v4.2.2 Beta #1
*Fixed redstone advanced machine container bug. *Removed unused methods from IEnergizedItem. *Added 'IPeripheral' CC support to IElectricMachine. *Removed tile entity-based texture system. *Fixed advanced electric machine active update. *Moved to TextureFX for machine animations. *Removed old textures from terrain.png and added new pictures for all animations. *Added CC support for machines and power units. *Removed texture preloads for non-existant textures. *Bumped version to 4.2.2!
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.7 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.4 KiB |
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package net.uberkat.obsidian.api;
import java.util.List;
import dan200.computer.api.IPeripheral;
import ic2.api.IWrenchable;
import net.minecraft.src.*;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ISidedInventory;
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.common.ISidedInventory;
* @author AidanBrady
public interface IElectricMachine extends IInventory, ISidedInventory, IWrenchable, INetworkedMachine
public interface IElectricMachine extends IInventory, ISidedInventory, IWrenchable, INetworkedMachine, IPeripheral
* Update call for machines. Use instead of updateEntity() - it's called every tick.
@ -50,10 +50,4 @@ public interface IEnergizedItem
* @return leftover energy
public int discharge(ItemStack itemstack, int amount);
* Whether or not this item's energy can be used.
* @return if energy can be used
public boolean canCharge();
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package net.uberkat.obsidian.common;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.SideOnly;
import net.minecraft.src.*;
@ -166,7 +167,8 @@ public class BlockMachine extends BlockContainer
if(side == tileEntity.facing)
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? tileEntity.textureIndex + 32 : 14;
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX : 14;
else {
return 2;
@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ public class BlockMachine extends BlockContainer
if(side == tileEntity.facing)
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? tileEntity.textureIndex + 48 : 15;
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+1 : 15;
else {
return 2;
@ -201,14 +203,14 @@ public class BlockMachine extends BlockContainer
else {
if(side == tileEntity.facing)
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? tileEntity.textureIndex + 64 : 16;
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+2 : 16;
else if(side == ForgeDirection.getOrientation(tileEntity.facing).getOpposite().ordinal())
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? tileEntity.textureIndex + 80 : 17;
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+3 : 17;
else {
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? tileEntity.textureIndex + 96 : 19;
return isActive(world, x, y, z) ? ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+4 : 19;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class ContainerAdvancedElectricMachine extends Container
else if(slotStack.itemID == Item.redstone.shiftedIndex)
if(slotID != 3)
if(slotID != 3 && slotID != 0)
if(!mergeItemStack(slotStack, 3, 4, false))
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class ContainerAdvancedElectricMachine extends Container
else if(slotID == 3)
if(!mergeItemStack(slotStack, 3, 4, false))
if(!mergeItemStack(slotStack, 0, 1, false))
return null;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class ObsidianHooks
IC2GoldDust = getIC2Item("goldDust");
Ic2Recipes.addMaceratorRecipe(new ItemStack(ObsidianIngots.OreBlock, 1, 0), new ItemStack(ObsidianIngots.PlatinumDust, 2));
Ic2Recipes.addMatterAmplifier(ObsidianIngots.EnrichedAlloy, 80000);
Ic2Recipes.addMatterAmplifier(ObsidianIngots.EnrichedAlloy, 100000);
System.out.println("[ObsidianIngots] Hooked into IC2 successfully.");
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.TickRegistry;
* @author AidanBrady
@Mod(modid = "ObsidianIngots", name = "Obsidian Ingots", version = "4.2.1")
@Mod(modid = "ObsidianIngots", name = "Obsidian Ingots", version = "4.2.2")
@NetworkMod(channels = { "ObsidianIngots" }, clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, packetHandler = PacketHandler.class)
public class ObsidianIngots
@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ public class ObsidianIngots
/** Total ticks passed since thePlayer joined theWorld */
public static int ticksPassed = 0;
public static int ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX = 240;
* Adds all in-game crafting and smelting recipes.
