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package mekanism.common;
import ic2.api.ElectricItem;
import ic2.api.IElectricItem;
import mekanism.api.IMachineUpgrade;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import universalelectricity.core.implement.IItemElectric;
public abstract class TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine extends TileEntityBasicMachine
/** How much secondary energy (fuel) this machine uses per tick. */
/** Maximum amount of secondary energy (fuel) this machine can hold. */
/** How much secondary energy (fuel) is stored in this machine. */
public int secondaryEnergyStored = 0;
* Advanced Electric Machine -- a machine like this has a total of 4 slots. Input slot (0), fuel slot (1), output slot (2),
* energy slot (3), and the upgrade slot (4). The machine will not run if it does not have enough electricity, or if it doesn't have enough
* fuel ticks.
* @param soundPath - location of the sound effect
* @param name - full name of this machine
* @param path - GUI texture path of this machine
* @param perTick - how much energy this machine uses per tick.
* @param secondaryPerTick - how much secondary energy (fuel) this machine uses per tick.
* @param ticksRequired - how many ticks it takes to smelt an item.
* @param maxEnergy - maximum amount of energy this machine can hold.
* @param maxSecondaryEnergy - maximum amount of secondary energy (fuel) this machine can hold.
public TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine(String soundPath, String name, String path, int perTick, int secondaryPerTick, int ticksRequired, int maxEnergy, int maxSecondaryEnergy)
super(soundPath, name, path, perTick, ticksRequired, maxEnergy);
inventory = new ItemStack[5];
MAX_SECONDARY_ENERGY = maxSecondaryEnergy;
* Gets the amount of ticks the declared itemstack can fuel this machine.
* @param itemstack - itemstack to check with
* @return fuel ticks
public abstract int getFuelTicks(ItemStack itemstack);
public void onUpdate()
boolean testActive = operatingTicks > 0;
if(inventory[3] != null)
if(electricityStored < currentMaxElectricity)
if(inventory[3].getItem() instanceof IItemElectric)
IItemElectric electricItem = (IItemElectric)inventory[3].getItem();
if (electricItem.canProduceElectricity())
double joulesNeeded = currentMaxElectricity-electricityStored;
double joulesReceived = 0;
if(electricItem.getVoltage() <= joulesNeeded)
joulesReceived = electricItem.onUse(electricItem.getVoltage(), inventory[3]);
else if(electricItem.getVoltage() > joulesNeeded)
joulesReceived = electricItem.onUse(joulesNeeded, inventory[3]);
setJoules(electricityStored + joulesReceived);
else if(inventory[3].getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)inventory[3].getItem();
double gain = ElectricItem.discharge(inventory[3], (int)((MAX_ELECTRICITY - electricityStored)*Mekanism.TO_IC2), 3, false, false)*Mekanism.FROM_IC2;
setJoules(electricityStored + gain);
if(inventory[3].itemID == && electricityStored <= (MAX_ELECTRICITY-1000))
setJoules(electricityStored + 1000);
if (inventory[3].stackSize <= 0)
inventory[3] = null;
if(inventory[1] != null && secondaryEnergyStored == 0)
int fuelTicks = getFuelTicks(inventory[1]);
if(fuelTicks > 0)
int energyNeeded = MAX_SECONDARY_ENERGY - secondaryEnergyStored;
if(fuelTicks <= energyNeeded)
setSecondaryEnergy(secondaryEnergyStored + fuelTicks);
else if(fuelTicks > energyNeeded)
setSecondaryEnergy(secondaryEnergyStored + energyNeeded);
if(inventory[1].stackSize == 0)
inventory[1] = null;
if(inventory[4] != null && inventory[4].getItem() instanceof IMachineUpgrade)
int energyToAdd = 0;
int ticksToRemove = 0;
if(currentMaxElectricity == MAX_ELECTRICITY)
energyToAdd = ((IMachineUpgrade)inventory[4].getItem()).getEnergyBoost(inventory[4]);
if(currentTicksRequired == TICKS_REQUIRED)
ticksToRemove = ((IMachineUpgrade)inventory[4].getItem()).getTickReduction(inventory[4]);
currentMaxElectricity += energyToAdd;
currentTicksRequired -= ticksToRemove;
else if(inventory[4] == null)
currentTicksRequired = TICKS_REQUIRED;
currentMaxElectricity = MAX_ELECTRICITY;
if(canOperate() && (operatingTicks+1) < currentTicksRequired && secondaryEnergyStored >= SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK)
secondaryEnergyStored -= SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK;
electricityStored -= ENERGY_PER_TICK;
else if((operatingTicks+1) >= currentTicksRequired)
operatingTicks = 0;
secondaryEnergyStored -= SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK;
electricityStored -= ENERGY_PER_TICK;
if(electricityStored < 0)
