yueh f9835e589a Reverts some of the changes to ItemList.
Removes the split collection as in some rare corner cases the insertion
order is important to maintain the correct data in terms of self cleaning.

Keeps the general cleanups and split of Fluid/ItemList.

Fixes #1964
2015-12-23 14:41:32 +01:00

601 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
import java.util.HashSet;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.config.Actionable;
import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode;
import appeng.api.exceptions.AppEngException;
import appeng.api.implementations.items.IStorageCell;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack;
public class CellInventory implements ICellInventory
static final String ITEM_TYPE_TAG = "it";
static final String ITEM_COUNT_TAG = "ic";
static final String ITEM_SLOT = "#";
static final String ITEM_SLOT_COUNT = "@";
static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_COUNT = "PF";
static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_SLOT = "PF#";
static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_NAME = "PN";
static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_FUZZY = "FP";
private static final HashSet<Integer> BLACK_LIST = new HashSet<Integer>();
protected static String[] itemSlots;
protected static String[] itemSlotCount;
protected final NBTTagCompound tagCompound;
protected final ISaveProvider container;
protected int maxItemTypes = 63;
protected short storedItems = 0;
protected int storedItemCount = 0;
protected IItemList<IAEItemStack> cellItems;
protected ItemStack i;
protected IStorageCell cellType;
protected CellInventory( final NBTTagCompound data, final ISaveProvider container )
this.tagCompound = data;
this.container = container;
protected CellInventory( final ItemStack o, final ISaveProvider container ) throws AppEngException
if( itemSlots == null )
itemSlots = new String[this.maxItemTypes];
itemSlotCount = new String[this.maxItemTypes];
for( int x = 0; x < this.maxItemTypes; x++ )
itemSlots[x] = ITEM_SLOT + x;
itemSlotCount[x] = ITEM_SLOT_COUNT + x;
if( o == null )
throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" );
this.cellType = null;
this.i = o;
final Item type = this.i.getItem();
if( type instanceof IStorageCell )
this.cellType = (IStorageCell) this.i.getItem();
this.maxItemTypes = this.cellType.getTotalTypes( this.i );
if( this.cellType == null )
throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" );
if( !this.cellType.isStorageCell( this.i ) )
throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" );
if( this.maxItemTypes > 63 )
this.maxItemTypes = 63;
if( this.maxItemTypes < 1 )
this.maxItemTypes = 1;
this.container = container;
this.tagCompound = Platform.openNbtData( o );
this.storedItems = this.tagCompound.getShort( ITEM_TYPE_TAG );
this.storedItemCount = this.tagCompound.getInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG );
this.cellItems = null;
public static IMEInventoryHandler getCell( final ItemStack o, final ISaveProvider container2 )
return new CellInventoryHandler( new CellInventory( o, container2 ) );
catch( final AppEngException e )
return null;
private static boolean isStorageCell( final ItemStack i )
if( i == null )
return false;
final Item type = i.getItem();
if( type instanceof IStorageCell )
return !( (IStorageCell) type ).storableInStorageCell();
catch( final Throwable err )
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isCell( final ItemStack i )
if( i == null )
return false;
final Item type = i.getItem();
if( type instanceof IStorageCell )
return ( (IStorageCell) type ).isStorageCell( i );
return false;
public static void addBasicBlackList( final int itemID, final int meta )
BLACK_LIST.add( ( meta << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | itemID );
public static boolean isBlackListed( final IAEItemStack input )
if( BLACK_LIST.contains( ( OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | Item.getIdFromItem( input.getItem() ) ) )
return true;
return BLACK_LIST.contains( ( input.getItemDamage() << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | Item.getIdFromItem( input.getItem() ) );
private boolean isEmpty( final IMEInventory meInventory )
return meInventory.getAvailableItems( AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList() ).isEmpty();
public IAEItemStack injectItems( final IAEItemStack input, final Actionable mode, final BaseActionSource src )
if( input == null )
return null;
if( input.getStackSize() == 0 )
return null;
if( isBlackListed( input ) || this.cellType.isBlackListed( this.i, input ) )
return input;
final ItemStack sharedItemStack = input.getItemStack();
if( CellInventory.isStorageCell( sharedItemStack ) )
final IMEInventory meInventory = getCell( sharedItemStack, null );
if( meInventory != null && !this.isEmpty( meInventory ) )
return input;
final IAEItemStack l = this.getCellItems().findPrecise( input );
if( l != null )
final long remainingItemSlots = this.getRemainingItemCount();
if( remainingItemSlots < 0 )
return input;
if( input.getStackSize() > remainingItemSlots )
final IAEItemStack r = input.copy();
r.setStackSize( r.getStackSize() - remainingItemSlots );
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() + remainingItemSlots );
this.updateItemCount( remainingItemSlots );
return r;
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() + input.getStackSize() );
this.updateItemCount( input.getStackSize() );
return null;
if( this.canHoldNewItem() ) // room for new type, and for at least one item!
final int remainingItemCount = (int) this.getRemainingItemCount() - this.getBytesPerType() * 8;
if( remainingItemCount > 0 )
if( input.getStackSize() > remainingItemCount )
final ItemStack toReturn = Platform.cloneItemStack( sharedItemStack );
toReturn.stackSize = sharedItemStack.stackSize - remainingItemCount;