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import universalelectricity.implement.IItemElectric;
import com.google.common.io.ByteArrayDataInput;
import dan200.computer.api.IComputerAccess;
import ic2.api.ElectricItem;
import ic2.api.EnergyNet;
import ic2.api.IElectricItem;
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ public abstract class TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine extends TileEntityBasicM
if(canOperate() && inventory[1] != null && secondaryEnergyStored == 0)
if(inventory[1] != null && secondaryEnergyStored == 0)
int fuelTicks = getFuelTicks(inventory[1]);
if(fuelTicks > 0)
@ -264,6 +266,11 @@ public abstract class TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine extends TileEntityBasicM
return false;
if(secondaryEnergyStored < SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK)
return false;
ItemStack itemstack = RecipeHandler.getOutput(inventory[0], false, getRecipes());
@ -483,4 +490,45 @@ public abstract class TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine extends TileEntityBasicM
return operatingTicks*i / TICKS_REQUIRED;
public String getType()
return "Advanced Electric Machine";
public String[] getMethodNames()
return new String[] {"getStored", "getSecondaryStored", "getProgress", "isActive", "facing", "canOperate"};
public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
case 0:
return new Object[] {energyStored};
case 1:
return new Object[] {secondaryEnergyStored};
case 2:
return new Object[] {operatingTicks};
case 3:
return new Object[] {isActive};
case 4:
return new Object[] {facing};
case 5:
return new Object[] {canOperate()};
System.err.println("[ObsidianIngots] Attempted to call unknown method with computer ID " + computer.getID());
return null;
public boolean canAttachToSide(int side)
return true;
public void attach(IComputerAccess computer, String computerSide) {}
public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {}
@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ public abstract class TileEntityBasicMachine extends TileEntity implements IElec
/** The direction this block is facing. */
public int facing;
/** A timer used to update the block's texture. */
public int textureTick = 0;
/** An integer that cycles between 0-15, used to update the block's texture. */
public int textureIndex = 0;
/** A timer used to send packets to clients. */
public int packetTick = 0;
@ -57,11 +51,6 @@ public abstract class TileEntityBasicMachine extends TileEntity implements IElec
if(packetTick == 5)
@ -76,17 +65,6 @@ public abstract class TileEntityBasicMachine extends TileEntity implements IElec
public void updateTexture()
if(textureTick % 5 == 0)
textureIndex = (++textureIndex)%15;
worldObj.markBlockNeedsUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
public boolean wrenchCanSetFacing(EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int side)
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import universalelectricity.implement.IItemElectric;
import com.google.common.io.ByteArrayDataInput;
import dan200.computer.api.IComputerAccess;
import ic2.api.ElectricItem;
import ic2.api.EnergyNet;
import ic2.api.IElectricItem;
@ -417,4 +419,43 @@ public abstract class TileEntityElectricMachine extends TileEntityBasicMachine
return operatingTicks*i / TICKS_REQUIRED;
public String getType()
return "Electric Machine";
public String[] getMethodNames()
return new String[] {"getStored", "getProgress", "isActive", "facing", "canOperate"};
public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
case 0:
return new Object[] {energyStored};
case 1:
return new Object[] {operatingTicks};
case 2:
return new Object[] {isActive};
case 3:
return new Object[] {facing};
case 4:
return new Object[] {canOperate()};
System.err.println("[ObsidianIngots] Attempted to call unknown method with computer ID " + computer.getID());
return null;
public boolean canAttachToSide(int side)
return true;
public void attach(IComputerAccess computer, String computerSide) {}
public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {}
@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ import buildcraft.api.core.Orientations;
import com.google.common.io.ByteArrayDataInput;
import dan200.computer.api.IComputerAccess;
import dan200.computer.api.IPeripheral;
import ic2.api.Direction;
import ic2.api.ElectricItem;
import ic2.api.EnergyNet;
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.common.ISidedInventory;
import net.uberkat.obsidian.api.IEnergizedItem;
import net.uberkat.obsidian.api.INetworkedMachine;
public class TileEntityPowerUnit extends TileEntityDisableable implements IInventory, ISidedInventory, INetworkedMachine, IWrenchable, IEnergySink, IEnergySource, IEnergyStorage, IPowerReceptor, IElectricityStorage, IElectricityReceiver
