package mekanism.api.gas; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; /** * An optional way of managing and/or storing gasses. Would be very useful in TileEntity and Entity gas storage. * @author aidancbrady * */ public class GasTank { public GasStack stored; private int maxGas; private GasTank() {} /** * Creates a tank with a defined capacity. * @param max - the maximum amount of gas this GasTank can hold */ public GasTank(int max) { maxGas = max; } /** * Sets this tank's GasStack value to a new value. Will cap the amount to this GasTank's capacity. * @param stack - value to set this tank's GasStack value to */ public void setGas(GasStack stack) { stored = stack; if(stored != null) { stored.amount = Math.min(getMaxGas(), stored.amount); } } /** * Draws a specified amount of gas out of this tank. * @param amount - amount to draw * @param doDraw - if the gas should actually be removed from this tank * @return gas taken from this GasTank as a GasStack value */ public GasStack draw(int amount, boolean doDraw) { if(stored == null || amount <= 0) { return null; } GasStack ret = new GasStack(getGas().getGas(), Math.min(getStored(), amount)); if(ret.amount > 0) { if(doDraw) { stored.amount -= ret.amount; if(stored.amount <= 0) { stored = null; } } return ret; } return null; } /** * Adds a specified amount of gas to this tank. * @param amount - the GasStack for this tank to receive * @param doReceive - if the gas should actually be added to this tank * @return the amount of gas accepted by this tank */ public int receive(GasStack amount, boolean doReceive) { if(amount == null || (stored != null && stored.amount == getMaxGas())) { return 0; } int toFill = Math.min(getMaxGas()-getStored(), amount.amount); if(doReceive) { if(stored == null) { stored = amount.copy(); } else { stored.amount = Math.min(getMaxGas(), getStored()+amount.amount); } } return toFill; } /** * If this GasTank can receive the specified type of gas. Will return false if this tank does not need anymore gas. * @param gas - gas to check * @return if this GasTank can accept the defined gas */ public boolean canReceive(Gas gas) { if(getNeeded() == 0 || stored != null && (gas != null && gas != stored.getGas())) { return false; } return true; } /** * If this GasTank can receive the specified type of gas. Will return TRUE if this tank does not need anymore gas. * @param gas - gas to check * @return if this GasTank can accept the defined gas */ public boolean canReceiveType(Gas gas) { if(stored != null && (gas != null && gas != stored.getGas())) { return false; } return true; } /** * If this GasTank can be drawn of the specified type of gas. Will return false if this tank does not contain any gas. * @param gas - gas to check * @return if this GasTank can be drawn of the defined gas */ public boolean canDraw(Gas gas) { if(stored == null || (gas != null && gas != stored.getGas())) { return false; } return true; } /** * Gets the amount of gas needed by this GasTank. * @return */ public int getNeeded() { return getMaxGas()-getStored(); } /** * Gets the maximum amount of gas this tank can hold. * @return - max gas */ public int getMaxGas() { return maxGas; } /** * Gets the GasStack held by this GasTank. * @return - GasStakc held by this tank */ public GasStack getGas() { return stored; } /** * Gets the amount of gas stored by this GasTank. * @return amount of gas stored */ public int getStored() { return stored != null ? stored.amount : 0; } /** * Writes this tank to a defined tag compound. * @param nbtTags - tag compound to write to * @return tag compound with this tank's data */ public NBTTagCompound write(NBTTagCompound nbtTags) { if(stored != null) { nbtTags.setCompoundTag("stored", stored.write(new NBTTagCompound())); } nbtTags.setInteger("maxGas", maxGas); return nbtTags; } /** * Reads this tank's data from a defined tag compound. * @param nbtTags - tag compound to read from */ public void read(NBTTagCompound nbtTags) { if(nbtTags.hasKey("stored")) { stored = GasStack.readFromNBT(nbtTags.getCompoundTag("stored")); } maxGas = nbtTags.getInteger("maxGas"); } /** * Returns the tank stored in the defined tag compound, or null if it doesn't exist. * @param nbtTags - tag compound to read from * @return tank stored in the tag compound */ public static GasTank readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags) { if(nbtTags == null || nbtTags.hasNoTags()) { return null; } GasTank tank = new GasTank();; return tank; } }