malte0811 23c1afc44b Glowing components like the indicator light actuall glow in the dark now
Some bugfixes
Complete code reformatting
2017-05-11 16:39:20 +02:00

71 lines
2.3 KiB

package malte0811.industrialWires.client.gui.elements;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class GuiChannelPicker extends GuiButton {
protected byte selected;
protected byte currHovered;
public GuiChannelPicker(int id, int x, int y, int size, byte selectedChannel) {
super(id, x, y, size, size, "");
selected = selectedChannel;
public void drawButton(@Nonnull Minecraft mc, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.SourceFactor.ONE, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ZERO);
GlStateManager.blendFunc(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
mouseX -= xPosition;
mouseY -= yPosition;
currHovered = -1;
for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int xMin = width / 4 * (i % 4);
int yMin = height / 4 * (i / 4);
int xMax = xMin + width / 4;
int yMax = yMin + height / 4;
EnumDyeColor color = EnumDyeColor.byMetadata(i);
int colorVal = color.getMapColor().colorValue | 0xff000000;
if (mouseX >= xMin && mouseX < xMax && mouseY >= yMin && mouseY < yMax) {
currHovered = i;
if (selected == i) {
drawRect(xMin + xPosition, yMin + yPosition, xMax + xPosition, yMax + yPosition, 0xff000000 | ~colorVal);
if (currHovered == i) {
drawRect(xMin + xPosition, yMin + yPosition, xMax + xPosition, yMax + yPosition, colorVal);
} else {
final int offset = width / 20;
drawRect(xMin + offset + xPosition, yMin + offset + yPosition, xMax - offset + xPosition, yMax - offset + yPosition, colorVal);
public boolean click(int x, int y) {
if (xPosition <= x && xPosition + width >= x && yPosition <= y && yPosition + height >= y) {
return true;
return false;
protected void select() {
if (currHovered >= 0) {
selected = currHovered;
public byte getSelected() {
return selected;
public boolean isHovered(int x, int y) {
return xPosition <= x && xPosition + width >= x && yPosition <= y && yPosition + height >= y;