electricityStored = 0;
if(secondaryEnergyStored < 0)
secondaryEnergyStored = 0;
if(electricityStored > currentMaxElectricity)
electricityStored = currentMaxElectricity;
if(secondaryEnergyStored > MAX_SECONDARY_ENERGY)
secondaryEnergyStored = MAX_SECONDARY_ENERGY;
operatingTicks = 0;
if(testActive != operatingTicks > 0)
if(operatingTicks > 0)
else if(!canOperate())
public void operate()
if (!canOperate())
ItemStack itemstack = RecipeHandler.getOutput(inventory[0], true, getRecipes());
if (inventory[0].stackSize <= 0)
inventory[0] = null;
if (inventory[2] == null)
inventory[2] = itemstack;
inventory[2].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize;
public boolean canOperate()
if (inventory[0] == null)
return false;
if(electricityStored < ENERGY_PER_TICK)
return false;
if(secondaryEnergyStored < SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK)
return false;
ItemStack itemstack = RecipeHandler.getOutput(inventory[0], false, getRecipes());
if (itemstack == null)
return false;
if (inventory[2] == null)
return true;
if (!inventory[2].isItemEqual(itemstack))
return false;
return inventory[2].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize <= inventory[2].getMaxStackSize();
public int getStartInventorySide(ForgeDirection side)
if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(1))
return 0;
else if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(0))
return 1;
else if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing) || side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing).getOpposite())
return 2;
else if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing).getRotation(ForgeDirection.WEST))
return 3;
else if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing).getRotation(ForgeDirection.EAST))
return 4;
return 0;
public int getSizeInventorySide(ForgeDirection side)
return 1;
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
public void handlePacketData(INetworkManager network, Packet250CustomPayload packet, EntityPlayer player, ByteArrayDataInput dataStream)
try {
facing = dataStream.readInt();
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
isActive = dataStream.readBoolean();
operatingTicks = dataStream.readInt();
electricityStored = dataStream.readDouble();
secondaryEnergyStored = dataStream.readInt();
currentMaxElectricity = dataStream.readDouble();
currentTicksRequired = dataStream.readInt();
worldObj.markBlockForRenderUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
} catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Mekanism] Error while handling tile entity packet.");
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
public void sendPacket()
PacketHandler.sendTileEntityPacketToClients(this, 0, facing, isActive, operatingTicks, electricityStored, secondaryEnergyStored, currentMaxElectricity, currentTicksRequired);
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
public void sendPacketWithRange()
PacketHandler.sendTileEntityPacketToClients(this, 50, facing, isActive, operatingTicks, electricityStored, secondaryEnergyStored, currentMaxElectricity, currentTicksRequired);
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
secondaryEnergyStored = nbtTags.getInteger("secondaryEnergyStored");
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
nbtTags.setInteger("secondaryEnergyStored", secondaryEnergyStored);
* Sets the secondary energy to a new amount
* @param energy - amount to store
public void setSecondaryEnergy(int energy)
secondaryEnergyStored = Math.max(Math.min(energy, getFuelTicks(inventory[1])), 0);
* Gets the scaled secondary energy level for the GUI.
* @param i - multiplier
* @return scaled secondary energy
public int getScaledSecondaryEnergyLevel(int i)
return secondaryEnergyStored*i / MAX_SECONDARY_ENERGY;
public String[] getMethodNames()
return new String[] {"getStored", "getSecondaryStored", "getProgress", "isActive", "facing", "canOperate", "getMaxEnergy", "getEnergyNeeded"};
public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
case 0:
return new Object[] {electricityStored};
case 1:
return new Object[] {secondaryEnergyStored};
case 2:
return new Object[] {operatingTicks};
case 3:
return new Object[] {isActive};
case 4:
return new Object[] {facing};
case 5:
return new Object[] {canOperate()};
case 6:
return new Object[] {currentMaxElectricity};
case 7:
return new Object[] {(currentMaxElectricity-electricityStored)};
System.err.println("[Mekanism] Attempted to call unknown method with computer ID " + computer.getID());
return new Object[] {"Unknown command."};