/* * This file is part of Industrial Wires. * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 malte0811 * * Industrial Wires is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Industrial Wires is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Industrial Wires. If not, see . */ package malte0811.industrialWires.blocks; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.ApiUtils; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.TileEntityIEBase; import ic2.api.energy.event.EnergyTileLoadEvent; import ic2.api.energy.event.EnergyTileUnloadEvent; import ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergyEmitter; import ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink; import malte0811.industrialWires.IWConfig; import malte0811.industrialWires.IndustrialWires; import malte0811.industrialWires.network.MessageTileSyncIW; import malte0811.industrialWires.util.Beziers; import malte0811.industrialWires.util.DualEnergyStorage; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.*; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability; import net.minecraftforge.energy.CapabilityEnergy; import net.minecraftforge.energy.IEnergyStorage; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class TileEntityJacobsLadder extends TileEntityIEBase implements ITickable, IHasDummyBlocksIW, ISyncReceiver, IEnergySink { public EnumFacing facing = EnumFacing.NORTH; private DualEnergyStorage energy; public LadderSize size; public Vec3d[] controls; //first and last move along the "rails", only the middle points move in bezier curves public Vec3d[][] controlControls; // movement of the controls in blocks/tick public Vec3d[] controlMovement; private double t = 0; public int dummy = 0; public int timeTillActive = -1; private double tStep = 0; private double consumtionEU; private boolean addedToIC2Net = false; private int soundPhase; private Vec3d soundPos; public double salt; public TileEntityJacobsLadder(LadderSize s) { size = s; initControl(); } public TileEntityJacobsLadder() { size = LadderSize.HUGE; initControl(); } private void initControl() { controls = new Vec3d[size.arcPoints]; controlControls = new Vec3d[size.arcPoints - 2][size.movementPoints]; controlMovement = new Vec3d[size.arcPoints]; int sizeId = size.ordinal(); consumtionEU = IWConfig.HVStuff.jacobsUsageEU[sizeId]; energy = new DualEnergyStorage(20 * consumtionEU, 2 * consumtionEU); } @Override public void update() { if (isDummy()) { return; } if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (!addedToIC2Net) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EnergyTileLoadEvent(this)); addedToIC2Net = true; } if ((controlControls[0][0] == null || timeTillActive == -1 || t >= 1) && energy.getEnergyStoredEU() >= 2 * consumtionEU) { for (int j = 0; j < size.movementPoints; j++) { double y = j * (size.height + size.extraHeight) / (double) (size.movementPoints - 1) + size.innerPointOffset; double width = widthFromHeight(y); for (int i = 0; i < size.arcPoints - 2; i++) { double z = size.zMax * 2 * (worldObj.rand.nextDouble() - .5); double xMin = width * i / (double) (size.arcPoints - 2) - width / 2 + size.bottomDistance / 2; double xDiff = width / (double) (size.arcPoints - 2); double x = worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * xDiff + xMin; controlControls[i][j] = new Vec3d(x, y, z); } } t = 0; timeTillActive = size.delay; tStep = 1D / (int) (.875 * size.tickToTop + worldObj.rand.nextInt(size.tickToTop / 4)); IndustrialWires.packetHandler.sendToAll(new MessageTileSyncIW(this, writeArcStarter())); } else if (timeTillActive == 0 && t < 1) { double extracted = energy.extractEU(consumtionEU, false); if (extracted >= consumtionEU) { energy.extractEU(consumtionEU, true); } else { timeTillActive = -1 - size.delay; NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setBoolean("cancel", true); IndustrialWires.packetHandler.sendToAll(new MessageTileSyncIW(this, nbt)); } } else if (timeTillActive < -1) { //delay after energy was cut timeTillActive++; } } else { if (timeTillActive == 0 && t < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < size.arcPoints; i++) { controls[i] = controls[i].add(controlMovement[i]); } for (int i = 1; i < size.arcPoints - 1; i++) { controlMovement[i] = Beziers.getPoint(t, controlControls[i - 1]).subtract(controls[i]); } if (soundPhase < 0) { IndustrialWires.proxy.playJacobsLadderSound(this, 0, soundPos); soundPhase = 0; } if (t >= 7 * tStep && soundPhase == 0) { IndustrialWires.proxy.playJacobsLadderSound(this, 1, soundPos); soundPhase = 1; } else if (t >= 1 - (4 * tStep) && soundPhase == 1) { IndustrialWires.proxy.playJacobsLadderSound(this, 2, soundPos); soundPhase = 2; } } else if (t > 1) { timeTillActive = -1; } } if (timeTillActive > 0) { timeTillActive--; } else if (timeTillActive == 0 && t < 1) { t += tStep; if (salt > 0) { salt -= 1D/(20*20);//20 seconds per item of salt } else if (salt < 0) { salt = 0; } } } private void