zelophed b2fe04a3c8 Pondering Alone, Part III
- move SuperByteBuffer and its caching to catnip
- move sprite shifter to catnip
- no longer use StitchedSprites for (ct) sprite shifts
- fix ponder fluid rendering by using SBB for WorldSectionElement again
- allow catnip-forge to load without being present on the server
2022-09-19 12:57:31 +02:00

52 lines
1.2 KiB

package com.simibubi.create.content.contraptions.base.flwdata;
import com.mojang.math.Quaternion;
import net.createmod.catnip.render.SpriteShiftEntry;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
public class BeltData extends KineticData {
float qX;
float qY;
float qZ;
float qW;
float sourceU;
float sourceV;
float minU;
float minV;
float maxU;
float maxV;
byte scrollMult;
public BeltData setRotation(Quaternion q) {
this.qX = q.i();
this.qY = q.j();
this.qZ = q.k();
this.qW = q.r();
return this;
public BeltData setScrollTexture(SpriteShiftEntry spriteShift) {
TextureAtlasSprite source = spriteShift.getOriginal();
TextureAtlasSprite target = spriteShift.getTarget();
this.sourceU = source.getU0();
this.sourceV = source.getV0();
this.minU = target.getU0();
this.minV = target.getV0();
this.maxU = target.getU1();
this.maxV = target.getV1();
return this;
public BeltData setScrollMult(float scrollMult) {
this.scrollMult = (byte) (scrollMult * 127);
return this;