/** * Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011 * http://www.mod-buildcraft.com * * BuildCraft is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public * License 1.0, or MMPL. Please check the contents of the license located in * http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/MMPL-1.0.txt */ package buildcraft.api.blueprints; import buildcraft.api.core.BuildCraftAPI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; /** * This class allow to specify specific behavior for blocks stored in blueprints: * * - what items needs to be used to create that block - how the block has to be built on the world - how to rotate the block - what extra data to store / load * in the blueprint * * Default implementations of this can be seen in the package buildcraft.api.bptblocks. The class BptBlockUtils provide some additional utilities. * * Blueprints perform "id translation" in case the block ids between a blueprint and the world installation are different. In order to translate block ids, * blocks needs to be uniquely identified. By default, this identification is done by: * * - the block simple class name - the tile simple class name (if any) - the block name * * In certain circumstances, the above is not enough (e.g. if several blocks share the same class and the same name, with no tile). In this case, additional * data may be provided by children of this class: * * - mod name - custom signature * * At blueprint load time, BuildCraft will check that each block id of the blueprint corresponds to the block id in the installation. If not, it will perform a * search through the block list, and upon matching signature, it will translate all blocks ids of the blueprint to the installation ones. If no such block id * is found, BuildCraft will assume that the block is not installed and will not load the blueprint. */ @Deprecated public class BptBlock { public final int blockId; public BptBlock(int blockId) { this.blockId = blockId; BlueprintManager.blockBptProps[blockId] = this; } /** * Returns the requirements needed to build this block. When the requirements are met, they will be removed all at once from the builder, before calling * buildBlock. */ public void addRequirements(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context, LinkedList requirements) { if (slot.blockId != 0) { if (slot.storedRequirements.size() != 0) { requirements.addAll(slot.storedRequirements); } else { requirements.add(new ItemStack(slot.blockId, 1, slot.meta)); } } } /** * This is called each time an item matches a reqquirement, that is: (req id == stack id) for damageable items (req id == stack id && req dmg == stack dmg) * for other items by default, it will increase damage of damageable items by the amount of damage of the requirement, and remove the intended amount of non * damageable item. * * Client may override this behavior for default items. Note that this subprogram may be called twice with the same parameters, once with a copy of * requirements and stack to check if the entire requirements can be fullfilled, and once with the real inventory. Implementer is responsible for updating * req (with the remaining requirements if any) and stack (after usage) * * returns: what was used (similer to req, but created from stack, so that any NBT based differences are drawn from the correct source) */ public ItemStack useItem(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context, ItemStack req, ItemStack stack) { ItemStack result = stack.copy(); if (stack.isItemStackDamageable()) { if (req.getItemDamage() + stack.getItemDamage() <= stack.getMaxDamage()) { stack.setItemDamage(req.getItemDamage() + stack.getItemDamage()); result.setItemDamage(req.getItemDamage()); req.stackSize = 0; } if (stack.getItemDamage() >= stack.getMaxDamage()) { stack.stackSize = 0; } } else { if (stack.stackSize >= req.stackSize) { result.stackSize = req.stackSize; stack.stackSize -= req.stackSize; req.stackSize = 0; } else { req.stackSize -= stack.stackSize; stack.stackSize = 0; } } if (stack.stackSize == 0 && stack.getItem().getContainerItem() != null) { Item container = stack.getItem().getContainerItem(); stack.itemID = container.itemID; stack.stackSize = 1; stack.setItemDamage(0); } return result; } /** * Return true if the block on the world correspond to the block stored in the blueprint at the location given by the slot. By default, this subprogram is * permissive and doesn't take into account metadata. * * Added metadata sensitivity //Krapht */ public boolean isValid(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context) { return slot.blockId == context.world().getBlockId(slot.x, slot.y, slot.z) && slot.meta == context.world().getBlockMetadata(slot.x, slot.y, slot.z); } /** * Perform a 90 degree rotation to the slot. */ public void rotateLeft(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context) { } /** * Places the block in the world, at the location specified in the slot. */ public void buildBlock(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context) { // Meta needs to be specified twice, depending on the block behavior context.world().setBlock(slot.x, slot.y, slot.z, slot.blockId, slot.meta,3); context.world().setBlockMetadataWithNotify(slot.x, slot.y, slot.z, slot.meta,3); if (Block.blocksList[slot.blockId] instanceof BlockContainer) { TileEntity tile = context.world().getBlockTileEntity(slot.x, slot.y, slot.z); slot.cpt.setInteger("x", slot.x); slot.cpt.setInteger("y", slot.y); slot.cpt.setInteger("z", slot.z); if (tile != null) { tile.readFromNBT(slot.cpt); } } } /** * Return true if the block should not be placed to the world. Requirements will not be asked on such a block, and building will not be called. */ public boolean ignoreBuilding(BptSlotInfo slot) { return false; } /** * Initializes a slot from the blueprint according to an objet placed on {x, y, z} on the world. This typically means adding entries in slot.cpt. Note that * "id" and "meta" will be set automatically, corresponding to the block id and meta. * * By default, if the block is a BlockContainer, tile information will be to save / load the block. */ public void initializeFromWorld(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context, int x, int y, int z) { if (Block.blocksList[slot.blockId] instanceof BlockContainer) { TileEntity tile = context.world().getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tile != null) { tile.writeToNBT(slot.cpt); } } if (Block.blocksList[slot.blockId] != null) { ArrayList req = Block.blocksList[slot.blockId].getBlockDropped(context.world(), x, y, z, context.world().getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0); if (req != null) { slot.storedRequirements.addAll(req); } } } /** * Called on a block when the blueprint has finished to place all the blocks. This may be useful to adjust variable depending on surrounding blocks that may * not be there already at initial building. */ public void postProcessing(BptSlotInfo slot, IBptContext context) { } /** * By default, block class name, block tile name and block name are used to define block signature. Overriding this subprogram may allow to replace some of * these with stars, specify the mod that this block kind is coming from or add custom data to the signature. */ public BlockSignature getSignature(Block block) { BlockSignature sig = new BlockSignature(); if (block.blockID > BuildCraftAPI.LAST_ORIGINAL_BLOCK) { sig.blockClassName = block.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (block instanceof BlockContainer) { // TODO: Try to see if we can get a world instance to call with instead of null TileEntity tile = ((BlockContainer) block).createNewTileEntity(null); if (tile != null) { sig.tileClassName = tile.getClass().getSimpleName(); } } } sig.blockName = block.getUnlocalizedName(); sig.replaceNullWithStar(); return sig; } /** * By default, block name, block and tile classes, mod name and custom signature are matched to verify if a blueprint block corresponds to the installation * block - except for the default blocks which don't check for classes. For any value, * means match with anything. For compatibilty and evolution reasons, * mods may want to write a different policy, allowing to migrate one format to the other. */ public boolean match(Block block, BlockSignature sig) { if (block == null) return false; BlockSignature inst = BlueprintManager.getBlockSignature(block); return starMatch(sig.blockName, inst.blockName) && starMatch(sig.blockClassName, inst.blockClassName) && starMatch(sig.tileClassName, inst.tileClassName) && starMatch(sig.customField, inst.customField) && starMatch(sig.mod, inst.mod); } private boolean starMatch(String s1, String s2) { return s1.equals("*") || s2.equals("*") || s1.equals(s2); } }