package mekanism.common.tile; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import java.util.ArrayList; import mekanism.api.Coord4D; import mekanism.api.EnumColor; import mekanism.api.MekanismConfig.general; import mekanism.api.MekanismConfig.usage; import mekanism.api.Range4D; import mekanism.api.infuse.InfuseObject; import mekanism.api.infuse.InfuseRegistry; import mekanism.api.transmitters.TransmissionType; import mekanism.common.InfuseStorage; import mekanism.common.Mekanism; import mekanism.common.MekanismItems; import mekanism.common.PacketHandler; import mekanism.common.SideData; import mekanism.common.Upgrade; import mekanism.common.base.IEjector; import mekanism.common.base.IRedstoneControl; import mekanism.common.base.ISideConfiguration; import mekanism.common.base.IUpgradeTile; import mekanism.common.block.BlockMachine.MachineType; import; import mekanism.common.recipe.RecipeHandler; import mekanism.common.recipe.RecipeHandler.Recipe; import mekanism.common.recipe.inputs.InfusionInput; import mekanism.common.recipe.machines.MetallurgicInfuserRecipe; import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentConfig; import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentEjector; import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentUpgrade; import mekanism.common.util.ChargeUtils; import mekanism.common.util.InventoryUtils; import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional.Interface; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional.Method; import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaContext; import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException; import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IComputerAccess; import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral; @Interface(iface = "dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral", modid = "ComputerCraft") public class TileEntityMetallurgicInfuser extends TileEntityNoisyElectricBlock implements IPeripheral, ISideConfiguration, IUpgradeTile, IRedstoneControl { /** The maxiumum amount of infuse this machine can store. */ public int MAX_INFUSE = 1000; /** How much energy this machine consumes per-tick. */ public double BASE_ENERGY_PER_TICK = usage.metallurgicInfuserUsage; public double energyPerTick = BASE_ENERGY_PER_TICK; /** How many ticks it takes to run an operation. */ public int BASE_TICKS_REQUIRED = 200; public int ticksRequired = BASE_TICKS_REQUIRED; /** The amount of infuse this machine has stored. */ public InfuseStorage infuseStored = new InfuseStorage(); /** How many ticks this machine has been operating for. */ public int operatingTicks; /** Whether or not this machine is in it's active state. */ public boolean isActive; /** The client's current active state. */ public boolean clientActive; /** How many ticks must pass until this block's active state can sync with the client. */ public int updateDelay; /** This machine's previous amount of energy. */ public double prevEnergy; /** This machine's current RedstoneControl type. */ public RedstoneControl controlType = RedstoneControl.DISABLED; public TileComponentUpgrade upgradeComponent; public TileComponentEjector ejectorComponent; public TileComponentConfig configComponent; public TileEntityMetallurgicInfuser() { super("metalinfuser", "MetallurgicInfuser", MachineType.METALLURGIC_INFUSER.baseEnergy); configComponent = new TileComponentConfig(this, TransmissionType.ITEM); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.GREY, InventoryUtils.EMPTY)); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.ORANGE, new int[] {0})); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.PURPLE, new int[] {1})); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.DARK_RED, new int[] {2})); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.DARK_BLUE, new int[] {3})); configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData(EnumColor.DARK_GREEN, new int[] {4})); configComponent.setConfig(TransmissionType.ITEM, new byte[] {2, 1, 0, 5, 3, 4}); inventory = new ItemStack[5]; upgradeComponent = new TileComponentUpgrade(this, 3); ejectorComponent = new TileComponentEjector(this, configComponent.getOutputs(TransmissionType.ITEM).get(4)); } @Override public void onUpdate() { super.onUpdate(); if(worldObj.isRemote && updateDelay > 0) { updateDelay--; if(updateDelay == 0 && clientActive != isActive) { isActive = clientActive; MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } } if(!worldObj.isRemote) { if(updateDelay > 0) { updateDelay--; if(updateDelay == 0 && clientActive != isActive) { Mekanism.packetHandler.sendToReceivers(new TileEntityMessage(Coord4D.get(this), getNetworkedData(new ArrayList())), new Range4D(Coord4D.get(this))); } } ChargeUtils.discharge(0, this); if(inventory[1] != null) { if(InfuseRegistry.getObject(inventory[1]) != null) { InfuseObject infuse = InfuseRegistry.getObject(inventory[1]); if(infuseStored.type == null || infuseStored.type == infuse.type) { if(infuseStored.amount + infuse.stored <= MAX_INFUSE) { infuseStored.amount += infuse.stored; infuseStored.type = infuse.type; inventory[1].stackSize--; if(inventory[1].stackSize <= 0) { inventory[1] = null; } } } } } MetallurgicInfuserRecipe recipe = RecipeHandler.getMetallurgicInfuserRecipe(getInput()); if(MekanismUtils.canFunction(this) && getEnergy() >= energyPerTick) { if(canOperate(recipe)) { setActive(true); setEnergy(getEnergy() - energyPerTick); if((operatingTicks + 1) < ticksRequired) { operatingTicks++; } else { operate(recipe); operatingTicks = 0; } } } else { if(prevEnergy >= getEnergy()) { setActive(false); } } if(!canOperate(recipe)) { operatingTicks = 0; } if(infuseStored.amount <= 0) { infuseStored.amount = 0; infuseStored.type = null; } prevEnergy = getEnergy(); } } @Override public boolean canExtractItem(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack, int side) { if(slotID == 4) { return ChargeUtils.canBeOutputted(itemstack, false); } else if(slotID == 3) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack) { if(slotID == 3) { return false; } else