package ic2.api.crops; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.Icon; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; /** * Base agriculture crop. * * Any crop extending this can be registered using registerCrop to be added into the game. */ public abstract class CropCard { /** * Plant name. Will be displayed to the player. * * @return Plant name */ public abstract String name(); /** * Your name here, will be shown in "Discovered by:" when analyzing seeds. * * @return Your name */ public String discoveredBy() {return "Alblaka";} /** * Description of your plant. Keep it short, a few characters per line for up to two lines. * Default is showing attributes of your plant, 2 per line. * * @param i line to get, starting from 0 * @return The line */ public String desc(int i) { String[] att = attributes(); if (att == null || att.length==0) return ""; if (i == 0) { String s = att[0]; if (att.length >= 2) { s+=", "+att[1]; if (att.length >= 3) s+=","; } return s; } if (att.length < 3) return ""; String s = att[2]; if (att.length >= 4) s+=", "+att[3]; return s; } /** * Tier of the plant. Ranges from 1 to 16, 0 is Weed. * Valuable and powerful crops have higher tiers, useless and weak ones have lower tiers. * * @return Tier */ public abstract int tier(); /** * Describe the plant through a set of stats, influencing breeding. * Plants sharing stats and attributes will tend to cross-breed more often. * * Stats: * - 0: Chemistry (Industrial uses based on chemical plant components) * - 1: Consumable (Food, potion ingredients, stuff meant to be eaten or similarly used) * - 2: Defensive (Plants with defense capabilities (damaging, explosive, chemical) or special abilities in general) * - 3: Colorful (How colorful/aesthetically/beautiful is the plant, like dye-plants or plants without actual effects) * - 4: Weed (Is this plant weed-like and rather unwanted/quick-spreading? Rare super-breed plants should have low values here) * * @param n index of the requested stat * @return The requested value of the stats */ public abstract int stat(int n); /** * Additional attributes of the plant, also influencing breeding. * Plants sharing stats and attributes will tend to cross-breed more often. * * @return Attributes as an array of strings */ public abstract String[] attributes(); /** * Determine the max crop size. * * Currently only used for texture allocation. */ public abstract int maxSize(); /** * Instantiate your Icons here. * * This method will get called by IC2, don't call it yourself. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerSprites(IconRegister iconRegister) { textures = new Icon[maxSize()]; for (int i = 1; i <= textures.length; i++) { textures[i-1] = iconRegister.registerIcon("ic2:crop/blockCrop."+name()+"."+i); } } /** * Sprite the crop is meant to be rendered with. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return 0-255, representing the sprite index on the crop's spritesheet. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public Icon getSprite(ICropTile crop) { if (crop.getSize() <= 0 || crop.getSize() > textures.length) return null; return textures[crop.getSize() - 1]; } /** * Get the crop's spritesheet. * Per default crops_0.png of ic2-sprites * @return Texture file path */ public String getTextureFile() { return "/ic2/sprites/crops_0.png"; } /** * Amount of growth points needed to increase the plant's size. * Default is 200 * tier. */ public int growthDuration(ICropTile crop) { return tier()*200; } /** * Check whether the plant can grow further. * * Consider: * - Humidity, nutrients and air quality * - Current size * - Light level * - Special biomes or conditions, accessible through crop.worldObj * * This method will be called upon empty upgraded crops to check whether a neighboring plant can cross onto it! Don't check if the size is greater than 0 and if the ID is real. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Whether the crop can grow */ public abstract boolean canGrow(ICropTile crop); /** * Calculate the influence for the plant to grow based on humidity, nutrients and air. * Normal behavior is rating the three stats "normal", with each of them ranging from 0-30. * Basic rule: Assume everything returns 10. All together must equal 30. Add the factors to your likings, for example (humidity*0.7)+(nutrients*0.9)+(air*1.4) * * Default is humidity + nutrients + air (no factors). * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @param humidity ground humidity, influenced by hydration * @param nutrients nutrient quality in ground, based on fertilizers * @param air air quality, influences by open gardens and less crops surrounding this one * @return 0-30 */ public int weightInfluences(ICropTile crop, float humidity, float nutrients, float air) { return (int) (humidity+nutrients+air); } /** * Used to determine whether the plant can crossbreed with another crop. * Default is allow crossbreeding if the size is greater or equal than 3. * * @param crop crop to crossbreed with */ public boolean canCross(ICropTile crop) { return crop.getSize() >= 3; } /** * Called when the plant is rightclicked by a player. * Default action is harvesting. * * Only called Serverside. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @param player player rightclicking the crop * @return Whether the plant has changed */ public boolean rightclick(ICropTile crop, EntityPlayer player) { return crop.harvest(true); } /** * Check whether the crop can be harvested. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Whether the crop can be harvested in its current state. */ public abstract boolean canBeHarvested(ICropTile crop); /** * Base chance for dropping the plant's gains, specify values greater than 1 for multiple drops. * Default is 0.95^tier. * * @return Chance to drop the gains */ public float dropGainChance() { float base = 1F; for (int i = 0; i < tier(); i++) {base*=0.95;} return base; } /** * Item obtained from harvesting the plant. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Item obtained */ public abstract ItemStack getGain(ICropTile crop); /** * Get the size of the plant after harvesting. * Default is 1. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Plant size after harvesting */ public byte getSizeAfterHarvest(ICropTile crop) {return 1;} /** * Called when the plant is leftclicked by a player. * Default action is picking the plant. * * Only called Serverside. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @param player player leftclicked the crop * @return Whether the plant has changed */ public boolean leftclick(ICropTile crop, EntityPlayer player) { return crop.pick(true); } /** * Base chance for dropping seeds when the plant is picked. * Default is 0.5*0.8^tier with a bigger chance for sizes greater than 2 and absolutely no chance for size 0. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Chance to drop the seeds */ public float dropSeedChance(ICropTile crop) { if (crop.getSize() == 1) return 0; float base = 0.5F; if (crop.getSize() == 2) base/=2F; for (int i = 0; i < tier(); i++) {base*=0.8;} return base; } /** * Obtain seeds dropped when the plant is picked. * Multiple drops of the returned ItemStack can occur. * Default action is generating a seed from this crop. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Seeds */ public ItemStack getSeeds(ICropTile crop) { return crop.generateSeeds(crop.getID(), crop.getGrowth(), crop.getGain(), crop.getResistance(), crop.getScanLevel()); } /** * Called when a neighbor block to the crop has changed. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile */ public void onNeighbourChange(ICropTile crop){ // } /** * Check if the crop should emit redstone. * * @return Whether the crop should emit redstone */ public int emitRedstone(ICropTile crop){return 0;} /** * Called when the crop is destroyed. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile */ public void onBlockDestroyed(ICropTile crop){ // } /** * Get the light value emitted by the plant. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Light value emitted */ public int getEmittedLight(ICropTile crop) {return 0;} /** * Default is true if the entity is an EntityLiving in jumping or sprinting state. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @param entity entity colliding * @return Whether trampling calculation should happen, return false if the plant is no longer valid. */ public boolean onEntityCollision(ICropTile crop, Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { return ((EntityLivingBase)entity).isSprinting(); } return false; } /** * Called every time the crop ticks. * Should be called every 256 ticks or around 13 seconds. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile */ public void tick(ICropTile crop) { // } /** * Check whether this plant spreads weed to surrounding tiles. * Default is true if the plant has a high growth stat (or is weeds) and size greater or equal than 2. * * @param crop reference to ICropTile * @return Whether the plant spreads weed */ public boolean isWeed(ICropTile crop) { return crop.getSize()>=2 && (crop.getID()==0 || crop.getGrowth()>=24); } /** * Get this plant's ID. * * @return ID of this CropCard or -1 if it's not registered */ public final int getId() { return Crops.instance.getIdFor(this); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) protected Icon textures[]; }