tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.tin_conn.name=锡质接线器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.tin_relay.name=锡质继电器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.copper_conn.name=铜质接线器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.copper_relay.name=铜质继电器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.gold_conn.name=金质接线器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.gold_relay.name=金质继电器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.hv_conn.name=工业2高压接线器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.hv_relay.name=工业2高压继电器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.glass_conn.name=玻璃纤维接线器 tile.industrialwires.ic2_connector.glass_relay.name=玻璃纤维继电器 tile.industrialwires.general_hv.discharge_meter.name=放电计量表 tile.industrialwires.mechanical_converter.ie_motor.name=旋转能马达 tile.industrialwires.mechanical_converter.ie_to_ic2.name=转换器:IE旋转能-IC动能 tile.industrialwires.mechanical_converter.ic2_to_ie.name=转换器:IC动能-IE旋转能 tile.industrialwires.jacobs_ladder.small.name=小型雅各布之梯 tile.industrialwires.jacobs_ladder.normal.name=雅各布之梯 tile.industrialwires.jacobs_ladder.huge.name=大型雅各布之梯 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.top.name=控制面板 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.rs_wire.name=红石线控器:线缆 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.dummy.name=面板连接器 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.creator.name=控制面板建造器 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.unfinished.name=未完成的控制面板 tile.industrialwires.control_panel.other_rs_wires.name=红石线控器:其他 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.tin.name=锡质线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.copper.name=铜质线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.gold.name=金质线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.hv.name=工业2高压线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.glass.name=玻璃纤维线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.tin_ins.name=绝缘锡质线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.copper_ins.name=绝缘铜质线圈 item.industrialwires.ic2_wire_coil.gold_ins.name=绝缘金质线圈 item.industrialwires.panel_component.lighted_button.name=发光按钮 item.industrialwires.panel_component.label.name=标签 item.industrialwires.panel_component.indicator_light.name=指示灯 item.industrialwires.panel_component.slider.name=滑块 item.industrialwires.panel_component.variac.name=自耦变压器® item.industrialwires.panel_component.toggle_switch.name=钮子开关 item.industrialwires.panel_component.toggle_switch_covered.name=隐蔽钮子开关 item.industrialwires.panel_component.lock.name=锁定开关 item.industrialwires.panel_component.panel_meter.name=面板式仪表 item.industrialwires.panel_component.7seg.name=7段式显示屏 item.industrialwires.key.key.name=钥匙 item.industrialwires.key.key_named.name=...的钥匙 item.industrialwires.key.blank_key.name=空钥匙 item.industrialwires.key.key_ring.name=钥匙环 potion.industrialwires.tinnitus=耳鸣 industrialwires.subtitle.tinnitus=你患上了耳鸣 industrialwires.subtitle.jacobs_ladder=雅各布之梯监控系统 industrialwires.subtitle.marx_bang=马克思发生器放电 industrialwires.subtitle.marx_pop=马克思发生器失效 industrialwires.desc.jei.marx=马克思发生器 industrialwires.desc.jei.alt=(可选) industrialwires.desc.jei.max=(最大值.) industrialwires.desc.input=输入 industrialwires.desc.output=主输出 industrialwires.desc.alt=更替 industrialwires.desc.ideal_e=Ideal Energy industrialwires.desc.inertia=惯性 industrialwires.desc.max_speed=最大速度 industrialwires.desc.material=材料 industrialwires.desc.wireLength=线缆长度:%s 格 industrialwires.desc.recipe=请查看工程师手册以获取配方详情 industrialwires.desc.remove_all=从此面板中移除所有组件 industrialwires.desc.create_panel=创建一个新的控制面板 industrialwires.desc.snap0=允许自由放置组件 industrialwires.desc.snap1=关闭输电网 industrialwires.desc.snap2=关闭其他组件 industrialwires.desc.latching=封锁 industrialwires.desc.latching_info=该按钮是否处于不确定状态? industrialwires.desc.disassemble=拆解此面板 industrialwires.desc.rsid_info=红石线控器与之交互的ID industrialwires.desc.rschannel_info=通道使用的颜色 industrialwires.desc.rsid_info2=对于第二信号红石线控器的ID。