package com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.track; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.jozufozu.flywheel.util.Color; import com.simibubi.create.AllSpecialTextures; import com.simibubi.create.AllTags; import com.simibubi.create.CreateClient; import; import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.BezierConnection; import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.ITrackBlock; import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackMaterial; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.ChatFormatting; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.player.LocalPlayer; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.core.Direction; import net.minecraft.core.Direction.Axis; import net.minecraft.core.Direction.AxisDirection; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtUtils; import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag; import net.minecraft.util.Mth; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn; import net.minecraftforge.items.ItemHandlerHelper; public class TrackPlacement { public static class PlacementInfo { public PlacementInfo(TrackMaterial material) { this.trackMaterial = material; } BezierConnection curve = null; boolean valid = false; int end1Extent = 0; int end2Extent = 0; String message = null; public int requiredTracks = 0; public boolean hasRequiredTracks = false; public int requiredPavement = 0; public boolean hasRequiredPavement = false; public final TrackMaterial trackMaterial; // for visualisation Vec3 end1; Vec3 end2; Vec3 normal1; Vec3 normal2; Vec3 axis1; Vec3 axis2; BlockPos pos1; BlockPos pos2; public PlacementInfo withMessage(String message) { this.message = "track." + message; return this; } public PlacementInfo tooJumbly() { curve = null; return this; } } public static PlacementInfo cached; static BlockPos hoveringPos; static boolean hoveringMaxed; static int hoveringAngle; static ItemStack lastItem; public static PlacementInfo tryConnect(Level level, Player player, BlockPos pos2, BlockState state2, ItemStack stack, boolean girder, boolean maximiseTurn) { Vec3 lookVec = player.getLookAngle(); int lookAngle = (int) (22.5 + AngleHelper.deg(Mth.atan2(lookVec.z, lookVec.x)) % 360) / 8; int maxLength = AllConfigs.SERVER.trains.maxTrackPlacementLength.get(); if (level.isClientSide && cached != null && pos2.equals(hoveringPos) && stack.equals(lastItem) && hoveringMaxed == maximiseTurn && lookAngle == hoveringAngle) return cached; PlacementInfo info = new PlacementInfo(TrackMaterial.fromItem(stack.getItem())); hoveringMaxed = maximiseTurn; hoveringAngle = lookAngle; hoveringPos = pos2; lastItem = stack; cached = info; ITrackBlock track = (ITrackBlock) state2.getBlock(); Pair nearestTrackAxis = track.getNearestTrackAxis(level, pos2, state2, lookVec); Vec3 axis2 = nearestTrackAxis.getFirst() .scale(nearestTrackAxis.getSecond() == AxisDirection.POSITIVE ? -1 : 1); Vec3 normal2 = track.getUpNormal(level, pos2, state2) .normalize(); Vec3 normedAxis2 = axis2.normalize(); Vec3 end2 = track.getCurveStart(level, pos2, state2, axis2); CompoundTag itemTag = stack.getTag(); CompoundTag selectionTag = itemTag.getCompound("ConnectingFrom"); BlockPos pos1 = NbtUtils.readBlockPos(selectionTag.getCompound("Pos")); Vec3 axis1 = VecHelper.readNBT(selectionTag.getList("Axis", Tag.TAG_DOUBLE)); Vec3 normedAxis1 = axis1.normalize(); Vec3 end1 = VecHelper.readNBT(selectionTag.getList("End", Tag.TAG_DOUBLE)); Vec3 normal1 = VecHelper.readNBT(selectionTag.getList("Normal", Tag.TAG_DOUBLE)); boolean front1 = selectionTag.getBoolean("Front"); BlockState state1 = level.getBlockState(pos1); if (level.isClientSide) { info.end1 = end1; info.end2 = end2; info.normal1 = normal1; info.normal2 = normal2; info.axis1 = axis1; info.axis2 = axis2; } if (pos1.equals(pos2)) return info.withMessage("second_point"); if (pos1.distSqr(pos2) > maxLength * maxLength) return info.withMessage("too_far") .tooJumbly(); if (!state1.hasProperty(TrackBlock.HAS_TE)) return info.withMessage("original_missing"); if ( < 0) { axis1 = axis1.scale(-1); normedAxis1 = normedAxis1.scale(-1); front1 = !front1; end1 = track.getCurveStart(level, pos1, state1, axis1); if (level.isClientSide) { info.end1 = end1; info.axis1 = axis1; } } double[] intersect = VecHelper.intersect(end1, end2, normedAxis1, normedAxis2, Axis.Y); boolean parallel = intersect == null; boolean skipCurve = false; if ((parallel && > 0) || (!parallel && (intersect[0] < 0 || intersect[1] < 0))) { axis2 = axis2.scale(-1); normedAxis2 = normedAxis2.scale(-1); end2 = track.getCurveStart(level, pos2, state2, axis2); if (level.isClientSide) { info.end2 = end2; info.axis2 = axis2; } } Vec3 cross2 = normedAxis2.cross(new Vec3(0, 1, 0)); double a1 = Mth.atan2(normedAxis2.z, normedAxis2.x); double a2 = Mth.atan2(normedAxis1.z, normedAxis1.x); double angle = a1 - a2; double ascend = end2.subtract(end1).y; double absAscend = Math.abs(ascend); boolean slope = !normal1.equals(normal2); if (level.isClientSide) { Vec3 offset1 = axis1.scale(info.end1Extent); Vec3 offset2 = axis2.scale(info.end2Extent); BlockPos targetPos1 = pos1.offset(offset1.x, offset1.y, offset1.z); BlockPos targetPos2 = pos2.offset(offset2.x, offset2.y, offset2.z); info.curve = new BezierConnection(Couple.create(targetPos1, targetPos2), Couple.create(end1.add(offset1), end2.add(offset2)), Couple.create(normedAxis1, normedAxis2), Couple.create(normal1, normal2), true, girder, TrackMaterial.fromItem(stack.getItem())); } // S curve or Straight double dist = 0; if (parallel) { double[] sTest = VecHelper.intersect(end1, end2, normedAxis1, cross2, Axis.Y); if (sTest != null) { double t = Math.abs(sTest[0]); double u = Math.abs(sTest[1]); skipCurve = Mth.equal(u, 0); if (!skipCurve && sTest[0] < 0) return info.withMessage("perpendicular") .tooJumbly(); if (skipCurve) { dist = VecHelper.getCenterOf(pos1) .distanceTo(VecHelper.getCenterOf(pos2)); info.end1Extent = (int) Math.round((dist + 1) / axis1.length()); } else { if (!Mth.equal(ascend, 0)) return info.withMessage("ascending_s_curve"); double targetT = u <= 1 ? 3 : u * 2; if (t < targetT) return info.withMessage("too_sharp"); // This is for standardising s curve sizes if (t > targetT) { int correction = (int) ((t - targetT) / axis1.length()); info.end1Extent = maximiseTurn ? 0 : correction / 2 + (correction % 2); info.end2Extent = maximiseTurn ? 0 : correction / 2; } } } } // Slope if (slope) { if (!skipCurve) return info.withMessage("slope_turn"); if (Mth.equal(, 0)) return info.withMessage("opposing_slopes"); if ((axis1.y < 0 || axis2.y > 0) && ascend > 0) return info.withMessage("leave_slope_ascending"); if ((axis1.y > 0 || axis2.y < 0) && ascend < 0) return info.withMessage("leave_slope_descending"); skipCurve = false; info.end1Extent = 0; info.end2Extent = 0; Axis plane = Mth.equal(axis1.x, 0) ? Axis.X : Axis.Z; intersect = VecHelper.intersect(end1, end2, normedAxis1, normedAxis2, plane); double dist1 = Math.abs(intersect[0] / axis1.length()); double dist2 = Math.abs(intersect[1] / axis2.length()); if (dist1 > dist2) info.end1Extent = (int) Math.round(dist1 - dist2); if (dist2 > dist1) info.end2Extent = (int) Math.round(dist2 - dist1); double turnSize = Math.min(dist1, dist2); if (intersect[0] < 0 || intersect[1] < 0) return info.withMessage("too_sharp") .tooJumbly(); if (turnSize < 2) return info.withMessage("too_sharp"); // This