public class TileEntityPowerUnit extends TileEntityDisableable implements IInventory, ISidedInventory, INetworkedMachine, IWrenchable, IEnergySink, IEnergySource, IEnergyStorage, IPowerReceptor, IElectricityStorage, IElectricityReceiver, IPeripheral
public ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[2];
@ -90,32 +93,6 @@ public class TileEntityPowerUnit extends TileEntityDisableable implements IInven
public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(bytes);
try {
} catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("[ObsidianIngots] Error while writing tile entity packet.");
Packet250CustomPayload packet = new Packet250CustomPayload();
packet.channel = "ObsidianIngots";
packet.data = bytes.toByteArray();
packet.length = packet.data.length;
return packet;
public void updateEntity()
@ -230,7 +207,7 @@ public class TileEntityPowerUnit extends TileEntityDisableable implements IInven
if(connector != null && connector instanceof TileEntityConductor)
double wattsNeeded = ElectricityManager.instance.getElectricityRequired(((IConductor)connector).getConnectionID());
double transferAmps = Math.max(Math.min(Math.min(ElectricInfo.getAmps(wattsNeeded, getVoltage()), ElectricInfo.getAmpsFromWattHours(energyStored*UniversalElectricity.IC2_RATIO, getVoltage()) ), 15), 0);
double transferAmps = Math.max(Math.min(Math.min(ElectricInfo.getAmps(wattsNeeded, getVoltage()), ElectricInfo.getAmpsFromWattHours(energyStored*UniversalElectricity.IC2_RATIO, getVoltage())), 15), 0);
ElectricityManager.instance.produceElectricity(this, (IConductor)connector, transferAmps, getVoltage());
setEnergy(energyStored - (int)(ElectricInfo.getWattHours(transferAmps, getVoltage())*UniversalElectricity.Wh_IC2_RATIO));
@ -560,4 +537,37 @@ public class TileEntityPowerUnit extends TileEntityDisableable implements IInven
return worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) != this ? false : var1.getDistanceSq((double)xCoord + 0.5D, (double)yCoord + 0.5D, (double)zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D;
public String getType()
return getInvName();
public String[] getMethodNames()
return new String[] {"getStored", "getOutput"};
public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
case 0:
return new Object[] {energyStored};
case 1:
return new Object[] {output};
System.err.println("[ObsidianIngots] Attempted to call unknown method with computer ID " + computer.getID());
return null;
public boolean canAttachToSide(int side)
return true;
public void attach(IComputerAccess computer, String computerSide) {}
public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.TextureFXManager;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Side;
@ -49,12 +50,26 @@ public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy
public void registerRenderInformation()
System.out.println("[ObsidianIngots] Beginning render initiative...");
//Preload block/item textures
//Register animated TextureFX for machines
try {
TextureFXManager.instance().addAnimation(new TextureAnimatedFX("/obsidian/CompressorFront.png", ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX));
TextureFXManager.instance().addAnimation(new TextureAnimatedFX("/obsidian/CombinerFront.png", ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+1));
TextureFXManager.instance().addAnimation(new TextureAnimatedFX("/obsidian/ElementizerFront.png", ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+2));
TextureFXManager.instance().addAnimation(new TextureAnimatedFX("/obsidian/ElementizerBack.png", ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+3));
TextureFXManager.instance().addAnimation(new TextureAnimatedFX("/obsidian/ElementizerSide.png", ObsidianIngots.ANIMATED_TEXTURE_INDEX+4));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("[ObsidianIngots] Error registering animation with FML: " + e.getMessage());
//Register entity rendering handlers
RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityObsidianTNT.class, new RenderObsidianTNT());
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package net.uberkat.obsidian.client;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.TextureFXManager;
import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader;
import net.minecraft.src.ModTextureAnimation;
import net.minecraft.src.RenderEngine;
public class TextureAnimatedFX extends ModTextureAnimation
public TextureAnimatedFX(String texture, int index) throws IOException
super(index, 1, texture, TextureFXManager.instance().loadImageFromTexturePack(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine, texture), 5);
public void bindImage(RenderEngine renderengine)
//Binds texture with GL11 to use specific icon index.
GL11.glBindTexture(3553 /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/, renderengine.getTexture("/obsidian/terrain.png"));