A bit of work on the Matrix Stats GUI, hopefully completely fixed the transmitter issue
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 215 additions and 15 deletions
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import mekanism.client.gui.GuiGasTank;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiInductionMatrix;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiLaserAmplifier;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiLaserTractorBeam;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiMatrixStats;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiMetallurgicInfuser;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiOsmiumCompressor;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiPRC;
@ -503,6 +504,8 @@ public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy
return new GuiAmbientAccumulator(player, (TileEntityAmbientAccumulator)tileEntity);
case 49:
return new GuiInductionMatrix(player.inventory, (TileEntityInductionCasing)tileEntity);
case 50:
return new GuiMatrixStats(player.inventory, (TileEntityInductionCasing)tileEntity);
return null;
@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package mekanism.client.gui;
import mekanism.api.energy.IStrictEnergyStorage;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiEnergyGauge.IEnergyInfoHandler;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiMatrixTab.MatrixTab;
import mekanism.client.render.MekanismRenderer;
import mekanism.common.inventory.container.ContainerInductionMatrix;
import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityInductionCasing;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils.ResourceType;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
@ -24,6 +22,7 @@ public class GuiInductionMatrix extends GuiMekanism
super(tentity, new ContainerInductionMatrix(inventory, tentity));
tileEntity = tentity;
guiElements.add(new GuiMatrixTab(this, tileEntity, MatrixTab.STAT, 6, MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI, "GuiInductionMatrix.png")));
@ -32,12 +31,12 @@ public class GuiInductionMatrix extends GuiMekanism
int xAxis = (mouseX - (width - xSize) / 2);
int yAxis = (mouseY - (height - ySize) / 2);
fontRendererObj.drawString(tileEntity.getInventoryName(), 45, 6, 0x404040);
fontRendererObj.drawString(tileEntity.getInventoryName(), (xSize/2)-(fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(tileEntity.getInventoryName())/2), 6, 0x404040);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("container.inventory"), 8, (ySize - 94) + 2, 0x404040);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("gui.energy") + ":", 53, 26, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.getEnergy()) + "/" + MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.getMaxEnergy()), 53, 35, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.getEnergy()), 53, 35, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("gui.output") + ":", 53, 44, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.structure.lastOutput) + "/" + MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.structure.outputCap), 53, 53, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.structure.lastOutput), 53, 53, 0x00CD00);
if(xAxis >= 7 && xAxis <= 39 && yAxis >= 14 && yAxis <= 72)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package mekanism.client.gui;
import mekanism.api.energy.IStrictEnergyStorage;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiEnergyGauge.IEnergyInfoHandler;
import mekanism.client.gui.GuiMatrixTab.MatrixTab;
import mekanism.common.inventory.container.ContainerNull;
import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityInductionCasing;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils.ResourceType;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class GuiMatrixStats extends GuiMekanism
public TileEntityInductionCasing tileEntity;
public GuiMatrixStats(InventoryPlayer inventory, TileEntityInductionCasing tentity)
super(tentity, new ContainerNull(inventory.player, tentity));
tileEntity = tentity;
guiElements.add(new GuiMatrixTab(this, tileEntity, MatrixTab.MAIN, 6, MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI, "GuiMatrixStats.png")));
guiElements.add(new GuiEnergyGauge(new IEnergyInfoHandler()
public IStrictEnergyStorage getEnergyStorage()
return tileEntity;
}, GuiEnergyGauge.Type.STANDARD, this, MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI, "GuiMatrixStats.png"), 6, 13));
protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int mouseX, int mouseY)
int xAxis = (mouseX - (width - xSize) / 2);
int yAxis = (mouseY - (height - ySize) / 2);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("gui.matrixStats"), 45, 6, 0x404040);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("gui.energy") + ":", 53, 26, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.getEnergy()) + "/" + MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.getMaxEnergy()), 53, 35, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.localize("gui.output") + ":", 53, 44, 0x00CD00);
fontRendererObj.drawString(MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.structure.lastOutput) + "/" + MekanismUtils.getEnergyDisplay(tileEntity.structure.outputCap), 53, 53, 0x00CD00);
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float partialTick, int mouseX, int mouseY)
super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(partialTick, mouseX, mouseY);
mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI, "GuiMatrixStats.png"));
GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int guiWidth = (width - xSize) / 2;
int guiHeight = (height - ySize) / 2;
