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407 lines
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package ic2.api.item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
* Provides access to IC2 blocks and items.
* Some items can be acquired through the ore dictionary which is the recommended way.
* The items are initialized while IC2 is being loaded - try to use ModsLoaded() or load your mod after IC2.
* Some blocks/items can be disabled by a config setting, so it's recommended to check if they're null first.
* Getting the associated Block/Item for an ItemStack x:
* Blocks: Block.blocksList[x.itemID]
* Items: x.getItem()
public final class Items {
* Get an ItemStack for a specific item name, example: Items.getItem("resin")
* See the list below for item names.
* Make sure to copy() the ItemStack if you want to modify it.
* @param name item name
* @return The item or null if the item does not exist or an error occurred
public static ItemStack getItem(String name) {
try {
if (Ic2Items == null) Ic2Items = Class.forName(getPackage() + ".core.Ic2Items");
Object ret = Ic2Items.getField(name).get(null);
if (ret instanceof ItemStack) {
return (ItemStack) ret;
} else {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("IC2 API: Call getItem failed for "+name);
return null;
/* Possible values:
----- blocks -----
copperOre Copper Ore block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: oreCopper, null with enableWorldGenOreCopper=false
tinOre Tin Ore block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: oreTin, null with enableWorldGenOreTin=false
uraniumOre Tin Ore block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: oreUranium, null with enableWorldGenOreUranium=false
rubber related
Rubber wood block, meta reflects the state, meta in ItemStack set to 0, ore dictionary: woodRubber (with meta 0), null with enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false
dropped (as an item) -> metadata 0
block, no resin spot -> metadata 0 or 1
block, wet resin spot -> metadata 2-5 (according to the side)
block, dry resin spot -> metadata 8-11 (wet state + 6)
rubberLeaves Rubber Leaves block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, null with enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false
rubberSapling Rubber Sapling block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0, null with enableWorldGenTreeRubber=false
resinSheet Resin Sheet block, currently not meta sensitive
rubberTrampoline Rubber Trampoline block, meta reflects internal state, meta in ItemStack set to 0
ironFence Iron Fence block, currently not meta sensitive
reinforcedStone Reinforced Stone block, currently not meta sensitive
reinforcedGlass Reinforced Glass block, currently not meta sensitive
reinforcedDoorBlock Reinforced Door block, meta reflects the state (see vanilla doors), meta in ItemStack set to 0
constructionFoam Construction Foam block, currently not meta sensitive
constructionFoamWall Construction Foam Wall block, meta = color, implements IPaintableBlock
scaffold Scaffold block, meta reflects internal physical model data
bronzeBlock Bronze block, meta sensitive
copperBlock Copper block, meta sensitive
tinBlock Tin block, meta sensitive
uraniumBlock Uranium block, meta sensitive
cables (when placed as a block, inventory items are different TE implements IEnergyConductor)
copperCableBlock Copper Cable block, meta sensitive
insulatedCopperCableBlock Insulated Copper Cable block, meta sensitive
goldCableBlock Gold Cable block, meta sensitive
insulatedGoldCableBlock Insulated Gold Cable block, meta sensitive
doubleInsulatedGoldCableBlock Double Insulated Gold Cable block, meta sensitive
ironCableBlock Iron Cable block, meta sensitive
insulatedIronCableBlock Insulated Iron Cable block, meta sensitive
doubleInsulatedIronCableBlock Double Insulated Iron Cable block, meta sensitive
trippleInsulatedIronCableBlock Tripple Insulated Iron Cable block, meta sensitive
glassFiberCableBlock Glass Fiber Cable block, meta sensitive
tinCableBlock Tin Cable block, meta sensitive
detectorCableBlock Detector Cable block, meta sensitive
splitterCableBlock Splitter Cable block, meta sensitive
generators + related (TE implements IEnergySource ex. reactorChamber)
generator Generator block, meta sensitive
geothermalGenerator Geothermal Generator block, meta sensitive
waterMill Water Mill block, meta sensitive
solarPanel Solar Panel block, meta sensitive
windMill Wind Mill block, meta sensitive
nuclearReactor Nuclear Reactor block, meta sensitive