-1以禁用 industrialwires.desc.rschannel_info2=对于第二信号通道使用的颜色 industrialwires.desc.label_text=此标签上的文本 industrialwires.desc.red=红色 industrialwires.desc.green=绿色 industrialwires.desc.blue=蓝色 industrialwires.desc.length=长度 industrialwires.desc.wide_info=宽版 industrialwires.desc.height=高度 industrialwires.desc.height_info=中部面板的高度 industrialwires.desc.angle=角度 industrialwires.desc.angle_info=面板被放置时同表面的夹角。0=-45°,100=45° industrialwires.tooltip.wide=宽 industrialwires.tooltip.narrow=窄 industrialwires.tooltip.horizontal=水平面 industrialwires.tooltip.vertical=铅垂面 industrialwires.tooltip.rsId=红石连接器ID:%1s industrialwires.tooltip.text=文本:%1s industrialwires.tooltip.latching=处于不确定状态 industrialwires.tooltip.instantaneous=半秒后关闭 industrialwires.tooltip.length=长度:%1s industrialwires.tooltip.power_tier=能量等级:%s industrialwires.tooltip.eu_per_tick=%s EU/t industrialwires.tooltip.transfer_rate=损耗 %s EU/t industrialwires.tooltip.input_rate=每个连接器 %s EU/t industrialwires.chat.tooLong=该线圈的长度不足以完成此次连接 industrialwires.chat.stackSize=连接时只能使用一个线圈 industrialwires.chat.marxEnergy=上次放电 %s kJ 每格 industrialwires.chat.maxSpeed=最高可测量速度:%s industrialwires.chat.currSpeed=当前速度:%s 弧度/秒 = %s RPM death.attack.industrialwires.jacobs_ladder=%1$s 祸起雅各布之梯而触电身亡 death.attack.industrialwires.marx=%1$s 受到了由马克思发生器引起的打击 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.iw:marx_generator=马克思发生器 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:mech_mb=机械性多模块结构 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:example_mech_mb=机械性多模块结构示例 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:flywheel=机械性多模块结构部件:飞轮 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:single_coil=机械性多模块结构部件:单相线圈 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:two_electrodes=机械性多模块结构部件:单相电极 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:shaft=机械性多模块结构部件:传动轴 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:commutator=机械性多模块结构部件:换向器 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:speedometer=机械性多模块结构部件:速度计 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:comm_four=机械性多模块结构部件:四相位换向器 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:four_coils=机械性多模块结构部件:四相位线圈 desc.immersiveengineering.info.multiblock.industrialwires:four_electrodes=机械性多模块结构部件:四相位电极 itemGroup.industrialwires=工业线缆 ie.manual.category.industrialwires.name=工业线缆 ie.manual.category.control_panels.name=控制面板 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.wires.name=工业线缆 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.wires.subtext=没有复杂的阻抗概念! ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.wires0=工业线缆mod的线缆可以像工业2的导线一样传输能量。
其使用方法与使用ImmersiveEngineering的线缆完全一样。每种线缆所能传输的EU与其对应的导线相同,所以 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.wires1=将接线器接在一个会损坏导线的电源上同样会损坏接线器。
用以充当工业2导线的线圈与ImmersiveEngineering的线圈不同,距离越长,所使用的线缆也会越长:线圈是通过在合成格中放置任意组合的未绝缘的工业2导线和相应的线圈来合成的。下一页展示了一些有效的配方及其合成产物的例子。 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.wires2=未绝缘的锡质导线可以由未绝缘的铜质导线、金质导线、高压导线或玻璃纤维导线替代,以制造其他线圈。 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mechConv.name=机械能转换器 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mechConv.subtext=我为此制造了旋转能! ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mechConv0=工业2和IE都有产生某种动能的机器。工业线缆mod的新型转换器允许您在这两种形式的能量之间转换!
