*Gave all items and blocks their own special creative tab.
*Removed items and blocks from MC creative tabs.
*Buffed energy system to fix energy duplication glitch.
*Polished Power Unit and Generator GUIs.
*Updated mcmod.info.
*Removed PlatinumCable both physically and code-ly.
*Completely refactored TileEntity hierarchy *again* to make code more
*Fixed container bug.
*Fixed GUI text not rendering.
*Added missing javadocs.
*Removed unused and unneeded code.
*Added Generator base for making Obsidian Ingots generators.
*Added Heat Generator, a block that generates energy with heat.
*Doubled Platinum Ore generation.
*Fixed energy devices to only have a max damage of 100.
*Fixed energy devices not working in SMP.
*Updated ITileNetwork with new packet changes.
*Other various bugfixes.
*Fixed machines not invalidating when destroyed.
*Fixed advanced electric machines not accepting energy upgrades.
*Fixed theoretical elementizer progress not updating with speed upgrade.
*Removed unneeded methods from IElectricMachine.
*Renamed 'getScaledChargeLevel()' to 'getScaledEnergyLevel()'
*Completely refactored GUI code on machines.
*Added energy meter to all machines.
*Fixed minor GUI bugs.
*Fixed GUI not showing up for Refined Obsidian.
*Fixed brightness for incorrect blocks.
*Fixed no shift-clicking support for output slots.
*Added core color support.
*Re-added color for Theoretical Elementizer, Credits GUI, and update
*Renamed ThreadUpdate to ThreadClientUpdate.
*Added server update thread.
*Added Obsidian Ingots server command handler.
*Added server command 'oi.'
*Added server command 'oi update.'
*Touched up on GUI and Container code.
*Fixed NPE on loading NBT data when BuildCraft isn't installed.
*Fixed charging/discharging IC2 batteries not working.
*Added getDisplayedEnergyNoColor() method.
*Various improvements and fixes.
*Bumped version to 4.2.1.