reactorChamber Reactor Chamber block, currently not meta sensitive
energy storages (TE implements IEnergySource and IEnergyConductor)
batBox BatBox block, meta sensitive
mfeUnit MFE Unit block, meta sensitive
mfsUnit MFS Unit block, meta sensitive
transformers (TE implements IEnergySource and IEnergyConductor)
lvTransformer LV Transformer block, meta sensitive
mvTransformer MV Transformer block, meta sensitive
hvTransformer HV Transformer block, meta sensitive
machines + related (TE implements IEnergySink ex. machine, miningPipe, miningPipeTip)
machine Machine block, meta sensitive
advancedMachine Advanced Machine block, meta sensitive
ironFurnace Iron Furnace block, meta sensitive
electroFurnace Electro Furnace block, meta sensitive
macerator Macerator block, meta sensitive
extractor Extractor block, meta sensitive
compressor Compressor block, meta sensitive
canner Canner block, meta sensitive
miner Miner block, meta sensitive
pump Pump block, meta sensitive
magnetizer Magnetizer block, meta sensitive
electrolyzer Electrolyzer block, meta sensitive
recycler Recycler block, meta sensitive
inductionFurnace Induction Furnace block, meta sensitive
massFabricator Mass Fabricator block, meta sensitive
terraformer Terraformer block, meta sensitive
teleporter Teleporter block, meta sensitive
teslaCoil Tesla Coil block, meta sensitive
luminator Passive (dark) Luminator block, meta = facing
activeLuminator Active (bright) Luminator block, meta = facing
miningPipe Mining Pipe block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0
miningPipeTip Mining Pipe Tip block, currently not meta sensitive, meta in ItemStack set to 0
personal blocks
personalSafe Personal Safe block, meta sensitive
tradeOMat Trade-O-Mat block, meta sensitive
energyOMat Energy-O-Mat block, meta sensitive
industrialTnt Industrial TNT block, currently not meta sensitive
nuke Nuke block, currently not meta sensitive
dynamiteStick Dynamite Stick block, meta = placement, meta in ItemStack set to 0
dynamiteStickWithRemote Dynamite Stick with Remote block, meta = placement, meta in ItemStack set to 0
Agriculture Stuff
crop Crop Block, empty, not meta sensitive
----- items -----
rubber + related
resin Resin item, currently not meta sensitive
rubber Rubber item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: itemRubber
ore drops
uraniumDrop Uranium Drop item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: itemDropUranium
bronzeDust Bronze Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
clayDust Clay Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
coalDust Coal Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
copperDust Copper Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
goldDust Gold Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
ironDust Iron Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
silverDust Silver Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
smallIronDust Small Iron Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
tinDust Tin Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
hydratedCoalDust Hydrated Coal Dust item, currently not meta sensitive
refinedIronIngot Refined Iron Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotRefinedIron
copperIngot Copper Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotCopper
tinIngot Tin Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotTin
bronzeIngot Bronze Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotBronze
mixedMetalIngot Mixed Metal Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive
uraniumIngot Uranium Ingot item, currently not meta sensitive, ore dictionary: ingotUranium
tools/weapons (without electric tools)
treetap Treetap item, meta = damage value
wrench Wrench item, meta = damage value
cutter Insulation Cutter item, meta = damage value
constructionFoamSprayer Construction Foam Sprayer item, meta = charges (as of v1.45)
bronzePickaxe Bronze Pickaxe item, meta = damage value
bronzeAxe Bronze Axe item, meta = damage value
bronzeSword Bronze Sword item, meta = damage value
bronzeShovel Bronze Shovel item, meta = damage value
bronzeHoe Bronze Hoe item, meta = damage value
el. tools/devices/weapons
miningDrill Mining Drill item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
diamondDrill Diamond Tipped Mining Drill item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
chainsaw Chainsaw item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
electricWrench Electric Wrench item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
