package; import java.awt.Color; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.AbstractConfig; import com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.UnmodifiableConfig; import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.IGuiEventListener; import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen; import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextProperties; import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec; import net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ModConfig; public class SubMenuConfigScreen extends ConfigScreen { public final ModConfig.Type type; protected ForgeConfigSpec spec; protected UnmodifiableConfig configGroup; protected ConfigScreenList list; protected BoxWidget resetAll; protected BoxWidget saveChanges; protected BoxWidget discardChanges; protected BoxWidget goBack; protected BoxWidget serverLocked; protected int listWidth; protected String title; public SubMenuConfigScreen(Screen parent, String title, ModConfig.Type type, ForgeConfigSpec configSpec, UnmodifiableConfig configGroup) { super(parent); this.type = type; this.spec = configSpec; this.title = title; this.configGroup = configGroup; } public SubMenuConfigScreen(Screen parent, ModConfig.Type type, ForgeConfigSpec configSpec) { super(parent); this.type = type; this.spec = configSpec; this.title = "root"; this.configGroup = configSpec.getValues(); } protected void clearChanges() { changes.clear(); list.children() .stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof ValueEntry) .forEach(e -> ((ValueEntry) e).onValueChange()); } protected void saveChanges() { UnmodifiableConfig values = spec.getValues(); changes.forEach((path, value) -> { ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue configValue = values.get(path); configValue.set(value); if (type == ModConfig.Type.SERVER) { CConfigureConfigPacket<>(path, value)); } }); clearChanges(); } protected void resetConfig(UnmodifiableConfig values) { values.valueMap().forEach((key, obj) -> { if (obj instanceof AbstractConfig) { resetConfig((UnmodifiableConfig) obj); } else if (obj instanceof ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue) { ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue configValue = (ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue) obj; ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec valueSpec = spec.getRaw(configValue.getPath()); if (!configValue.get().equals(valueSpec.getDefault())) changes.put(String.join(".", configValue.getPath()), valueSpec.getDefault()); } }); list.children() .stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof ValueEntry) .forEach(e -> ((ValueEntry) e).onValueChange()); } @Override public void tick() { super.tick(); list.tick(); } @Override protected void init() { widgets.clear(); super.init(); listWidth = Math.min(width - 80, 300); int yCenter = height / 2; int listL = this.width / 2 - listWidth / 2; int listR = this.width / 2 + listWidth / 2; resetAll = new BoxWidget(listR + 10, yCenter - 25, 20, 20) .withPadding(2, 2) .withCallback((x, y) -> new ConfirmationScreen() .at(x, y) .withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to reset all settings for the " + type.toString() + " config. Are you sure?")) .withAction(success -> { if (success) resetConfig(spec.getValues()); }) .open(this) ); resetAll.showingElement(AllIcons.I_CONFIG_RESET.asStencil().withElementRenderer(BoxWidget.gradientFactory.apply(resetAll))); resetAll.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Reset All")); resetAll.getToolTip().addAll(TooltipHelper.cutStringTextComponent("Click here to reset all configs to their default value.", TextFormatting.GRAY, TextFormatting.GRAY)); saveChanges = new BoxWidget(listL - 30, yCenter - 25, 20, 20) .withPadding(2, 2) .withCallback((x, y) -> { if (changes.isEmpty()) return; new ConfirmationScreen() .at(x, y) .withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to change " + changes.size() + " value" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ". Are you sure?")) .withAction(success -> { if (success) saveChanges(); }) .open(this); }); saveChanges.showingElement(AllIcons.I_CONFIG_SAVE.asStencil().withElementRenderer(BoxWidget.gradientFactory.apply(saveChanges))); saveChanges.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Save Changes")); saveChanges.getToolTip().addAll(TooltipHelper.cutStringTextComponent("Click here to save your current changes.", TextFormatting.GRAY, TextFormatting.GRAY)); discardChanges = new BoxWidget(listL - 30, yCenter + 5, 20, 20) .withPadding(2, 2) .withCallback((x, y) -> { if (changes.isEmpty()) return; new ConfirmationScreen() .at(x, y) .withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to discard " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ". Are you sure?")) .withAction(success -> { if (success) clearChanges(); }) .open(this); }); discardChanges.showingElement(AllIcons.I_CONFIG_DISCARD.asStencil().withElementRenderer(BoxWidget.gradientFactory.apply(discardChanges))); discardChanges.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Discard Changes")); discardChanges.getToolTip().addAll(TooltipHelper.cutStringTextComponent("Click here to discard all the changes you made.", TextFormatting.GRAY, TextFormatting.GRAY)); goBack = new BoxWidget(listL - 30, yCenter + 65, 20, 20) .withPadding(2, 2) .withCallback(this::attemptBackstep); goBack.showingElement(AllIcons.I_CONFIG_BACK.asStencil().withElementRenderer(BoxWidget.gradientFactory.apply(goBack))); goBack.