2012-08-15 22:41:41 +02:00
package net.uberkat.obsidian.common;
import net.minecraft.src.*;
public class EntityObsidianTNT extends Entity
/** How long the fuse is */
public int fuse;
private boolean hasExploded = false;
public EntityObsidianTNT(World par1World)
fuse = 0;
preventEntitySpawning = true;
setSize(0.98F, 0.98F);
yOffset = height / 2.0F;
public EntityObsidianTNT(World par1World, double par2, double par4, double par6)
setPosition(par2, par4, par6);
float var8 = (float)(Math.random() * Math.PI * 2.0D);
motionX = (double)(-((float)Math.sin((double)var8)) * 0.02F);
motionY = 0.20000000298023224D;
motionZ = (double)(-((float)Math.cos((double)var8)) * 0.02F);
2012-08-26 15:48:42 +02:00
fuse = ObsidianIngots.ObsidianTNTDelay;
2012-08-15 22:41:41 +02:00
prevPosX = par2;
prevPosY = par4;
prevPosZ = par6;
protected void entityInit() {}
* returns if this entity triggers Block.onEntityWalking on the blocks they walk on. used for spiders and wolves to
* prevent them from trampling crops
protected boolean canTriggerWalking()
return false;
* Returns true if other Entities should be prevented from moving through this Entity.
public boolean canBeCollidedWith()
return !isDead;
* Called to update the entity's position/logic.
public void onUpdate()
prevPosX = posX;
prevPosY = posY;
prevPosZ = posZ;
motionY -= 0.03999999910593033D;
moveEntity(motionX, motionY, motionZ);
motionX *= 0.9800000190734863D;
motionY *= 0.9800000190734863D;
motionZ *= 0.9800000190734863D;
if (onGround)
motionX *= 0.699999988079071D;
motionZ *= 0.699999988079071D;
motionY *= -0.5D;
if (fuse-- <= 0)
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
else {
worldObj.spawnParticle("lava", posX, posY + 0.5D, posZ, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
worldObj.spawnParticle("lava", posX, posY + 0.5D, posZ, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
private void explode()
2012-10-25 23:55:32 +02:00
worldObj.createExplosion((Entity)null, posX, posY, posZ, ObsidianIngots.ObsidianTNTBlastRadius, true);
2012-08-15 22:41:41 +02:00
hasExploded = true;
* (abstract) Protected helper method to write subclass entity data to NBT.
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
par1NBTTagCompound.setByte("Fuse", (byte)fuse);
* (abstract) Protected helper method to read subclass entity data from NBT.
protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
fuse = par1NBTTagCompound.getByte("Fuse");
public float getShadowSize()
return 0.0F;