要使用“转换器:IE旋转能-IC动能”,需要将其齿轮面与一个IE的旋转能源 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mechConv1=如水车或旋转能马达(见第3页)相连,其对面与一个工业2消耗动能的机器相连。“转换器:IC动能-IE旋转能”的使用方法与“转换器:UE旋转能-IC动能”相似,只是转换方向变成了IC动能到IE旋转能。
不幸的是,转换过程中会 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mechConv2=损失一部分能量。
作为一个小的额外的“机械能转换器”系列,其中还包含了旋转能马达:它消耗IF以产生IE旋转能。 与转换器一样,这不是无损过程。 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.jacobs.name=雅各布之梯 # Note for potential translators: This refers to Polychlorinated biphenyls (a poisonous ingredient in old insulation oils) rather than printed circuit boards ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.jacobs.subtext=或许含有多氯联苯! ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.jacobs0=通过在两个排列成“V”字形的电极上应用高压来创造出向上移动的电弧。除了以一种优雅的方式浪费能源以外,他们并不具有某种特殊的用途。能源供给可以使用Flux或EU。其能量使用的变化可以改变梯状物的大小。 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.jacobs1=这些是以EU为单位的所需能源:。鉴于电压的涉及,在梯子开启时触碰并不是个好主意。因食盐中含有钠,将其涂抹在电极上将会造成电弧短时间内变为橙色。 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.marx.name=马克思发生器 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.marx.subtext=我是欧文·奥托,不是卡尔! ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.marx=马克思发生器是用于产生高压高能脉冲的装置。在输出端间,这些脉冲同闪电一样可视,并可用于加工矿石。每种类型矿石的加工都有其消耗能量的理想化数额。(参看 )。该精确值未知,具有10%%精确度的估计值可在本条目末找到。介于实际值与估计值间的因素同样适用于所有类型的矿石。
以上的设计展示了5阶发生机能产出3格长度的闪电。通过使用工程师锤敲打底部左侧电容(红石连接器所处的相同一侧)可对其塑形。该任意数量的阶数能够以增加“中部”的层数的方式来增加。能源(IF或EU)由高压连接器连接,红石线Power (either IF or EU) is connected to the HV connector, the redstone wire for the control signals is connected to the redstone connector
Each stage of the Marx generator consists of a 1.6μF capacitor that is charged to up to 250kV (see ). When the generator is fully charged the voltage of each capacitor is roughly equal to the charging voltage. The total energy is the sum of the energy stored in the individual capacitors and is split equally between the ores to be processed.
§lControl signals§r
Voltages are represented by 2 signals: The first signal is simply proportional to the voltage to represent. The second signal is proportional to the voltage in the "gap" between 2 values of the first signal, thus allowing more precise control/measurements. Panel components capable of interacting with analog signals usually support this dual-channel setup. The charging voltage is controlled by the white and yellow signals. The voltages of the top and bottom capacitor are output to the magenta and pink resp. the orange and lime signals. The light blue signal is a firing control. If it is high the generator will attempt to fire. If the voltage of the bottom capacitor is lower than 125 kV or the total voltage is lower than 30%% of the maximum output voltage the generator will misfire, discharging the capacitors without actually producing lightning.
Due to the high voltages and energies involved in firing a Marx generator a safe distance should be maintained to avoid injury or death. Even outside of this area hearing protection (As provided by Immersive Engineering) is obligatory. Formulas to calculate the safe distances can be found in .§lAppendix A: Formulas§r
Energy stored in a capacitor:
E: Energy, C: Capacitance, U: Voltage

Voltage from redstone signals:
U: Voltage (kV), a: First signal, b: Second signal

Safe distance (Physical damage):
r: Safe distance, e: Energy stored

Safe distance (Ear damage):
r: Safe distance, e: Energy stored§lAppendix B: Ore Energy Values§r
ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb.name=机械性多模块结构 ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb.subtext= ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb=Mechanical multiblocks serve two main purposes: storing large amounts of energy and converting DC (tradename EU) to FE (tradename Flux and many others) and vice versa.
The multiblock is formed by placing the desired parts (see ) in a row and adding two heavy engineering blocks stacked on top of each other on either side. <&0>The above plan shows a schematic for an energy storage setup with a single lead flywheel. The multiblock is formed by hitting one of the upper heavy engineering blocks with an Engineer's hammer.
§lMechanical§r: Some components have a maximum speed (specified in radians per second). If this speed is exceeded or the multiblock is broken while turning at more than 10%% of the maximum speed (5%% for the part being broken) the component will fail violently, usually damaging nearby objects in the process. The can be used to check the speed of a mechanical multiblock. Due to slight friction the multiblock will slow down over time, by 5%% per hour.
§lElectrical§r: Electricity is transfered in contiguous sections of parts that can interact with electricity. Only one type of electricity will be transferred in each section.
