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package mekanism.api.util;
* Code taken from UE and modified to fit Mekanism.
2015-02-27 18:33:01 +01:00
public class UnitDisplayUtils
public static enum ElectricUnit
JOULES("Joule", "J"),
REDSTONE_FLUX("Redstone Flux", "RF"),
MINECRAFT_JOULES("Minecraft Joule", "MJ"),
ELECTRICAL_UNITS("Electrical Unit", "EU");
public String name;
public String symbol;
private ElectricUnit(String s, String s1)
name = s;
symbol = s1;
public String getPlural()
return this == REDSTONE_FLUX ? name : name + "s";
public static enum TemperatureUnit
KELVIN("Kelvin", "K", 0, 1),
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
CELSIUS("Celsius", "°C", 273.15, 1),
RANKINE("Rankine", "R", 0, 5/9),
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FAHRENHEIT("Fahrenheit", "°F", 459.67, 5/9),
AMBIENT("Ambient", "+STP", 300, 1);
public String name;
public String symbol;
double zeroOffset;
double intervalSize;
private TemperatureUnit(String s, String s1, double offset, double size)
name = s;
symbol = s1;
zeroOffset = offset;
intervalSize = size;
public double convertFromK(double T)
return (T * intervalSize) - zeroOffset;
public double convertToK(double T)
return (T + zeroOffset) / intervalSize;
/** Metric system of measurement. */
public static enum MeasurementUnit
FEMTO("Femto", "f", 0.000000000000001D),
PICO("Pico", "p", 0.000000000001D),
NANO("Nano", "n", 0.000000001D),
MICRO("Micro", "u", 0.000001D),
MILLI("Milli", "m", 0.001D),
2014-01-10 22:35:29 +01:00
BASE("", "", 1),
KILO("Kilo", "k", 1000D),
MEGA("Mega", "M", 1000000D),
2014-01-10 22:35:29 +01:00
GIGA("Giga", "G", 1000000000D),
TERA("Tera", "T", 1000000000000D),
2014-01-10 22:35:29 +01:00
PETA("Peta", "P", 1000000000000000D),
EXA("Exa", "E", 1000000000000000000D),
2014-01-10 22:35:29 +01:00
ZETTA("Zetta", "Z", 1000000000000000000000D),
YOTTA("Yotta", "Y", 1000000000000000000000000D);
/** long name for the unit */
public String name;
/** short unit version of the unit */
public String symbol;
/** Point by which a number is consider to be of this unit */
public double value;
private MeasurementUnit(String s, String s1, double v)
name = s;
symbol = s1;
value = v;
public String getName(boolean getShort)
return symbol;
else {
return name;
public double process(double d)
return d / value;
public boolean above(double d)
return d > value;
public boolean below(double d)
return d < value;
* Displays the unit as text. Does handle negative numbers, and will place a negative sign in
* front of the output string showing this. Use string.replace to remove the negative sign if
* unwanted
public static String getDisplay(double value, ElectricUnit unit, int decimalPlaces, boolean isShort)
String unitName =;
String prefix = "";
if(value < 0)
value = Math.abs(value);
prefix = "-";
unitName = unit.symbol;
else if(value > 1)
unitName = unit.getPlural();
if(value == 0)
return value + " " + unitName;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < MeasurementUnit.values().length; i++)
MeasurementUnit lowerMeasure = MeasurementUnit.values()[i];
if(lowerMeasure.below(value) && lowerMeasure.ordinal() == 0)
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + " " + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
if(lowerMeasure.ordinal() + 1 >= MeasurementUnit.values().length)
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + " " + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
MeasurementUnit upperMeasure = MeasurementUnit.values()[i + 1];
if((lowerMeasure.above(value) && upperMeasure.below(value)) || lowerMeasure.value == value)
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + " " + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
return prefix + roundDecimals(value, decimalPlaces) + " " + unitName;
public static String getDisplayShort(double value, ElectricUnit unit)
return getDisplay(value, unit, 2, true);
public static String getDisplayShort(double value, ElectricUnit unit, int decimalPlaces)
return getDisplay(value, unit, decimalPlaces, true);
public static String getDisplaySimple(double value, ElectricUnit unit, int decimalPlaces)
if(value > 1)
if(decimalPlaces < 1)
return (int)value + " " + unit.getPlural();
return roundDecimals(value, decimalPlaces) + " " + unit.getPlural();
if(decimalPlaces < 1)
return (int)value + " " +;
return roundDecimals(value, decimalPlaces) + " " +;
public static String getDisplay(double T, TemperatureUnit unit, int decimalPlaces, boolean isShort)
String unitName =;
String prefix = "";
double value = unit.convertFromK(T);
if(value < 0)
value = Math.abs(value);
prefix = "-";
unitName = unit.symbol;
if(value == 0)
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
return value + (isShort ? "" : " ") + unitName;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < MeasurementUnit.values().length; i++)
MeasurementUnit lowerMeasure = MeasurementUnit.values()[i];
if(lowerMeasure.below(value) && lowerMeasure.ordinal() == 0)
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + (isShort ? "" : " ") + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
if(lowerMeasure.ordinal() + 1 >= MeasurementUnit.values().length)
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + (isShort ? "" : " ") + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
MeasurementUnit upperMeasure = MeasurementUnit.values()[i + 1];
if((lowerMeasure.above(value) && upperMeasure.below(value)) || lowerMeasure.value == value)
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
return prefix + roundDecimals(lowerMeasure.process(value), decimalPlaces) + (isShort ? "" : " ") + lowerMeasure.getName(isShort) + unitName;
2015-03-19 17:39:51 +01:00
return prefix + roundDecimals(value, decimalPlaces) + (isShort ? "" : " ") + unitName;
public static String getDisplayShort(double value, TemperatureUnit unit)
return getDisplay(value, unit, 2, true);
public static String getDisplayShort(double value, TemperatureUnit unit, int decimalPlaces)
return getDisplay(value, unit, decimalPlaces, true);
public static double roundDecimals(double d, int decimalPlaces)
int j = (int)(d*Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces));
return j/Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
public static double roundDecimals(double d)
return roundDecimals(d, 2);
public static enum EnergyType
public static enum TempType