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Go Back")); widgets.add(resetAll); widgets.add(saveChanges); widgets.add(discardChanges); widgets.add(goBack); list = new ConfigScreenList(client, listWidth, height - 60, 45, height - 15, 40); list.setLeftPos(this.width / 2 - list.getWidth() / 2); children.add(list); configGroup.valueMap().forEach((key, obj) -> { String humanKey = toHumanReadable(key); if (obj instanceof AbstractConfig) { SubMenuEntry entry = new SubMenuEntry(this, humanKey, spec, (UnmodifiableConfig) obj); list.children().add(entry); } else if (obj instanceof ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue) { ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue configValue = (ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue) obj; ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec valueSpec = spec.getRaw(configValue.getPath()); Object value = configValue.get(); if (value instanceof Boolean) { BooleanEntry entry = new BooleanEntry(humanKey, (ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue) configValue, valueSpec); list.children().add(entry); } else if (value instanceof Enum) { EnumEntry entry = new EnumEntry(humanKey, (ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue>) configValue, valueSpec); list.children().add(entry); } else if (value instanceof Number) { NumberEntry entry = NumberEntry.create(value, humanKey, configValue, valueSpec); if (entry != null) { list.children().add(entry); } else { list.children().add(new ConfigScreenList.LabeledEntry("n-" + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + humanKey + " : " + value)); } } else { list.children().add(new ConfigScreenList.LabeledEntry(humanKey + " : " + value)); } } }); //extras for server configs if (type != ModConfig.Type.SERVER) return; list.isForServer = true; boolean canEdit = client != null && client.player != null && client.player.hasPermissionLevel(2); Couple red = Theme.p(Theme.Key.BUTTON_FAIL); Couple green = Theme.p(Theme.Key.BUTTON_SUCCESS); DelegatedStencilElement stencil = new DelegatedStencilElement(); serverLocked = new BoxWidget(listR + 10, yCenter + 5, 20, 20) .withPadding(2, 2) .showingElement(stencil); if (!canEdit) { list.children().forEach(e -> e.setEditable(false)); = false; stencil.withStencilRenderer((ms, w, h, alpha) -> AllIcons.I_CONFIG_LOCKED.draw(ms, 0, 0)); stencil.withElementRenderer((ms, w, h, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 90, 8, 0, 16, 16, red)); serverLocked.withBorderColors(red); serverLocked.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Locked").formatted(TextFormatting.BOLD)); serverLocked.getToolTip().addAll(TooltipHelper.cutStringTextComponent("You don't have enough permissions to edit the server config. You can still look at the current values here though.", TextFormatting.GRAY, TextFormatting.GRAY)); } else { stencil.withStencilRenderer((ms, w, h, alpha) -> AllIcons.I_CONFIG_UNLOCKED.draw(ms, 0, 0)); stencil.withElementRenderer((ms, w, h, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 90, 8, 0, 16, 16, green)); serverLocked.withBorderColors(green); serverLocked.getToolTip().add(new StringTextComponent("Unlocked").formatted(TextFormatting.BOLD)); serverLocked.getToolTip().addAll(TooltipHelper.cutStringTextComponent("You have enough permissions to edit the server config. Changes you make here will be synced with the server when you save them.", TextFormatting.GRAY, TextFormatting.GRAY)); } widgets.add(serverLocked); } @Override protected void renderWindow(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { super.renderWindow(ms, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); int x = width/2; drawCenteredString(ms, client.fontRenderer, "Editing config: " + type.toString() + "@" + title, x, 15, Theme.i(Theme.Key.TEXT)); list.render(ms, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } @Override protected void renderWindowForeground(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { super.renderWindowForeground(ms, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } @Override public void resize(@Nonnull Minecraft client, int width, int height) { double scroll = list.getScrollAmount(); init(client, width, height); list.setScrollAmount(scroll); } @Nullable @Override public IGuiEventListener getFocused() { if (ConfigScreenList.currentText != null) return ConfigScreenList.currentText; return super.getFocused(); } @Override public boolean keyPressed(int code, int p_keyPressed_2_, int p_keyPressed_3_) { if (super.keyPressed(code, p_keyPressed_2_, p_keyPressed_3_)) return true; if (code == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE) { attemptBackstep(); } return false; } private void attemptBackstep() { if (!changes.isEmpty() && parent instanceof BaseConfigScreen) { new ConfirmationScreen() .centered() .addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + " for this config.")) .addText(ITextProperties.plain("Leaving this screen will discard them without saving. Are you sure?")) .withAction(success -> { if (!success) return; changes.clear();; }) .open(this); } else {; } } @Override public void onClose() { if (changes.isEmpty()) { super.onClose(); return; } new ConfirmationScreen() .centered() .addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + " for this config.")) .addText(ITextProperties.plain("Leaving this screen will discard them without saving. Are you sure?")) .withAction(success -> { if (!success) return; changes.clear(); super.onClose(); }) .open(this); } }