Add a second snapping option to the panel creator. This allows snapping the left/right edge or center of a component to one of those of an existing component.

This commit is contained in:
malte0811 2017-08-21 21:04:51 +02:00
parent f62a13596b
commit e003367bf7
2 changed files with 126 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -39,14 +39,20 @@ import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class GuiPanelCreator extends GuiContainer {
public int panelSize = 128;
private ContainerPanelCreator container;
private boolean snapToGrid = false;
private int snapToGrid = 0;
private ResourceLocation textureLoc = new ResourceLocation(IndustrialWires.MODID, "textures/gui/panel_creator.png");
public GuiPanelCreator(InventoryPlayer ip, TileEntityPanelCreator te) {
@ -60,21 +66,121 @@ public class GuiPanelCreator extends GuiContainer {
GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
for (PanelComponent pc : container.tile.components) {
drawPanelComponent(pc, -1, -1);
int x0 = getX0();
int y0 = getY0();
int xRel = mouseX - x0;
int yRel = mouseY - y0;
if (snapToGrid) {
xRel = (int) Math.floor(xRel * 16 / panelSize) * panelSize / 16;
yRel = (int) Math.floor(yRel * 16 / panelSize) * panelSize / 16;
for (PanelComponent pc : container.tile.components) {
drawPanelComponent(pc, -1, -1);
PanelComponent curr = getFloatingPC();
if (curr != null && 0 <= xRel && xRel <= panelSize && 0 <= yRel && yRel <= panelSize) {
drawPanelComponent(curr, xRel, yRel);
Runnable after = ()->{};
if (snapToGrid != 0) {
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> right = (a, b)->b;
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> left = (a, b)->a;
Function<PanelComponent, Double> xSize = (pc)->{
AxisAlignedBB aabb = pc.getBlockRelativeAABB();
return aabb.maxX-aabb.minX;
Function<PanelComponent, Double> ySize = (pc)->{
AxisAlignedBB aabb = pc.getBlockRelativeAABB();
return aabb.maxZ-aabb.minZ;
Pair<Integer, Runnable> xSnap = snapToGrid(xRel, curr, PanelComponent::getX, PanelComponent::getY,
xSize, ySize, left, right);
xRel = xSnap.getLeft();
Pair<Integer, Runnable> ySnap = snapToGrid(yRel, curr, PanelComponent::getY, PanelComponent::getX,
ySize, xSize, right, left);
yRel = ySnap.getLeft();
after = ()->{
drawPanelComponent(curr, xRel, yRel);;
private Pair<Integer, Runnable> snapToGrid(int mouse, PanelComponent toPlace, Function<PanelComponent, Float> pos, Function<PanelComponent, Float> pos2,
Function<PanelComponent, Double> size,Function<PanelComponent, Double> size2,
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> getY, BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> getX) {
List<PanelComponent> components = container.tile.components;
if (snapToGrid==2&&!components.isEmpty()) {
List<Pair<PanelComponent, Double>> compLefts = new ArrayList<>(components.size());
List<Pair<PanelComponent, Double>> compCenters = new ArrayList<>(components.size());
List<Pair<PanelComponent, Double>> compRights = new ArrayList<>(components.size());
for (PanelComponent pc : components) {
double compLeft = pos.apply(pc);
double compSize = size.apply(pc);
compLefts.add(new ImmutablePair<>(pc, compLeft));
compRights.add(new ImmutablePair<>(pc, compLeft + compSize));
compCenters.add(new ImmutablePair<>(pc, compLeft + compSize / 2));
double mainLeft = pos.apply(toPlace);
double mainSize = size.apply(toPlace);
double mainRight = mainLeft + mainSize;
double mainCenter = (mainRight + mainLeft) / 2;
Triple<PanelComponent, ComponentSnapType, Double> min = getMinDist(compLefts, mainLeft, mainCenter, mainRight);
Triple<PanelComponent, ComponentSnapType, Double> tmpMin = getMinDist(compCenters, mainLeft, mainCenter, mainRight);
if (Math.abs(tmpMin.getRight()) < Math.abs(min.getRight())) {
min = tmpMin;
tmpMin = getMinDist(compRights, mainLeft, mainCenter, mainRight);
if (Math.abs(tmpMin.getRight()) < Math.abs(min.getRight())) {
min = tmpMin;
if (Math.abs(min.getRight())<.5/16) {
int ret = (int)(mouse+min.getRight()*panelSize);
PanelComponent snappedTo = min.getLeft();
ComponentSnapType type = min.getMiddle();
return new ImmutablePair<>(ret,()->{
int hor1, hor2;
float posOther = pos2.apply(toPlace);
hor1 = Math.round(Math.min(posOther, pos2.apply(snappedTo))*panelSize);
hor2 = (int) Math.round(Math.max(posOther+size2.apply(toPlace), pos2.apply(snappedTo)+size2.apply(snappedTo))*panelSize);
int vert1 = (int) (ret+(.5*type.ordinal())*mainSize*panelSize);
int vert2 = vert1+1;
int x0 = getX0(), y0 = getY0();
drawRect(x0+getX.apply(hor1, vert1), y0+getY.apply(hor1, vert1), x0+getX.apply(hor2, vert2),
y0+getY.apply(hor2, vert2), 0xff666666);
if (snapToGrid!=0) {
mouse = Math.round(mouse * 16 / panelSize) * panelSize / 16;
return new ImmutablePair<>(mouse, ()->{});
private Triple<PanelComponent, ComponentSnapType, Double> getMinDist(List<Pair<PanelComponent, Double>> comps,
double left, double center, double right) {
Pair<PanelComponent, Double> tmpMin = Collections.min(comps, Comparator.comparingDouble(a -> Math.abs(a.getRight() - left)));
Triple<PanelComponent, ComponentSnapType, Double> totalMin = new ImmutableTriple<>(tmpMin.getLeft(), ComponentSnapType.LEFT,
tmpMin = Collections.min(comps, Comparator.comparingDouble(a -> Math.abs(a.getRight() - center)));
if (Math.abs(tmpMin.getRight() - center)<Math.abs(totalMin.getRight())) {
totalMin = new ImmutableTriple<>(tmpMin.getLeft(), ComponentSnapType.CENTER,
tmpMin = Collections.min(comps, Comparator.comparingDouble(a -> Math.abs(a.getRight() - right)));
if (Math.abs(tmpMin.getRight() - right)<Math.abs(totalMin.getRight())) {
totalMin = new ImmutableTriple<>(tmpMin.getLeft(), ComponentSnapType.RIGHT,
return totalMin;
@ -89,11 +195,7 @@ public class GuiPanelCreator extends GuiContainer {
} else if (buttonList.get(1).isMouseOver()) {
tooltip = I18n.format(IndustrialWires.MODID + ".desc.remove_all");
} else if (buttonList.get(2).isMouseOver()) {
if (snapToGrid) {
tooltip = I18n.format(IndustrialWires.MODID + ".desc.disable_snap");
} else {
tooltip = I18n.format(IndustrialWires.MODID + ".desc.enable_snap");
tooltip = I18n.format(IndustrialWires.MODID + ".desc.snap"+snapToGrid);
} else if (buttonList.get(3).isMouseOver()) {
tooltip = I18n.format(IndustrialWires.MODID + ".desc.disassemble");
@ -201,7 +303,7 @@ public class GuiPanelCreator extends GuiContainer {
nbt.setInteger("type", MessageType.REMOVE_ALL.ordinal());
case 2:
snapToGrid = !snapToGrid;
snapToGrid = (snapToGrid+1)%3;
case 3:
nbt.setInteger("type", MessageType.DISASSEMBLE.ordinal());
@ -227,4 +329,10 @@ public class GuiPanelCreator extends GuiContainer {
lastFloatingPC = ItemPanelComponent.componentFromStack(floating);
return lastFloatingPC;
private enum ComponentSnapType {

