * from_a + this.quadsUV[5] * to_b ), // 1
return afloat;
public void renderFaceXNeg(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMinX < 0.0001;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f);
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f);
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.WEST;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs,lights );
public void renderFaceYNeg(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMinY < 0.0001;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f );
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f );
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.DOWN;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs, lights );
public void renderFaceZNeg(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMinZ < 0.0001;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f );
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f );
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.NORTH;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs, lights );
public void renderFaceYPos(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMaxY > 0.9999;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f );
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f);
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.UP;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs,lights );
public void renderFaceZPos(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMaxZ > 0.9999;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMinX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f );
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f );
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.SOUTH;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs,lights );
public void renderFaceXPos(
final Block blk,
final BlockPos pos,
final IAESprite lights )
final boolean isEdge = this.renderMaxX > 0.9999;
final Vector3f to = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMinZ * 16.0f );
final Vector3f from = new Vector3f( (float) this.renderMaxX * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxY * 16.0f, (float) this.renderMaxZ * 16.0f );
final EnumFacing myFace = EnumFacing.EAST;
this.addFace(myFace, isEdge,to,from, this.defUVs, lights );
private void addFace(
final EnumFacing face , final boolean isEdge,
final Vector3f to,
final Vector3f from,
final float[] defUVs2,
IAESprite texture )
if ( this.overrideBlockTexture != null )
texture = this.overrideBlockTexture;
this.faces.add( new SMFace( face, isEdge, this.color, to, from, defUVs2, new IconUnwrapper( texture ) ) );
EnumFacing currentFace = EnumFacing.UP;
public void setNormal(
final float x,
final float y,
final float z )
if ( x > 0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.EAST;
if ( x < -0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.WEST;
if ( y > 0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.UP;
if ( y < -0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.DOWN;
if ( z > 0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.SOUTH;
if ( z < -0.5 )
this.currentFace = EnumFacing.NORTH;
public void setOverrideBlockTexture(
final IAESprite object )
this.overrideBlockTexture = object;
public void finalizeModel( final boolean Flip )
ModelRotation mr = ModelRotation.X0_Y0;
if ( Flip )
mr = ModelRotation.X0_Y180;
for ( final SMFace face : this.faces )
final EnumFacing myFace = face.face;
final float[] uvs = this.getFaceUvs( myFace, face.from, );
final BlockFaceUV uv = new BlockFaceUV( uvs, 0 );
final BlockPartFace bpf = new BlockPartFace( myFace, face.color, "", uv );
BakedQuad bf = this.faceBakery.makeBakedQuad(, face.from, bpf, face.spite, myFace, mr, null, true, true );
bf = new IColoredBakedQuad.ColoredBakedQuad( bf.getVertexData(), face.color, bf.getFace() );
if ( face.isEdge )
this.generatedModel.getFaceQuads( myFace ).add( bf );
this.generatedModel.getGeneralQuads().add( bf );
public IBakedModel getOutput()
return this.generatedModel;