electricTreetap Electric Treetap item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
miningLaser Mining Laser item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
ecMeter EC-Mater item, currently not meta sensitive
odScanner Ore Density Scanner item, meta = damage value for charge level, implements IElectricItem
ovScanner Ore Value Scanner item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
frequencyTransmitter Frequency Transmitter item, currently not meta sensitive
nanoSaber Idle Nano Saber item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
enabledNanoSaber Enabled Nano Saber item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
rubberBoots Rubber Boots item, meta = damage value
bronzeHelmet Bronze Helmet Armor item, meta = damage value
bronzeChestplate Bronze Chestplate Armor item, meta = damage value
bronzeLeggings Bronze Leggings Armor item, meta = damage value
bronzeBoots Bronze Boots Armor item, meta = damage value
compositeArmor Composite Armor item, meta = damage value for charge level
nanoHelmet Nano Helmet Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
nanoBodyarmor Nano Bodyarmor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
nanoLeggings Nano Leggings Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
nanoBoots Nano Boots Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
quantumHelmet Quantum Helmet Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
quantumBodyarmor Quantum Bodyarmor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
quantumLeggings Quantum Leggings Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
quantumBoots Quantum Boots Armor item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
jetpack Jetpack item, meta = damage value for fuel level
electricJetpack Electric Jetpack item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem
batPack BatPack item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy
lapPack LapPack item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy
cfPack CF Pack item, meta = charges (as of v1.45)
solarHelmet Solar Helmet item, currently not meta sensitive
staticBoots Static Boots item, currently not meta sensitive
reBattery Empty RE Battery item, currently not meta sensitive, implements IElectricItem
chargedReBattery RE Battery item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy
energyCrystal Energy Crystal item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy
lapotronCrystal Lapotron Crystal item, meta = visual charge indicator, implements IElectricItem, can provide energy
suBattery SU Battery item, currently not meta sensitive
copperCableItem Copper Cable item, meta sensitive
insulatedCopperCableItem Insulated Copper Cable item, meta sensitive
goldCableItem Gold Cable item, meta sensitive
insulatedGoldCableItem Insulated Gold Cable item, meta sensitive
doubleInsulatedGoldCableItem Double Insulated Gold Cable item, meta sensitive
ironCableItem Iron Cable item, meta sensitive
insulatedIronCableItem Insulated Iron Cable item, meta sensitive
doubleInsulatedIronCableItem Double Insulated Iron Cable item, meta sensitive
trippleInsulatedIronCableItem Tripple Insulated Iron Cable item, meta sensitive
glassFiberCableItem Glass Fiber Cable item, meta sensitive
tinCableItem Tin Cable item, meta sensitive
detectorCableItem Detector Cable item, meta sensitive
splitterCableItem Splitter Cable item, meta sensitive
cells/containers (without reactor components)
cell Empty Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
lavaCell Lava Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
hydratedCoalCell Hydrated Coal Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
bioCell Bio Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
coalfuelCell Coalfuel Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
biofuelCell Biofuel Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
waterCell Water Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
electrolyzedWaterCell Electrolyzed Water Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
fuelCan Empty Fuel Can item, currently not meta sensitive
filledFuelCan Fuel Can item, meta = fuel value (as of v1.45)
tinCan Empty Tin Can item, currently not meta sensitive
filledTinCan Filled Tin Can item, currently not meta sensitive
reactor components
uraniumCell Uranium Cell item, meta = damage value
coolingCell Cooling Cell item, meta = damage value
depletedIsotopeCell Depleted Isotope Cell item, meta = damage value
reEnrichedUraniumCell Re-Enriched Uranium Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