is for standardising curve sizes if (turnSize > 2 && !maximiseTurn) { info.end1Extent += turnSize - 2; info.end2Extent += turnSize - 2; turnSize = 2; } } // Straight ascend if (skipCurve && !Mth.equal(ascend, 0)) { int hDistance = info.end1Extent; if (axis1.y == 0 || !Mth.equal(absAscend + 1, dist / axis1.length())) { if (axis1.y != 0 && axis1.y == -axis2.y) return info.withMessage("ascending_s_curve"); info.end1Extent = 0; double minHDistance = Math.max(absAscend < 4 ? absAscend * 4 : absAscend * 3, 6) / axis1.length(); if (hDistance < minHDistance) return info.withMessage("too_steep"); if (hDistance > minHDistance) { int correction = (int) (hDistance - minHDistance); info.end1Extent = maximiseTurn ? 0 : correction / 2 + (correction % 2); info.end2Extent = maximiseTurn ? 0 : correction / 2; } skipCurve = false; } } // Turn if (!parallel) { float absAngle = Math.abs(AngleHelper.deg(angle)); if (absAngle < 60 || absAngle > 300) return info.withMessage("turn_90") .tooJumbly(); intersect = VecHelper.intersect(end1, end2, normedAxis1, normedAxis2, Axis.Y); double dist1 = Math.abs(intersect[0]); double dist2 = Math.abs(intersect[1]); float ex1 = 0; float ex2 = 0; if (dist1 > dist2) ex1 = (float) ((dist1 - dist2) / axis1.length()); if (dist2 > dist1) ex2 = (float) ((dist2 - dist1) / axis2.length()); double turnSize = Math.min(dist1, dist2) - .1d; boolean ninety = (absAngle + .25f) % 90 < 1; if (intersect[0] < 0 || intersect[1] < 0) return info.withMessage("too_sharp") .tooJumbly(); double minTurnSize = ninety ? 7 : 3.25; double turnSizeToFitAscend = minTurnSize + (ninety ? Math.max(0, absAscend - 3) * 2f : Math.max(0, absAscend - 1.5f) * 1.5f); if (turnSize < minTurnSize) return info.withMessage("too_sharp"); if (turnSize < turnSizeToFitAscend) return info.withMessage("too_steep"); // This is for standardising curve sizes if (!maximiseTurn) { ex1 += (turnSize - turnSizeToFitAscend) / axis1.length(); ex2 += (turnSize - turnSizeToFitAscend) / axis2.length(); } info.end1Extent = Mth.floor(ex1); info.end2Extent = Mth.floor(ex2); turnSize = turnSizeToFitAscend; } Vec3 offset1 = axis1.scale(info.end1Extent); Vec3 offset2 = axis2.scale(info.end2Extent); BlockPos targetPos1 = pos1.offset(offset1.x, offset1.y, offset1.z); BlockPos targetPos2 = pos2.offset(offset2.x, offset2.y, offset2.z); info.curve = skipCurve ? null : new BezierConnection(Couple.create(targetPos1, targetPos2), Couple.create(end1.add(offset1), end2.add(offset2)), Couple.create(normedAxis1, normedAxis2), Couple.create(normal1, normal2), true, girder, TrackMaterial.fromItem(stack.getItem())); info.valid = true; info.pos1 = pos1; info.pos2 = pos2; info.axis1 = axis1; info.axis2 = axis2; placeTracks(level, info, state1, state2, targetPos1, targetPos2, true); ItemStack offhandItem = player.getOffhandItem() .copy(); boolean shouldPave = offhandItem.getItem() instanceof BlockItem; if (shouldPave) { BlockItem paveItem = (BlockItem) offhandItem.getItem(); paveTracks(level, info, paveItem, true); info.hasRequiredPavement = true; } info.hasRequiredTracks = true; if (!player.isCreative()) { for (boolean simulate : Iterate.trueAndFalse) { if (level.isClientSide && !simulate) break; int tracks = info.requiredTracks; int pavement = info.requiredPavement; int foundTracks = 0; int foundPavement = 0; Inventory inv = player.getInventory(); int size = inv.items.size(); for (int j = 0; j <= size + 1; j++) { int i = j; boolean offhand = j == size + 1; if (j == size) i = inv.selected; else if (offhand) i = 0; else if (j == inv.selected) continue; ItemStack stackInSlot = (offhand ? inv.offhand : inv.items).get(i); boolean isTrack = AllTags.AllBlockTags.TRACKS.matches(stackInSlot) &&; if (!isTrack && (!shouldPave || offhandItem.getItem() != stackInSlot.getItem())) continue; if (isTrack ? foundTracks >= tracks : foundPavement >= pavement) continue; int count = stackInSlot.getCount(); if (!simulate) { int remainingItems = count - Math.min(isTrack ? tracks - foundTracks : pavement - foundPavement, count); if (i == inv.selected) stackInSlot.setTag(null); ItemStack newItem = ItemHandlerHelper.copyStackWithSize(stackInSlot, remainingItems); if (offhand) player.setItemInHand(InteractionHand.OFF_HAND, newItem); else inv.setItem(i, newItem); } if (isTrack) foundTracks += count; else foundPavement += count; } if (simulate && foundTracks < tracks) { info.valid = false; info.tooJumbly(); info.hasRequiredTracks = false; return info.withMessage("not_enough_tracks"); } if (simulate && foundPavement < pavement) { info.valid = false; info.tooJumbly(); info.hasRequiredPavement = false; return info.withMessage("not_enough_pavement"); } } } if (level.isClientSide()) return info; if (shouldPave) { BlockItem paveItem = (BlockItem) offhandItem.getItem(); paveTracks(level, info, paveItem, false); } if (info.curve != null && info.curve.getLength() > 29) AllAdvancements.LONG_BEND.awardTo(player); return placeTracks(level, info, state1, state2, targetPos1, targetPos2, false); } private static void paveTracks(Level level, PlacementInfo info, BlockItem blockItem, boolean simulate) { Block block = blockItem.getBlock(); info.requiredPavement = 0; if (block == null || block instanceof EntityBlock || block.defaultBlockState() .getCollisionShape(level, info.pos1) .isEmpty()) return; Set visited = new HashSet<>(); for (boolean first : Iterate.trueAndFalse) { int extent = (first ? info.end1Extent : info.end2Extent) + (info.curve != null ? 1 : 0); Vec3 axis = first ? info.axis1 : info.axis2; BlockPos pavePos = first ? info.pos1 : info.pos2; info.requiredPavement += TrackPaver.paveStraight(level, pavePos.below(), axis, extent, block, simulate, visited); } if (info.curve != null) info.requiredPavement += TrackPaver.paveCurve(level, info.curve, block, simulate, visited); } private static BlockState copyProperties(BlockState from, BlockState onto) { for (Property property : onto.getProperties()) { if (from.hasProperty(property)) onto = onto.setValue(property, from.getValue(property)); } return onto; } private static BlockState copyProperties(BlockState from, BlockState onto, boolean keepFrom) { return keepFrom ? from : copyProperties(from, onto); } private static PlacementInfo placeTracks(Level level, PlacementInfo info, BlockState state1, BlockState state2, BlockPos targetPos1, BlockPos targetPos2, boolean simulate) { info.requiredTracks = 0; for (boolean first : Iterate.trueAndFalse) { int extent = first ? info.end1Extent : info.end2Extent; Vec3 axis = first ? info.axis1 : info.axis2; BlockPos pos = first ? info.pos1 : info.pos2; BlockState state = first ? state1 : state2; if (state.hasProperty(TrackBlock.HAS_TE) && !simulate) state = state.setValue(TrackBlock.HAS_TE, false); switch (state.getValue(TrackBlock.SHAPE)) { case TE, TW: state = state.setValue(TrackBlock.SHAPE, TrackShape.XO); break; case TN, TS: state = state.setValue(TrackBlock.SHAPE, TrackShape.ZO); break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < (info.curve != null ? extent + 1 : extent); i++) { Vec3 offset = axis.scale(i); BlockPos offsetPos = pos.offset(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z); BlockState stateAtPos = level.getBlockState(offsetPos); // copy over all shared properties from the shaped state to the correct track material block BlockState toPlace = copyProperties(state, info.trackMaterial.getTrackBlock().get().defaultBlockState()); boolean canPlace = stateAtPos.getMaterial() .isReplaceable(); if (canPlace) info.requiredTracks++; if (simulate) continue; if (stateAtPos.getBlock() instanceof ITrackBlock trackAtPos) { toPlace = trackAtPos.overlay(level, offsetPos, stateAtPos, toPlace); canPlace = true; } if (canPlace) level.setBlock(offsetPos, ProperWaterloggedBlock.withWater(level, toPlace, offsetPos), 3); } } if (info.curve == null) return info; if (!simulate) { BlockState onto = info.trackMaterial.getTrackBlock().get().defaultBlockState(); BlockState stateAtPos = level.getBlockState(targetPos1); level.setBlock(targetPos1, ProperWaterloggedBlock.withWater(level, (AllTags.AllBlockTags.TRACKS.matches(stateAtPos) ? stateAtPos : copyProperties(state1, onto)) .setValue(TrackBlock.HAS_TE, true), targetPos1), 3); stateAtPos = level.getBlockState(targetPos2); level.setBlock(targetPos2, ProperWaterloggedBlock.withWater(level, (AllTags.AllBlockTags.TRACKS.matches(stateAtPos) ? stateAtPos : copyProperties(state2, onto)) .setValue(TrackBlock.HAS_TE, true), targetPos2), 3); } BlockEntity te1 = level.getBlockEntity(targetPos1); BlockEntity te2 = level.getBlockEntity(targetPos2); int requiredTracksForTurn = (info.curve.getSegmentCount() + 1) / 2; if (!(te1 instanceof TrackTileEntity) || !(te2 instanceof TrackTileEntity)) { info.requiredTracks += requiredTracksForTurn; return info; } TrackTileEntity tte1 = (TrackTileEntity) te1; TrackTileEntity tte2 = (TrackTileEntity) te2; if (!tte1.getConnections() .containsKey(tte2.getBlockPos())) info.requiredTracks += requiredTracksForTurn; if (simulate) return info; tte1.addConnection(info.curve); tte2.addConnection(info.curve.secondary()); return info; } static LerpedFloat animation = LerpedFloat.linear() .startWithValue(0); static int lastLineCount = 0; static BlockPos hintPos; static int hintAngle; static Couple> hints; @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) public static void clientTick() { LocalPlayer player = Minecraft.getInstance().player; ItemStack stack = player.getMainHandItem(); HitResult hitResult = Minecraft.getInstance().hitResult; if (hitResult == null) return; if (hitResult.getType() != Type.BLOCK) return; InteractionHand hand = InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND; if (!AllTags.AllBlockTags.TRACKS.matches(stack)) { stack = player.getOffhandItem(); hand = InteractionHand.OFF_HAND; if (!AllTags.AllBlockTags.TRACKS.matches(stack)) return; } if (!stack.hasFoil()) return; TrackBlockItem blockItem = (TrackBlockItem) stack.getItem(); Level level = player.level; BlockHitResult bhr = (BlockHitResult) hitResult; BlockPos pos = bhr.getBlockPos(); BlockState hitState = level.getBlockState(pos); if (!(hitState.getBlock() instanceof TrackBlock) && !hitState.getMaterial() .isReplaceable()) { pos = pos.relative(bhr.getDirection()); hitState = blockItem.getPlacementState(new UseOnContext(player, hand, bhr)); if (hitState == null) return; } if (!(hitState.getBlock() instanceof TrackBlock)) return; boolean maxTurns = Minecraft.getInstance().options.keySprint.isDown(); PlacementInfo info = tryConnect(level, player, pos, hitState, stack, false, maxTurns); if (!player.isCreative() && (info.valid || !info.hasRequiredTracks || !info.hasRequiredPavement)) BlueprintOverlayRenderer.displayTrackRequirements(info, player.getOffhandItem()); if (info.valid) player.displayClientMessage(Lang.translateDirect("track.valid_connection") .withStyle(ChatFormatting.GREEN), true); else if (info.message != null) player.displayClientMessage(Lang.translateDirect(info.message) .withStyle(info.message.equals("track.second_point") ? ChatFormatting.WHITE : ChatFormatting.RED), true); if (bhr.getDirection() == Direction.UP) { Vec3 lookVec = player.getLookAngle(); int lookAngle = (int) (22.5 + AngleHelper.deg(Mth.atan2(lookVec.z, lookVec.x)) % 360) / 8; if (!pos.equals(hintPos) || lookAngle != hintAngle) { hints = Couple.create(ArrayList::new); hintAngle = lookAngle; hintPos = pos; for (int xOffset = -2; xOffset <= 2; xOffset++) { for (int zOffset = -2; zOffset <= 2; zOffset++) { BlockPos offset = pos.offset(xOffset, 0, zOffset); PlacementInfo adjInfo = tryConnect(level, player, offset, hitState, stack, false, maxTurns); hints.get(adjInfo.valid) .add(offset.below()); } } } if (hints != null && !hints.either(Collection::isEmpty)) { CreateClient.OUTLINER.showCluster("track_valid", hints.getFirst()) .withFaceTexture(AllSpecialTextures.THIN_CHECKERED) .colored(0x95CD41) .lineWidth(0); CreateClient.OUTLINER.showCluster("track_invalid", hints.getSecond()) .withFaceTexture(AllSpecialTextures.THIN_CHECKERED) .colored(0xEA5C2B) .lineWidth(0); } } ? 1 : 0, 0.25, Chaser.EXP); animation.tickChaser(); if (!info.valid) { info.end1Extent = 0; info.end2Extent = 0; } int color = Color.mixColors(0xEA5C2B, 0x95CD41, animation.getValue()); Vec3 up = new Vec3(0, 4 / 16f, 0); { Vec3 v1 = info.end1; Vec3 a1 = info.axis1.normalize(); Vec3 n1 = info.normal1.cross(a1) .scale(15 / 16f); Vec3 o1 = a1.scale(0.125f); Vec3 ex1 = a1.scale((info.end1Extent - (info.curve == null && info.end1Extent > 0 ? 2 : 0)) * info.axis1.length()); line(1, v1.add(n1) .add(up), o1, ex1); line(2, v1.subtract(n1) .add(up), o1, ex1); Vec3 v2 = info.end2; Vec3 a2 = info.axis2.normalize(); Vec3 n2 = info.normal2.cross(a2) .scale(15 / 16f); Vec3 o2 = a2.scale(0.125f); Vec3 ex2 = a2.scale(info.end2Extent * info.axis2.length()); line(3, v2.add(n2) .add(up), o2, ex2); line(4, v2.subtract(n2) .add(up), o2, ex2); } BezierConnection bc = info.curve; if (bc == null) return; Vec3 previous1 = null; Vec3 previous2 = null; int railcolor = color; int segCount = bc.getSegmentCount(); float s = animation.getValue() * 7 / 8f + 1 / 8f; float lw = animation.getValue() * 1 / 16f + 1 / 16f; Vec3 end1 = bc.starts.getFirst(); Vec3 end2 = bc.starts.getSecond(); Vec3 finish1 = end1.add(bc.axes.getFirst() .scale(bc.getHandleLength())); Vec3 finish2 = end2.add(bc.axes.getSecond() .scale(bc.getHandleLength())); String key = "curve"; for (int i = 0; i <= segCount; i++) { float t = i / (float) segCount; Vec3 result = VecHelper.bezier(end1, end2, finish1, finish2, t); Vec3 derivative = VecHelper.bezierDerivative(end1, end2, finish1, finish2, t) .normalize(); Vec3 normal = bc.getNormal(t) .cross(derivative) .scale(15 / 16f); Vec3 rail1 = result.add(normal) .add(up); Vec3 rail2 = result.subtract(normal) .add(up); if (previous1 != null) { Vec3 middle1 = rail1.add(previous1) .scale(0.5f); Vec3 middle2 = rail2.add(previous2) .scale(0.5f); CreateClient.OUTLINER .showLine(Pair.of(key, i * 2), VecHelper.lerp(s, middle1, previous1), VecHelper.lerp(s, middle1, rail1)) .colored(railcolor) .disableLineNormals() .lineWidth(lw); CreateClient.OUTLINER .showLine(Pair.of(key, i * 2 + 1), VecHelper.lerp(s, middle2, previous2), VecHelper.lerp(s, middle2, rail2)) .colored(railcolor) .disableLineNormals() .lineWidth(lw); } previous1 = rail1; previous2 = rail2; } for (int i = segCount + 1; i <= lastLineCount; i++) { CreateClient.OUTLINER.remove(Pair.of(key, i * 2)); CreateClient.OUTLINER.remove(Pair.of(key, i * 2 + 1)); } lastLineCount = segCount; } @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) private static void line(int id, Vec3 v1, Vec3 o1, Vec3 ex) { int color = Color.mixColors(0xEA5C2B, 0x95CD41, animation.getValue()); CreateClient.OUTLINER.showLine(Pair.of("start", id), v1.subtract(o1), v1.add(ex)) .lineWidth(1 / 8f) .disableLineNormals() .colored(color); } }