Both AC and DC come in two major variants: Single-phase and Four-phase. Four phase electricity is required for most high-power parts. AC power has an additional property: synchronous or asynchronous (relative to the speed of the multiblock). This is only relevant for rectifying/ commutating parts: Power added from outside sources is asynchronous, AC power produced in the multiblock (by coils or by commutation of DC) is synchronous. Only synchronous AC can be rectified (converted to DC) using mechanical multiblocks, attempting to rectify asynchronous AC will produce an unusable waveform. If the speed of the multiblock is within 10%% of 20 radians/second both types of AC are equal: At this speed mechanical rectification work on asynchronous AC power.
§lEnergy storage§r: As mentioned earlier one of the main uses of mechanical multiblocks is as energy storage. The stored energy (in joules, one joule is Flux) can be calculated as 0.5*I*w² where w is the speed of the multiblock (in radians/second) and I is the moment of inertia. The former can be obtained using a , the latter is the sum of the inertia of each part of the multiblock (which can be found in the entry on ). ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb_parts.name=Mechanical Multiblock Parts ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb_parts.subtext= ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb_parts=The shaft is the simplest part imaginable: It does not do anything. This can be useful for seperating electrical sections of the multiblock. It consists of a single heavy engineering block in the middle of the multiblock.<&0>The flywheel is another very simple part: Its only job is to add inertia to increase energy storage. Various materials can be used instead of the lead blocks in the above schematic. The table on the next page shows all available materials, their inertia and their maximum speed.<&1><&2>Coils produce synchronous AC power from the multiblocks rotation or convert AC power (both synchronous and asynchronous will work) into multiblock rotation. For a four-phase coil replace the light engineering blocks on the level of the shaft with copper coil blocks. The maximum speed is 100 radians/second for a single-phase coil and 500 radians/second for a four-phase coil, the maximum energy transfer is 200 kW (4096 Flux/tick) for single-phase coil and 8 times as much on the four-phase version.<&3>Electrodes are the standard way of transferring energy out of or into a mechanical multiblock. The above plan shows the four-phase version, the single phase version if formed from a single generator block in the place of the shaft. Both AC and DC power can be connected to it. The maximum energy transfer rates match those of the corresponding coils, but is split equally between the connections. The energy connections can be set to input, output and not connected by hitting them with an Engineer's hammer.The speedometer does what one would expect it to do: It measures the speed the multiblock is turning at. It consists of a single redstone engineering block in the place of the shaft. Right-clicking with a Voltmeter will give the exact speed, but its most common use is to automatically limit the speed of a multiblock. One side (the one marked with a line) will output a redstone signal proportional to the speed, the other one (marked "ln") will output a signal proportional to the logarithm of the speed plus one. To change what speed equates to a full strength signal you can (shift-) right-click the speedometer with an engineer's hammer.
Both signals have hysteresis to prevent flickering: For the signal to drop from n to n-1 the exact signal strength has to drop below n-0.1. To rise from n to n+1 the exact strength has to be above n+1.1. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.mech_mb_parts.commutator=<&4>The commutator converts synchronous AC to DC and vice versa. This will only work if the multiblock is turning at more than 5 radians/second, with 100%% efficiency only above 10 radians/second. The above plan shows the four-phase version, the single-phase version consists of a single kinetic generator from IC2 in the place of the shaft. It transfers half as much power as the corresponding electrodes can. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro.name=Introduction ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro.subtext= ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro0=Control Panels allow you to monitor and control a large amount of redstone signals using only a few blocks. Those signals can currently be connected using redstone wires and connectors.
Buttons, switches, indicator lights and other things that can be placed on a control panel are called §l(Panel) Components§r
To create a control panel you will need a Panel Creator, the individual components and an Unfinished Panel (which determines the shape of the ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro1=panel). Each component is described in the entry "Panel Components". Right-clicking with a panel component opens up a GUI in which the properties of the component, like the redstone channel and ID or the color, can be configured. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro2=A §l(panel) network§r is formed by panel blocks connected to each other, directly or through other panel blocks. Panel blocks include the control panel itself, the panel connector and the Redstone Wire Controller. If multiple components in one network are configured to modify the same ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro3=redstone signal, the resulting signal will be the highest of the individual signals. Having multiple components accepting the same signal on a network is valid as well. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro4=The §lUnfinished Control Panel§r is used as the casing of a control panel. It can be configured by putting it into an Engineer's Workbench. The slider labeled "Height" changes the height in the middle of the panel. The "Angle" slider changes the angle of the panel relative to the surface it is ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.intro5=placed on, creating tilted panels. The sliders will automatically clamp to the highest/lowest angle/height the panel can have without being partially outside the block. The values might not visually clamp due to the way the Workbench works, closing and re-opening the GUI should fix this. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator.name=Panel Creator ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator.subtext= ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator0=The GUI of the panel creator consists of two major sections: The controls on the left and the panel on the right. Components can be placed on the panel by "placing" the items in the corresponding point in the GUI. If the component is surrounded by a red area, it can not be placed in that ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator1=position on the panel. This usually means that it is either overlapping with an other component or isn't completely on the panel.