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
final ItemStack toWrite = Platform.cloneItemStack( sharedItemStack );
toWrite.stackSize = remainingItemCount;
this.cellItems.add( AEItemStack.create( toWrite ) );
this.updateItemCount( toWrite.stackSize );
return AEItemStack.create( toReturn );
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
this.updateItemCount( input.getStackSize() );
this.cellItems.add( input );
return null;
return input;
public IAEItemStack extractItems( final IAEItemStack request, final Actionable mode, final BaseActionSource src )
if( request == null )
return null;
final long size = Math.min( Integer.MAX_VALUE, request.getStackSize() );
IAEItemStack Results = null;
final IAEItemStack l = this.getCellItems().findPrecise( request );
if( l != null )
Results = l.copy();
if( l.getStackSize() <= size )
Results.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() );
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
this.updateItemCount( -l.getStackSize() );
l.setStackSize( 0 );
Results.setStackSize( size );
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() - size );
this.updateItemCount( -size );
return Results;
IItemList<IAEItemStack> getCellItems()
if( this.cellItems == null )
this.cellItems = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
return this.cellItems;
private void updateItemCount( final long delta )
this.storedItemCount += delta;
this.tagCompound.setInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG, this.storedItemCount );
void saveChanges()
// cellItems.clean();
int itemCount = 0;
// add new pretty stuff...
int x = 0;
for( final IAEItemStack v : this.cellItems )
itemCount += v.getStackSize();
final NBTBase c = this.tagCompound.getTag( itemSlots[x] );
if( c instanceof NBTTagCompound )
v.writeToNBT( (NBTTagCompound) c );
final NBTTagCompound g = new NBTTagCompound();
v.writeToNBT( g );
this.tagCompound.setTag( itemSlots[x], g );
* NBTBase tagSlotCount = tagCompound.getTag( itemSlotCount[x] ); if ( tagSlotCount instanceof
* NBTTagInt ) ((NBTTagInt) tagSlotCount).data = (int) v.getStackSize(); else
this.tagCompound.setInteger( itemSlotCount[x], (int) v.getStackSize() );
// NBTBase tagType = tagCompound.getTag( ITEM_TYPE_TAG );
// NBTBase tagCount = tagCompound.getTag( ITEM_COUNT_TAG );
final short oldStoredItems = this.storedItems;
* if ( tagType instanceof NBTTagShort ) ((NBTTagShort) tagType).data = storedItems = (short) cellItems.size();
* else
this.storedItems = (short) this.cellItems.size();
if( this.cellItems.isEmpty() )
this.tagCompound.removeTag( ITEM_TYPE_TAG );
this.tagCompound.setShort( ITEM_TYPE_TAG, this.storedItems );
* if ( tagCount instanceof NBTTagInt ) ((NBTTagInt) tagCount).data = storedItemCount = itemCount; else
this.storedItemCount = itemCount;
if( itemCount == 0 )
this.tagCompound.removeTag( ITEM_COUNT_TAG );
this.tagCompound.setInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG, itemCount );
// clean any old crusty stuff...
for( ; x < oldStoredItems && x < this.maxItemTypes; x++ )
this.tagCompound.removeTag( itemSlots[x] );
this.tagCompound.removeTag( itemSlotCount[x] );
if( this.container != null )
this.container.saveChanges( this );
protected void loadCellItems()
if( this.cellItems == null )
this.cellItems = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
this.cellItems.resetStatus(); // clears totals and stuff.
final int types = (int) this.getStoredItemTypes();
for( int x = 0; x < types; x++ )
final ItemStack t = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( this.tagCompound.getCompoundTag( itemSlots[x] ) );
if( t != null )
t.stackSize = this.tagCompound.getInteger( itemSlotCount[x] );
if( t.stackSize > 0 )
this.cellItems.add( AEItemStack.create( t ) );
// cellItems.clean();
public IItemList getAvailableItems( final IItemList out )
for( final IAEItemStack i : this.getCellItems() )
out.add( i );
return out;
public StorageChannel getChannel()
return StorageChannel.ITEMS;
public ItemStack getItemStack()
return this.i;
public double getIdleDrain()
return this.cellType.getIdleDrain();
public FuzzyMode getFuzzyMode()
return this.cellType.getFuzzyMode( this.i );
public IInventory getConfigInventory()
return this.cellType.getConfigInventory( this.i );
public IInventory getUpgradesInventory()
return this.cellType.getUpgradesInventory( this.i );
public int getBytesPerType()
return this.cellType.getBytesPerType( this.i );
public boolean canHoldNewItem()
final long bytesFree = this.getFreeBytes();
return ( bytesFree > this.getBytesPerType() || ( bytesFree == this.getBytesPerType() && this.getUnusedItemCount() > 0 ) ) && this.getRemainingItemTypes() > 0;
public long getTotalBytes()
return this.cellType.getBytes( this.i );
public long getFreeBytes()
return this.getTotalBytes() - this.getUsedBytes();
public long getUsedBytes()
final long bytesForItemCount = ( this.getStoredItemCount() + this.getUnusedItemCount() ) / 8;
return this.getStoredItemTypes() * this.getBytesPerType() + bytesForItemCount;
public long getTotalItemTypes()
return this.maxItemTypes;
public long getStoredItemCount()
return this.storedItemCount;
public long getStoredItemTypes()
return this.storedItems;
public long getRemainingItemTypes()
final long basedOnStorage = this.getFreeBytes() / this.getBytesPerType();
final long baseOnTotal = this.getTotalItemTypes() - this.getStoredItemTypes();
return basedOnStorage > baseOnTotal ? baseOnTotal : basedOnStorage;
public long getRemainingItemCount()
final long remaining = this.getFreeBytes() * 8 + this.getUnusedItemCount();
return remaining > 0 ? remaining : 0;
public int getUnusedItemCount()
final int div = (int) ( this.getStoredItemCount() % 8 );
if( div == 0 )
return 0;
return 8 - div;
public int getStatusForCell()
if( this.canHoldNewItem() )
return 1;
if( this.getRemainingItemCount() > 0 )
return 2;
return 3;