package mekanism.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import mekanism.api.EnumColor; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.ChatMessageComponent; public final class HolidayManager { private static Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); private static Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); public static List holidays = new ArrayList(); private static List holidaysNotified = new ArrayList(); public static void init() { if(MekanismClient.holidays) { holidays.add(new Christmas()); holidays.add(new NewYear()); } System.out.println("[Mekanism] Initialized HolidayManager."); } public static void check() { try { YearlyDate date = getDate(); for(Holiday holiday : holidays) { if(!holidaysNotified.contains(holiday)) { if(holiday.getDate().equals(date)) { holiday.onEvent(mc.thePlayer); holidaysNotified.add(holiday); } } } } catch(Exception e) {} } public static String filterSound(String sound) { if(!MekanismClient.holidays) { return sound; } try { YearlyDate date = getDate(); for(Holiday holiday : holidays) { if(holiday.getDate().equals(date)) { return holiday.filterSound(sound); } } } catch(Exception e) {} return sound; } private static YearlyDate getDate() { return new YearlyDate(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } public static abstract class Holiday { public abstract YearlyDate getDate(); public abstract void onEvent(EntityPlayer player); public String filterSound(String sound) { return sound; } } private static class Christmas extends Holiday { private String[] nutcracker = new String[] {"holiday/Nutcracker1.ogg", "holiday/Nutcracker2.ogg", "holiday/Nutcracker3.ogg", "holiday/Nutcracker4.ogg", "holiday/Nutcracker5.ogg"}; @Override public YearlyDate getDate() { return new YearlyDate(12, 25); } @Override public void onEvent(EntityPlayer player) { String themedLines = getThemedLines(new EnumColor[] {EnumColor.DARK_GREEN, EnumColor.DARK_RED}, 13); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(themedLines + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[Mekanism]" + themedLines)); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.RED + "Merry Christmas, " + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + player.username + EnumColor.RED + "!")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.RED + "May you have plenty of Christmas cheer")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.RED + "and have a relaxing holiday with your")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.RED + "family :)")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.DARK_GREY + "-aidancbrady")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(themedLines + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[=======]" + themedLines)); } @Override public String filterSound(String sound) { if(sound.equals("Chamber.ogg")) { return nutcracker[0]; } else if(sound.equals("MetallurgicInfuser.ogg")) { return nutcracker[1]; } else if(sound.equals("PurificationChamber.ogg")) { return nutcracker[2]; } else if(sound.equals("Smelter.ogg")) { return nutcracker[3]; } else if(sound.equals("HeatGenerator.ogg")) { return nutcracker[4]; } return sound; } } private static class NewYear extends Holiday { @Override public YearlyDate getDate() { return new YearlyDate(1, 1); } @Override public void onEvent(EntityPlayer player) { String themedLines = getThemedLines(new EnumColor[] {EnumColor.WHITE, EnumColor.YELLOW}, 13); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(themedLines + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[Mekanism]" + themedLines)); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.AQUA + "Happy New Year, " + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + player.username + EnumColor.RED + "!")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.AQUA + "Best wishes to you as we enter this")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.AQUA + "new and exciting year of " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "! :)")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(EnumColor.DARK_GREY + "-aidancbrady")); player.sendChatToPlayer(ChatMessageComponent.createFromText(themedLines + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[=======]" + themedLines)); } } public static enum Month { JANUARY("January"), FEBRUARY("February"), MARCH("March"), APRIL("April"), MAY("May"), JUNE("June"), JULY("July"), AUGUST("August"), SEPTEMBER("September"), OCTOBER("October"), NOVEMBER("November"), DECEMBER("December"); private final String name; private Month(String n) { name = n; } public String getName() { return name; } public int month() { return ordinal()+1; } } public static class YearlyDate { public Month month; public int day; public YearlyDate(Month m, int d) { month = m; day = d; } public YearlyDate(int m, int d) { this(Month.values()[m-1], d); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof YearlyDate && ((YearlyDate)obj).month == month && ((YearlyDate)obj).day == day; } @Override public int hashCode() { int code = 1; code = 31 * code + month.ordinal(); code = 31 * code + day; return code; } } private static String getThemedLines(EnumColor[] colors, int amount) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { builder.append(colors[i%colors.length] + "-"); } return builder.toString(); } }