View file

@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ industrialwires.desc.wireLength=Wire length: %1s block(s)
industrialwires.desc.recipe=Please check the Engineer's manual for recipe details
industrialwires.desc.remove_all=Remove all components from this panel
industrialwires.desc.create_panel=Create a new control panel
industrialwires.desc.enable_snap=Snap new components to the 16*16 grid
industrialwires.desc.disable_snap=Allow free placing of components
industrialwires.desc.snap0=Allow free placing of components
industrialwires.desc.snap1=Snap to grid
industrialwires.desc.snap2=Snap to other components
industrialwires.desc.latching_info=Does this button stay on indefinitely?
industrialwires.desc.disassemble=Disassemble the panel
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ Creator
ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator0=The GUI of the panel creator consists of two major sections: The controls on the left and the panel on the right. Components can be placed on the panel by "placing" the items in the corresponding point in the GUI. If the component is surrounded by a red area, it can not be placed in that
ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator1=position on the panel. This usually means that it is either overlapping with an other component or isn't completely on the panel.<br>The top button on the left (D) disassembles an existing control panel when it is placed in the slot beneath the button: The components of that panel are placed in the GUI, allowing them to be repositioned. The casing is lost in this process.<br>The next button (C) places the components from the right of the GUI on an Unfinished Control Panel in the slot in the
ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator2=left of the GUI, turning it into a regular Control Panel.<br>The button labeled R removes all components from the GUI panel area and places them in your inventory.<br>Finally the last button (S) changes between being able to place components anywhere on the panel to only being able to place them on a 16x16 grid.
ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator2=left of the GUI, turning it into a regular Control Panel.<br>The button labeled R removes all components from the GUI panel area and places them in your inventory.<br>Finally the last button (S) changes the snapping mode. Components can be placed anywhere by default. The first snapping option forces the component to align with the 16x16 grid, the second option forces it to align with components already placed on the panel. Connections also be blood vessels