initArc(int delay) { if (controlMovement == null) { initControl(); } controls[0] = new Vec3d(0, 0, 0); controls[size.arcPoints - 1] = new Vec3d(size.bottomDistance, 0, 0); controlMovement[0] = new Vec3d(-(size.topDistance - size.bottomDistance) / (2 * size.tickToTop), size.height / size.tickToTop, 0); controlMovement[size.arcPoints - 1] = new Vec3d((size.topDistance - size.bottomDistance) / (2 * size.tickToTop), size.height / size.tickToTop, 0); t = 0; for (int i = 1; i < size.arcPoints - 1; i++) { controls[i] = Beziers.getPoint(0, controlControls[i - 1]); controlMovement[i] = Beziers.getPoint(tStep, controlControls[i - 1]).subtract(controls[i]); } double soundX = pos.getX() + .5; double soundY = pos.getY() + .5 * size.dummyCount + size.heightOffset; double soundZ = pos.getZ() + .5; soundPos = new Vec3d(soundX, soundY, soundZ); soundPhase = -1; timeTillActive = delay; } private double widthFromHeight(double h) { return size.bottomDistance + h * (size.topDistance - size.bottomDistance) / size.height; } @Override public void readCustomNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt, boolean descPacket) { LadderSize oldSize = size; size = LadderSize.values()[nbt.getInteger("size")]; if (size != oldSize) { initControl(); } dummy = nbt.getInteger("dummy"); energy = DualEnergyStorage.readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("energy")); facing = EnumFacing.HORIZONTALS[nbt.getInteger("facing")]; salt = nbt.getDouble("salt"); } @Override public void writeCustomNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt, boolean descPacket) { nbt.setInteger("size", size.ordinal()); nbt.setInteger("dummy", dummy); energy.writeToNbt(nbt, "energy"); nbt.setInteger("facing", facing.getHorizontalIndex()); nbt.setDouble("salt", salt); } private NBTTagCompound writeArcStarter() { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagList ctrlCtrl = write2DVecArray(controlControls); nbt.setTag("ctrlCtrl", ctrlCtrl); nbt.setInteger("timeTillActive", timeTillActive); nbt.setDouble("tStep", tStep); nbt.setBoolean("start", true); return nbt; } private void readArcStarter(NBTTagCompound nbt) { controlControls = read2DVecArray(nbt.getTagList("ctrlCtrl", 9)); tStep = nbt.getDouble("tStep"); Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> initArc(nbt.getInteger("timeTillActive"))); } private Vec3d[][] read2DVecArray(NBTTagList nbt) { Vec3d[][] ret = new Vec3d[nbt.tagCount()][]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = readVecArray((NBTTagList) nbt.get(i)); } return ret; } private Vec3d[] readVecArray(NBTTagList nbt) { Vec3d[] ret = new Vec3d[nbt.tagCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { NBTTagCompound vec = nbt.getCompoundTagAt(i); ret[i] = new Vec3d(vec.getDouble("x"), vec.getDouble("y"), vec.getDouble("z")); } return ret; } private NBTTagList write2DVecArray(Vec3d[][] array) { NBTTagList ret = new NBTTagList(); for (Vec3d[] subArray : array) { ret.appendTag(writeVecArray(subArray)); } return ret; } private NBTTagList writeVecArray(Vec3d[] array) { NBTTagList ret = new NBTTagList(); for (Vec3d point : array) { NBTTagCompound vec = new NBTTagCompound(); vec.setDouble("x", point.xCoord); vec.setDouble("y", point.yCoord); vec.setDouble("z", point.zCoord); ret.appendTag(vec); } return ret; } @Override public boolean isDummy() { return dummy != 0; } @Override public void placeDummies(IBlockState state) { for (int i = 1; i <= size.dummyCount; i++) { BlockPos pos2 = pos.offset(EnumFacing.UP, i); worldObj.setBlockState(pos2, state); TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos2); if (te instanceof TileEntityJacobsLadder) { ((TileEntityJacobsLadder) te).size = size; ((TileEntityJacobsLadder) te).dummy = i; ((TileEntityJacobsLadder) te).facing = facing; } } } @Override public void breakDummies() { for (int i = 0; i <= size.dummyCount; i++) { if (i != dummy && worldObj.getTileEntity(pos.offset(EnumFacing.UP, i - dummy)) instanceof TileEntityJacobsLadder) { worldObj.setBlockToAir(pos.offset(EnumFacing.UP, i - dummy)); } } } @Override public void onSync(NBTTagCompound nbt) { if (nbt.hasKey("salt")) { salt = nbt.getDouble("salt"); } if (nbt.getBoolean("cancel")) { timeTillActive = -1; IndustrialWires.proxy.playJacobsLadderSound(this, -1, soundPos); } else if (nbt.getBoolean("start")) { readArcStarter(nbt); } } public boolean isActive() { if (isDummy()) { TileEntity master = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos.down(dummy)); return master instanceof TileEntityJacobsLadder&&((TileEntityJacobsLadder) master).isActive(); } return timeTillActive == 0 && t < 1; } public void onEntityTouch(Entity e) { if (isDummy() && !worldObj.isRemote) { TileEntity master = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos.down(dummy)); if (master instanceof TileEntityJacobsLadder && ((TileEntityJacobsLadder) master).isActive()) { hurtEntity(e); } } } private void hurtEntity(Entity e) { e.attackEntityFrom(new