package cofh.api.transport; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection; /** * This interface is implemented on Item Conduits. Use it to attempt to eject items into an entry point. * * @author Zeldo Kavira, King Lemming * */ public interface IItemConduit { /** * Insert an ItemStack into the IItemConduit. Will only accept items if there is a valid destination. This returns what is remaining of the original stack - * a null return means that the entire stack was accepted/routed! * * @param from * Orientation the item is inserted from. * @param item * ItemStack to be inserted. The size of this stack corresponds to the maximum amount to insert. * @return An ItemStack representing how much is remaining after the item was inserted (or would have been, if simulated) into the Conduit. */ public ItemStack insertItem(ForgeDirection from, ItemStack item); /* THE FOLLOWING WILL BE REMOVED IN 3.0.1.X */ @Deprecated public ItemStack insertItem(ForgeDirection from, ItemStack item, boolean simulate); @Deprecated public ItemStack sendItems(ItemStack item, ForgeDirection from); }