drawTexturedModalRect(guiWidth, guiHeight, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package mekanism.client.gui;
import mekanism.api.Coord4D;
import mekanism.client.sound.SoundHandler;
import mekanism.common.Mekanism;
import mekanism.common.network.PacketSimpleGui.SimpleGuiMessage;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils.ResourceType;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import codechicken.lib.vec.Rectangle4i;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class GuiMatrixTab extends GuiElement
private TileEntity tileEntity;
private MatrixTab tabType;
private int yPos;
public GuiMatrixTab(IGuiWrapper gui, TileEntity tile, MatrixTab type, int y, ResourceLocation def)
super(type.getResource(), gui, def);
tileEntity = tile;
tabType = type;
yPos = y;
public Rectangle4i getBounds(int guiWidth, int guiHeight)
return new Rectangle4i(guiWidth - 26, guiHeight + yPos, 26, 26);
public void renderBackground(int xAxis, int yAxis, int guiWidth, int guiHeight)
guiObj.drawTexturedRect(guiWidth - 26, guiHeight + yPos, 0, 0, 26, 26);
if(xAxis >= -21 && xAxis <= -3 && yAxis >= yPos+4 && yAxis <= yPos+22)
guiObj.drawTexturedRect(guiWidth - 21, guiHeight + yPos+4, 26, 0, 18, 18);
else {
guiObj.drawTexturedRect(guiWidth - 21, guiHeight + yPos+4, 26, 18, 18, 18);
public void renderForeground(int xAxis, int yAxis)
if(xAxis >= -21 && xAxis <= -3 && yAxis >= yPos+4 && yAxis <= yPos+22)
displayTooltip(tabType.getDesc(), xAxis, yAxis);
public void preMouseClicked(int xAxis, int yAxis, int button) {}
public void mouseClicked(int xAxis, int yAxis, int button)
if(button == 0)
if(xAxis >= -21 && xAxis <= -3 && yAxis >= yPos+4 && yAxis <= yPos+22)
public static enum MatrixTab
MAIN("GuiEnergyTab.png", 49, "gui.main"),
STAT("GuiStatsTab.png", 50, "gui.stats");
private String path;
private int guiId;
private String desc;
private MatrixTab(String s, int id, String s1)
path = s;
guiId = id;
desc = s1;
public ResourceLocation getResource()
return MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI_ELEMENT, path);
public void openGui(TileEntity tile)
Mekanism.packetHandler.sendToServer(new SimpleGuiMessage(Coord4D.get(tile), guiId));
public String getDesc()
return MekanismUtils.localize(desc);
@ -484,6 +484,8 @@ public class CommonProxy
return new ContainerNull(player, (TileEntityContainerBlock)tileEntity);
case 49:
return new ContainerInductionMatrix(player.inventory, (TileEntityInductionCasing)tileEntity);
case 50:
return new ContainerNull(player, (TileEntityContainerBlock)tileEntity);
return null;
@ -11,26 +11,34 @@ public class HeatUtils
public static double[] simulate(IHeatTransfer source)
double heatTransferred[] = new double[]{0,0};
double heatTransferred[] = new double[] {0,0};
for(ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
IHeatTransfer sink = source.getAdjacent(side);
if(sink != null)
double invConduction = sink.getInverseConductionCoefficient() + source.getInverseConductionCoefficient();
double heatToTransfer = source.getTemp() / invConduction;
if(!(sink instanceof IGridTransmitter))
heatTransferred[0] += heatToTransfer;
//Transfer to air otherwise
double invConduction = IHeatTransfer.AIR_INVERSE_COEFFICIENT + source.getInsulationCoefficient(side) + source.getInverseConductionCoefficient();
double heatToTransfer = source.getTemp() / invConduction;
heatTransferred[1] += heatToTransfer;
return heatTransferred;
@ -664,12 +664,24 @@ public final class MekanismUtils
* A better "isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered()" that doesn't load chunks
* A better "isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered()" that doesn't load chunks.
* @param world - the world to perform the check in
* @param coord - the coordinate of the block performing the check
* @return if the block is indirectly getting powered by LOADED chunks
public static boolean isGettingPowered(World world, Coord4D coord)
return isGettingPowered(world, coord, true);
* Extension of preceding isGettingPowered() method, used to define expansions of the check.
* @param world - the world to perform the check in
* @param coord - the coordinate of the block performing the check
* @param expand - whether or not the check should be recursively called on the surrounding coordinates
* @return if the block is indirectly getting powered by LOADED chunks
public static boolean isGettingPowered(World world, Coord4D coord, boolean expand)
for(ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
@ -677,14 +689,11 @@ public final class MekanismUtils
if(sideCoord.exists(world) && sideCoord.getFromSide(side).exists(world))
if(world.isBlockProvidingPowerTo(sideCoord.xCoord, sideCoord.yCoord, sideCoord.zCoord, side.getOpposite().ordinal()) > 0)
if(world.getIndirectPowerLevelTo(sideCoord.xCoord, sideCoord.yCoord, sideCoord.zCoord, side.ordinal()) > 0)
return true;
return true;
else if(world.isBlockProvidingPowerTo(sideCoord.xCoord, sideCoord.yCoord, sideCoord.zCoord, side.ordinal()) > 0)
else if(expand && isGettingPowered(world, sideCoord, false))
return true;
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ public class GuiReactorStats extends GuiMekanism
public TileEntityReactorController tileEntity;
public static NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
public GuiReactorStats(InventoryPlayer inventory, final TileEntityReactorController tentity)
super(new ContainerNull(inventory.player, tentity));
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
@ -404,6 +404,8 @@ gui.heat=Heat
gui.inductionMatrix=Induction Matrix
gui.matrixStats=Matrix Statistics
gui.reactor.injectionRate=Injection Rate
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