package mekanism.client; import mekanism.api.EnumColor; import mekanism.common.IModule; import mekanism.common.Mekanism; import mekanism.common.MekanismUtils; import mekanism.common.Version; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiCredits extends GuiScreen { private static String updateProgress = ""; private boolean updatedRecently; private boolean notified = false; @Override public void initGui() { buttonList.clear(); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, width / 2 - 100, height / 4 + 72 + 12, "Update")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, width / 2 - 100, height / 4 + 96 + 12, "Cancel")); ((GuiButton)buttonList.get(0)).enabled = !MekanismUtils.noUpdates() && !ThreadClientUpdate.hasUpdated; } public static void onFinishedDownloading() { updateProgress = "Successfully updated. Restart Minecraft to load."; System.out.println("[Mekanism] Successfully updated to latest version (" + Mekanism.latestVersionNumber + ")."); ThreadClientUpdate.hasUpdated = true; } public static void onErrorDownloading() { updateProgress = EnumColor.DARK_RED + "Error updating."; } @Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton guibutton) { if(!guibutton.enabled) { return; } if( == 0) { if(!MekanismUtils.noUpdates()) { updatedRecently = true; updateProgress = "Downloading latest version..."; guibutton.enabled = false; if(Mekanism.versionNumber.comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1) { new ThreadClientUpdate("" + Mekanism.latestVersionNumber + ".jar", ""); } for(IModule module : Mekanism.modulesLoaded) { if(module.getVersion().comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1) { new ThreadClientUpdate("" + module.getName() + "-v" + Mekanism.latestVersionNumber + ".jar", module.getName()); } } } else { updateProgress = "You already have the latest version."; } } if( == 1) { mc.displayGuiScreen(null); } } public void writeText(String text, int yAxis) { drawString(fontRenderer, text, width / 2 - 140, (height / 4 - 60) + 20 + yAxis, 0xa0a0a0); } @Override public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { return false; } @Override public void drawScreen(int i, int j, float f) { if(updatedRecently && ThreadClientUpdate.modulesBeingDownloaded == 0 && !updateProgress.contains("Error")) { if(!notified) { onFinishedDownloading(); notified = true; } } else if(ThreadClientUpdate.hasUpdated && !notified) { updateProgress = "You have already downloaded the update. Restart MC!"; } drawDefaultBackground(); drawCenteredString(fontRenderer, EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "Mekanism" + EnumColor.GREY + " by aidancbrady", width / 2, (height / 4 - 60) + 20, 0xffffff); writeText(EnumColor.INDIGO + "Mekanism " + (Mekanism.versionNumber.comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1 ? EnumColor.DARK_RED : EnumColor.GREY) + Mekanism.versionNumber, 36); int size = 36; for(IModule module : Mekanism.modulesLoaded) { size += 9; writeText(EnumColor.INDIGO + "Mekanism" + module.getName() + (module.getVersion().comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1 ? EnumColor.DARK_RED : EnumColor.GREY) + " " + module.getVersion(), size); } writeText(EnumColor.GREY + "Newest version: " + Mekanism.latestVersionNumber, size+9); writeText(EnumColor.GREY + "*Developed on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion", size+18); writeText(EnumColor.GREY + "*Code, textures, and ideas by aidancbrady", size+27); writeText(EnumColor.GREY + "Recent news: " + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + (!Mekanism.recentNews.contains("null") ? Mekanism.recentNews : "couldn't access."), size+36); writeText(EnumColor.GREY + updateProgress, size+45); super.drawScreen(i, j, f); } }