nearDepletedUraniumCell Near-Depleted Uranium Cell item, currently not meta sensitive
integratedReactorPlating Integrated Reactor Plating item, meta = damage value
integratedHeatDisperser Integrated Heat Disperser item, meta = damage value
terraformer blueprints
terraformerBlueprint Empty Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
cultivationTerraformerBlueprint Cultivation Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
irrigationTerraformerBlueprint Irrigation Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
chillingTerraformerBlueprint Chilling Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
desertificationTerraformerBlueprint Desertification Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
flatificatorTerraformerBlueprint Flatificator Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
mushroomTerraformerBlueprint Mushroom Terraformer Blueprint item, currently not meta sensitive
diamond chain
coalBall Coal Ball item, currently not meta sensitive
compressedCoalBall Compressed Coal Ball item, currently not meta sensitive
coalChunk Coal Chunk item, currently not meta sensitive
industrialDiamond Industrial Diamond item, currently not meta sensitive, DEPRECATED
recycler chain
scrap Scrap item, currently not meta sensitive
scrapBox Scrap Box item, currently not meta sensitive
fuel production chain
hydratedCoalClump Hydrated Coal Clump item, currently not meta sensitive
plantBall Plant Ball item, currently not meta sensitive
compressedPlantBall Compressed Plant Ball item, currently not meta sensitive
painter Painter item, currently not meta sensitive
blackPainter Black Painter item, meta = damage value
redPainter Red Painter item, meta = damage value
greenPainter Green Painter item, meta = damage value
brownPainter Brown Painter item, meta = damage value
bluePainter Blue Painter item, meta = damage value
purplePainter Purple Painter item, meta = damage value
cyanPainter Cyan Painter item, meta = damage value
lightGreyPainter Light Grey Painter item, meta = damage value
darkGreyPainter Dark Grey Painter item, meta = damage value
pinkPainter Pink Painter item, meta = damage value
limePainter Lime Painter item, meta = damage value
yellowPainter Yellow Painter item, meta = damage value
cloudPainter Cloud Painter item, meta = damage value
magentaPainter Magenta Painter item, meta = damage value
orangePainter Orange Painter item, meta = damage value
whitePainter White Painter item, meta = damage value
explosives + related
dynamite Throwable Dynamite item, currently not meta sensitive
stickyDynamite Throwable Sticky Dynamite item, currently not meta sensitive
remote Dynamite Remote item, currently not meta sensitive
misc intermediate recipe ingredients
electronicCircuit Electronic Circuit item, currently not meta sensitive
advancedCircuit Advanced Circuit item, currently not meta sensitive
advancedAlloy Advanced Alloy item, currently not meta sensitive
carbonFiber Raw Carbon Fiber item, currently not meta sensitive
carbonMesh Raw Carbon Mesh item, currently not meta sensitive
carbonPlate Carbon Plate item, currently not meta sensitive
matter UU-Matter item, currently not meta sensitive
iridiumOre Iridium Ore item, currently not meta sensitive
iridiumPlate Iridium Plate item, currently not meta sensitive
upgrade modules
overclockerUpgrade overclocker upgrade item, meta sensitive
transformerUpgrade transformer upgrade item, meta sensitive
energyStorageUpgrade energy storage upgrade item, meta sensitive
coin Coin item, currently not meta sensitive
reinforcedDoor Reinforced Door item, currently not meta sensitive
constructionFoamPellet Construction Foam Pellet item, currently not meta sensitive
cropSeed Crop seeds, stuff stored in NBT, don't use for crafting recipes!
cropnalyzer Cropnalyzer handheld device
fertilizer Basic IC2Item, used to provide nutrients toCropBlocks
hydratingCell Cell used to hydrate Crops, meta = Content, 0 = Full, 9999 = Near empty
electricHoe Electric Hoe, meta = charge level
solarHelmet Solar Helmet item, currently not meta sensitive
terraWart Terra Wart item, cures potion effects
weedEx Weed-EX can, meta = uses left
* Get the base IC2 package name, used internally.
* @return IC2 package name, if unable to be determined defaults to ic2
private static String getPackage() {
Package pkg = Items.class.getPackage();
if (pkg != null) {
String packageName = pkg.getName();
return packageName.substring(0, packageName.length() - ".api.item".length());
return "ic2";
private static Class<?> Ic2Items;