DamageSource("industrialwires.jacobs_ladder"), IWConfig.HVStuff.jacobsBaseDmg * (size.ordinal() + 1)); } public boolean onActivated(EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, ItemStack heldItem) { TileEntity masterTE = dummy == 0 ? this : worldObj.getTileEntity(pos.down(dummy)); if (masterTE instanceof TileEntityJacobsLadder) { TileEntityJacobsLadder master = (TileEntityJacobsLadder) masterTE; if (master.isActive()) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { hurtEntity(playerIn); } return true; } else if (heldItem != null && ApiUtils.compareToOreName(heldItem, "itemSalt")) { return master.salt(playerIn, hand, heldItem); } } return false; } private boolean salt(EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand, ItemStack held) { if (salt < 3) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { salt++; if (!player.isCreative()) { held.stackSize--; if (held.stackSize <= 0) { player.setHeldItem(hand, null); } } NBTTagCompound update = new NBTTagCompound(); update.setDouble("salt", salt); markDirty(); IndustrialWires.packetHandler.sendToAll(new MessageTileSyncIW(this, update)); } return true; } return false; } public boolean rotate(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing axis) { if (isActive()) { return false; } if (!worldObj.isRemote) { EnumFacing targetDir = facing.rotateAround(EnumFacing.Axis.Y); for (int i = -dummy;i capability, @Nullable EnumFacing from) { return !isDummy() && from == facing && capability == CapabilityEnergy.ENERGY; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getCapability(Capability capability, @Nullable EnumFacing facing) { if (hasCapability(capability, facing)) { if (capability == CapabilityEnergy.ENERGY) { return (T) new EnergyCap(); } } return null; } @Override public void onChunkUnload() { if (!worldObj.isRemote && addedToIC2Net) MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EnergyTileUnloadEvent(this)); addedToIC2Net = false; super.onChunkUnload(); } @Override public void invalidate() { if (!worldObj.isRemote && addedToIC2Net) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EnergyTileUnloadEvent(this)); } else if (worldObj.isRemote) { //stop sound IndustrialWires.proxy.playJacobsLadderSound(this, -1, soundPos); } addedToIC2Net = false; super.invalidate(); } @Override public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { return new AxisAlignedBB(pos, pos.add(1, 2, 1)); } public enum LadderSize implements IStringSerializable { /* all on a block (HV transformer) small: height = .5 bottomDist = .15 topDist = .375 normal: height = .95 bottomDist = .2 topDist = .75 huge: height = 1.8 bottomDist = .25 topDist = 1 */ SMALL(4, 4, .5, .375, .15, 20, .05, .2, .05, 1, 1, 5, 8, .03725, 1), NORMAL(4, 4, .95, .75, .2, 25, .15, .3, .15, 1, 1, 5, 9, .075, 2), HUGE(4, 5, 1.8, 1, .25, 30, .2, .5, .3, 1, 2, 5, 10, .125, 3); public final int arcPoints; public final int movementPoints; // height of the electrodes public final double height; // distance between the electrodes at top and bottom public final double topDistance; public final double bottomDistance; // ticks it takes for the arc to reach the top of the ladder on average public final int tickToTop; // maximum z offset for the inner bezier points public final double zMax; // additional height for inner bezier points, added to normal height and scaled public final double extraHeight; // fixed additional height for inner bezier points public final double innerPointOffset; // offset for rendering the arc, e.g. a value of 1 means the arc starts 1 block above the TE public final double heightOffset; // ticks between the end of one arc and the start of the next public final int delay; public final int renderPoints; public final int dummyCount; public final double renderDiameter; public final float soundVolume; LadderSize(int arcP, int movP, double height, double topD, double bottomD, int ttTop, double zMax, double extraH, double iOff, double hOff, int dummies, int delay, int points, double renderDia, float volume) { arcPoints = arcP; movementPoints = movP; this.height = height; topDistance = topD; bottomDistance = bottomD; tickToTop = ttTop; this.zMax = zMax; extraHeight = extraH; innerPointOffset = iOff; heightOffset = hOff; dummyCount = dummies; this.delay = delay; renderPoints = points; renderDiameter = renderDia; soundVolume = volume; } @Override public String getName() { return name().toLowerCase(); } } public class EnergyCap implements IEnergyStorage { @Override public int receiveEnergy(int maxReceive, boolean simulate) { return (int) energy.insertIF(maxReceive, !simulate); } @Override public int extractEnergy(int maxExtract, boolean simulate) { return 0; } @Override public int getEnergyStored() { return (int) energy.getEnergyStoredIF(); } @Override public int getMaxEnergyStored() { return (int) energy.getMaxStoredIF(); } @Override public boolean canExtract() { return false; } @Override public boolean canReceive() { return true; } } }