The top button on the left (D) disassembles an existing control panel when it is placed in the slot beneath the button: The components of that panel are placed in the GUI, allowing them to be repositioned. The casing is lost in this process.
The next button (C) places the components from the right of the GUI on an Unfinished Control Panel in the slot in the ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_creator2=left of the GUI, turning it into a regular Control Panel.
The button labeled R removes all components from the GUI panel area and places them in your inventory.
Finally the last button (S) changes the snapping mode. Components can be placed anywhere by default. The first snapping option forces the component to align with the 16x16 grid, the second option forces it to align with components already placed on the panel. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.redstone.name=Redstone Connections ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.redstone.subtext=Could also be blood vessels ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.redstone=A panel network can contain any amount of §lRedstone Controllers§r. Each controller can be assigned a different ID in its GUI, though having multiple controllers with the same ID is also possible. Each component that interacts with redstone signals has two settings in its GUI: A redstone channel color and a controller ID. The §lRedstone Controller: Wires§r can be used to interface with IE redstone wires, the §lRedstone Controller: Others§r will connect to redstone wires from Project:Red and Charset (and wires/devices compatible with either system), if available. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.components.name=Panel Components ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.components.subtext=More than just two ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.components.general=The settings of any component can be copied to a component of the same type by placing the components directly above each other in a crafting bench. The settings of the upper component will be copied to the lower.
Components can be placed in the world by shift-right-clicking to create small control panels containing just that component. These interact with redstone signals in the world directly, just like a lever does, rather than through redstone wire controllers like normal control panels would. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.button=A simple button that activates a redstone signal when pressed. Its color can be changed. The button either stays on until clicked again (latching) or tuns off after half a second (non-latching). ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.label=A text that can be placed on the control panel, for example to indicate the purpose of some other component. The color and obviously the text can be edited. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.indicator_light=A small indicator that brightens as the input redstone signal is increased. The color can be changed. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.slider=A sliding switch that can set an output redstone signal to any desired signal strength. It can be either vertically or horizontally aligned and can have any length between one eighth of a block and one block. The color of the sliding knob can be changed. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.toggle_switch=A switch to turn a signal on or off. The covered version includes a cover to prevent accidental activation: When clicked for the first time the cover will open, the signal will be turned on by clicking once again. Another click will close the cover and turn off the output signal. If the cover was opened by accident it can be closed by shift-right-clicking ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.toggle_switch1=the switch. The color of the cover can be configured. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.variac=A Variac® is a variable autotransformer. The output signal of the transformer increases as the knob is turned to the right. The signal strenght can only be increased by one unit per click. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.lock=A lock switch activates a redstone signal when a key is inserted and turned. A newly crafted lock will have a unique key configuration. By placing a blank key and a lock in a crafting table a key for the lock can be created. Multiple locks fitting the same key can be created using component copying (see page 1). Keys can be named in a GUI opened by right-clicking with them. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.lock1=Up to can be combined on a key ring. Keys are added to the ring by placing both in a crafting table. Shift-right-click the key ring to cycle through the keys on the ring. The selected key can be removed from the ring by placing the ring in a crafting table. The key ring will work just as the selected key would on lock switches. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.panel_meter=A panel meter can be used to show display analog redstone signals with some accuracy. Panel meters are available in two different formats, wide and narrow. The difference between the formats is purely visual. ie.manual.entry.industrialwires.7seg=Seven-Segment Displays are a way of displaying analog redstone signals precisely. Signal strengths 0-9 are displayed as one would expect, levels 10-15 are represented by the letters A-E. Some of the letters are lower-case to differentiate them from digits (e.g. 8 vs B).