package mekanism.client.sound; import; import mekanism.client.MekanismClient; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import; import universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector3; public abstract class Sound { /** The bundled path where the sound is */ public String soundPath; /** A unique identifier for this sound */ public String identifier; /** Whether or not this sound is playing */ public boolean isPlaying = false; private Object objRef; /** * A sound that runs off of the PaulsCode sound system. * @param id - unique identifier * @param sound - bundled path to the sound * @param tileentity - the tile this sound is playing from. */ public Sound(String id, String sound, Object obj, Vector3 loc) { if(MekanismClient.audioHandler.getFrom(obj) != null) { return; } synchronized(MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds) { soundPath = sound; identifier = id; objRef = obj; URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("assets/mekanism/sound/" + sound); if(url == null) { System.out.println("[Mekanism] Invalid sound file: " + sound); } if(SoundHandler.getSoundSystem() != null) { SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().newSource(false, id, url, sound, true, (float)loc.x, (float)loc.y, (float)loc.z, 0, 16F); updateVolume(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().activate(id); } MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds.put(obj, this); } } /** * Start looping the sound effect */ public void play() { synchronized(MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds) { if(isPlaying) { return; } if(SoundHandler.getSoundSystem() != null) { updateVolume(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().play(identifier); } isPlaying = true; } } /** * Stop looping the sound effect */ public void stopLoop() { synchronized(MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds) { if(!isPlaying) { return; } if(SoundHandler.getSoundSystem() != null) { updateVolume(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().stop(identifier); } isPlaying = false; } } /** * Remove the sound effect from the PaulsCode SoundSystem */ public void remove() { synchronized(MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds) { if(isPlaying) { stopLoop(); } MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds.remove(objRef); if(SoundHandler.getSoundSystem() != null) { updateVolume(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().removeSource(identifier); } } } public abstract boolean update(World world); public abstract Vector3 getLocation(); public abstract float getMultiplier(); /** * Updates the volume based on how far away the player is from the machine. * @param entityplayer - player who is near the machine, always Minecraft.thePlayer */ public void updateVolume(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { synchronized(MekanismClient.audioHandler.sounds) { try { float multiplier = getMultiplier(); float volume = 0; float masterVolume = MekanismClient.audioHandler.masterVolume; double distance = entityplayer.getDistance(getLocation().x, getLocation().y, getLocation().z); volume = (float)Math.min(Math.max(masterVolume-((distance*.08F)*masterVolume), 0)*multiplier, 1); volume *= Math.max(0, Math.min(1, MekanismClient.baseSoundVolume)); if(SoundHandler.getSoundSystem() != null) { SoundHandler.getSoundSystem().setVolume(identifier, volume); } } catch(Exception e) {} } } }