if(slotID == 1) { return InfuseRegistry.getObject(itemstack) != null && (infuseStored.type == null || infuseStored.type == InfuseRegistry.getObject(itemstack).type); } else if(slotID == 0) { return itemstack.getItem() == MekanismItems.SpeedUpgrade || itemstack.getItem() == MekanismItems.EnergyUpgrade; } else if(slotID == 2) { if(infuseStored.type != null) { if(RecipeHandler.getMetallurgicInfuserRecipe(new InfusionInput(infuseStored, itemstack)) != null) { return true; } } else { for(Object obj : Recipe.METALLURGIC_INFUSER.get().keySet()) { InfusionInput input = (InfusionInput)obj; if(input.inputStack.isItemEqual(itemstack)) { return true; } } } } else if(slotID == 4) { return ChargeUtils.canBeDischarged(itemstack); } return false; } public InfusionInput getInput() { return new InfusionInput(infuseStored, inventory[2]); } public void operate(MetallurgicInfuserRecipe recipe) { recipe.output(inventory, infuseStored); markDirty(); ejectorComponent.onOutput(); } public boolean canOperate(MetallurgicInfuserRecipe recipe) { return recipe != null && recipe.canOperate(inventory, infuseStored); } public int getScaledInfuseLevel(int i) { return infuseStored.amount * i / MAX_INFUSE; } public double getScaledProgress() { return ((double)operatingTicks) / ((double)ticksRequired); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags) { super.readFromNBT(nbtTags); clientActive = isActive = nbtTags.getBoolean("isActive"); operatingTicks = nbtTags.getInteger("operatingTicks"); infuseStored.amount = nbtTags.getInteger("infuseStored"); controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[nbtTags.getInteger("controlType")]; infuseStored.type = InfuseRegistry.get(nbtTags.getString("type")); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags) { super.writeToNBT(nbtTags); nbtTags.setBoolean("isActive", isActive); nbtTags.setInteger("operatingTicks", operatingTicks); nbtTags.setInteger("infuseStored", infuseStored.amount); nbtTags.setInteger("controlType", controlType.ordinal()); if(infuseStored.type != null) { nbtTags.setString("type",; } else { nbtTags.setString("type", "null"); } nbtTags.setBoolean("sideDataStored", true); } @Override public void handlePacketData(ByteBuf dataStream) { if(!worldObj.isRemote) { infuseStored.amount = dataStream.readInt(); return; } super.handlePacketData(dataStream); clientActive = dataStream.readBoolean(); operatingTicks = dataStream.readInt(); infuseStored.amount = dataStream.readInt(); controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[dataStream.readInt()]; infuseStored.type = InfuseRegistry.get(PacketHandler.readString(dataStream)); if(updateDelay == 0 && clientActive != isActive) { updateDelay = general.UPDATE_DELAY; isActive = clientActive; MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } } @Override public ArrayList getNetworkedData(ArrayList data) { super.getNetworkedData(data); data.add(isActive); data.add(operatingTicks); data.add(infuseStored); data.add(controlType.ordinal()); if(infuseStored.type != null) { data.add(; } else { data.add("null"); } return data; } @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public String getType() { return getInventoryName(); } @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public String[] getMethodNames() { return new String[] {"getStored", "getProgress", "facing", "canOperate", "getMaxEnergy", "getEnergyNeeded", "getInfuse", "getInfuseNeeded"}; } @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context, int method, Object[] arguments) throws LuaException, InterruptedException { switch(method) { case 0: return new Object[] {getEnergy()}; case 1: return new Object[] {operatingTicks}; case 2: return new Object[] {facing}; case 3: return new Object[] {canOperate(RecipeHandler.getMetallurgicInfuserRecipe(getInput()))}; case 4: return new Object[] {getMaxEnergy()}; case 5: return new Object[] {getMaxEnergy()-getEnergy()}; case 6: return new Object[] {infuseStored}; case 7: return new Object[] {MAX_INFUSE-infuseStored.amount}; default: Mekanism.logger.error("Attempted to call unknown method with computer ID " + computer.getID()); return new Object[] {"Unknown command."}; } } @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public boolean equals(IPeripheral other) { return this == other; } @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {} @Override @Method(modid = "ComputerCraft") public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {} @Override public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int side) { return configComponent.getOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, side, facing).availableSlots; } @Override public boolean canSetFacing(int side) { return side != 0 && side != 1; } @Override public void setActive(boolean active) { isActive = active; if(clientActive != active && updateDelay == 0) { Mekanism.packetHandler.sendToReceivers(new TileEntityMessage(Coord4D.get(this), getNetworkedData(new ArrayList())), new Range4D(Coord4D.get(this))); updateDelay = 10; clientActive = active; } } @Override public boolean getActive() { return isActive; } @Override public TileComponentConfig getConfig() { return configComponent; } @Override public int getOrientation() { return facing; } @Override public boolean renderUpdate() { return true; } @Override public boolean lightUpdate() { return true; } @Override public RedstoneControl getControlType() { return controlType; } @Override public void setControlType(RedstoneControl type) { controlType = type; MekanismUtils.saveChunk(this); } @Override public boolean canPulse() { return false; } @Override public TileComponentUpgrade getComponent() { return upgradeComponent; } @Override public IEjector getEjector() { return ejectorComponent; } @Override public void recalculateUpgradables(Upgrade upgrade) { super.recalculateUpgradables(upgrade); switch(upgrade) { case SPEED: ticksRequired = MekanismUtils.getTicks(this, BASE_TICKS_REQUIRED); case ENERGY: energyPerTick = MekanismUtils.getEnergyPerTick(this, BASE_ENERGY_PER_TICK); maxEnergy = MekanismUtils.getMaxEnergy(this, BASE_MAX_ENERGY); } } }