package rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.api; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public interface IOreInfo { public String getName(); public OreType getType(); public boolean isEnabled(); public ItemStack getOre(); public ItemStack getBlock(); public ItemStack getBrick(); // Returns the itemstack of dust this ore crushes into, if no dust exists, returns null public ItemStack getDust(); // Returns the itemstack of ingot for this ore, if no ingot exists, returns null public ItemStack getIngot(); // If this ore drops something other than itself, this returns the ItemStack // of the drop, otherwise returns null public ItemStack getDrop(); public int getDropAmountMin(); public int getDropAmountMax(); // Returns an array of OreDictionary keys of the dusts the make this if it's an alloy // if it's not an alloy, this returns null public String[] getAlloyRecipe(); }