caelwarner 909484ed5b
Added getSchedule to train station lua API
- Added getSchedule which serializes the currently present train's schedule into a lua table
- Refactored StationPeripheral#setSchedule to use a more generic method of serializing NBT tags to lua tables
- Moved schedule entry special data from root tag to "Data"
- Added StringHelper#camelCaseToSnakeCase
- Added variety of put methods to CreateLuaTable
2023-03-11 11:15:58 -08:00

263 lines
8.5 KiB

package com.simibubi.create.compat.computercraft.peripherals;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import com.simibubi.create.compat.computercraft.CreateLuaTable;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.entity.Train;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.IArguments;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import net.minecraft.nbt.ByteTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.DoubleTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.IntTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NumericTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.StringTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag;
public class StationPeripheral extends SyncedPeripheral<StationTileEntity> {
public StationPeripheral(StationTileEntity tile) {
@LuaFunction(mainThread = true)
public final void assemble() throws LuaException {
if (!tile.isAssembling())
throw new LuaException("station must be in assembly mode");
if (tile.getStation() == null || tile.getStation().getPresentTrain() == null)
throw new LuaException("failed to assemble train");
if (!tile.exitAssemblyMode())
throw new LuaException("failed to exit assembly mode");
@LuaFunction(mainThread = true)
public final void disassemble() throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
Train train = station.getPresentTrain();
if (train == null)
throw new LuaException("there is no train present");
if (!tile.enterAssemblyMode(null))
throw new LuaException("could not disassemble train");
@LuaFunction(mainThread = true)
public final void setAssemblyMode(boolean assemblyMode) throws LuaException {
if (assemblyMode) {
if (!tile.enterAssemblyMode(null))
throw new LuaException("failed to enter assembly mode");
} else {
if (!tile.exitAssemblyMode())
throw new LuaException("failed to exit assembly mode");
public final boolean inAssemblyMode() {
return tile.isAssembling();
public final String getStationName() throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
@LuaFunction(mainThread = true)
public final void setStationName(String name) throws LuaException {
if (!tile.updateName(name))
throw new LuaException("could not set station name");
public final boolean isTrainPresent() throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
return station.getPresentTrain() != null;
public final String getTrainName() throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
Train train = station.getPresentTrain();
if (train == null)
throw new LuaException("there is no train present");
public final void setTrainName(String name) throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
Train train = station.getPresentTrain();
if (train == null)
throw new LuaException("there is no train present"); = Components.literal(name);, new TrainEditPacket.TrainEditReturnPacket(, name, train.icon.getId()));
public final CreateLuaTable getSchedule() throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
Train train = station.getPresentTrain();
if (train == null)
throw new LuaException("there is no train present");
Schedule schedule = train.runtime.getSchedule();
if (schedule == null)
throw new LuaException("train doesn't have a schedule");
return fromCompoundTag(schedule.write());
@LuaFunction(mainThread = true)
public final void setSchedule(IArguments arguments) throws LuaException {
GlobalStation station = tile.getStation();
if (station == null)
throw new LuaException("train station does not exist");
Train train = station.getPresentTrain();
if (train == null)
throw new LuaException("there is no train present");
Schedule schedule = Schedule.fromTag(toCompoundTag(new CreateLuaTable(arguments.getTable(0))));
boolean autoSchedule = train.runtime.getSchedule() == null || train.runtime.isAutoSchedule;
train.runtime.setSchedule(schedule, autoSchedule);
private static @NotNull CreateLuaTable fromCompoundTag(CompoundTag tag) throws LuaException {
return (CreateLuaTable) fromNBTTag(null, tag);
private static @NotNull Object fromNBTTag(@Nullable String key, Tag tag) throws LuaException {
byte type = tag.getId();
if (type == Tag.TAG_BYTE && key != null && key.equals("Count"))
return ((NumericTag) tag).getAsByte();
else if (type == Tag.TAG_BYTE)
return ((NumericTag) tag).getAsByte() != 0;
else if (type == Tag.TAG_INT || type == Tag.TAG_LONG)
return ((NumericTag) tag).getAsLong();
else if (type == Tag.TAG_FLOAT || type == Tag.TAG_DOUBLE)
return ((NumericTag) tag).getAsDouble();
else if (type == Tag.TAG_STRING)
return tag.getAsString();
else if (type == Tag.TAG_LIST) {
CreateLuaTable list = new CreateLuaTable();
ListTag listTag = (ListTag) tag;
for (int i = 0; i < listTag.size(); i++) {
list.put(i + 1, fromNBTTag(null, listTag.get(i)));
return list;
} else if (type == Tag.TAG_COMPOUND) {
CreateLuaTable table = new CreateLuaTable();
CompoundTag compoundTag = (CompoundTag) tag;
for (String compoundKey : compoundTag.getAllKeys()) {
fromNBTTag(compoundKey, compoundTag.get(compoundKey))
return table;
throw new LuaException("unknown tag type " + tag.getType().getName());
private static @NotNull CompoundTag toCompoundTag(CreateLuaTable table) throws LuaException {
return (CompoundTag) toNBTTag(null, table.getMap());
private static @NotNull Tag toNBTTag(@Nullable String key, Object value) throws LuaException {
if (value instanceof Boolean v)
return ByteTag.valueOf(v);
else if (value instanceof Byte || (key != null && key.equals("count")))
return ByteTag.valueOf(((Number) value).byteValue());
else if (value instanceof Number v) {
// If number is numerical integer
if (v.intValue() == v.doubleValue())
return IntTag.valueOf(v.intValue());
return DoubleTag.valueOf(v.doubleValue());
} else if (value instanceof String v)
return StringTag.valueOf(v);
else if (value instanceof Map<?, ?> v && v.containsKey(1.0)) { // List
ListTag list = new ListTag();
for (Object o : v.values()) {
list.add(toNBTTag(null, o));
return list;
} else if (value instanceof Map<?, ?> v) { // Table/Map
CompoundTag compound = new CompoundTag();
for (Object objectKey : v.keySet()) {
if (!(objectKey instanceof String compoundKey))
throw new LuaException("table key is not of type string");
// Items serialize their resource location as "id" and not as "Id".
// This check is needed to see if the 'i' should be left lowercase or not.
// Items store "count" in the same compound tag, so we can check for its presence to see if this is a serialized item
compoundKey.equals("id") && v.containsKey("count") ? "id" : StringHelper.snakeCaseToCamelCase(compoundKey),
toNBTTag(compoundKey, v.get(compoundKey))
return compound;
throw new LuaException("unknown object type " + value.getClass().getName());
public String getType() {
return "Create_Station";