Also - cleanup! Closes #214.
423 lines
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423 lines
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package mekanism.common;
import ic2.api.Direction;
import ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergySink;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import mekanism.api.IConfigurable;
import mekanism.api.IStrictEnergyAcceptor;
import mekanism.api.IUpgradeManagement;
import mekanism.api.Object3D;
import mekanism.api.SideData;
import mekanism.client.IHasSound;
import mekanism.common.IRedstoneControl.RedstoneControl;
import mekanism.common.PacketHandler.Transmission;
import mekanism.common.network.PacketTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import com.google.common.io.ByteArrayDataInput;
import dan200.computer.api.IComputerAccess;
import dan200.computer.api.IPeripheral;
public abstract class TileEntityBasicMachine extends TileEntityElectricBlock implements IElectricMachine, IEnergySink, IPeripheral, IActiveState, IConfigurable, IUpgradeManagement, IHasSound, IStrictEnergyAcceptor, IRedstoneControl
/** This machine's side configuration. */
public byte[] sideConfig;
/** An arraylist of SideData for this machine. */
public ArrayList<SideData> sideOutputs = new ArrayList<SideData>();
/** The bundled URL of this machine's sound effect */
public String soundURL;
/** How much energy this machine uses per tick. */
public double ENERGY_PER_TICK;
/** How many ticks this machine has operated for. */
public int operatingTicks = 0;
/** Ticks required to operate -- or smelt an item. */
public int TICKS_REQUIRED;
/** This machine's speed multiplier. */
public int speedMultiplier;
/** This machine's energy multiplier. */
public int energyMultiplier;
/** How long it takes this machine to install an upgrade. */
/** How many upgrade ticks have progressed. */
public int upgradeTicks;
/** How many ticks must pass until this block's active state can sync with the client. */
public int updateDelay;
/** Whether or not this block is in it's active state. */
public boolean isActive;
/** The client's current active state. */
public boolean clientActive;
/** The GUI texture path for this machine. */
public ResourceLocation guiLocation;
/** This machine's current RedstoneControl type. */
public RedstoneControl controlType;
* The foundation of all machines - a simple tile entity with a facing, active state, initialized state, sound effect, and animated texture.
* @param soundPath - location of the sound effect
* @param name - full name of this machine
* @param path - GUI texture path of this machine
* @param perTick - the energy this machine consumes every tick in it's active state
* @param ticksRequired - how many ticks it takes to run a cycle
* @param maxEnergy - how much energy this machine can store
public TileEntityBasicMachine(String soundPath, String name, ResourceLocation location, double perTick, int ticksRequired, double maxEnergy)
super(name, maxEnergy);
TICKS_REQUIRED = ticksRequired;
soundURL = soundPath;
guiLocation = location;
isActive = false;
controlType = RedstoneControl.DISABLED;
public void onUpdate()
if(updateDelay > 0)
if(updateDelay == 0 && clientActive != isActive)
PacketHandler.sendPacket(Transmission.ALL_CLIENTS, new PacketTileEntity().setParams(Object3D.get(this), getNetworkedData(new ArrayList())));
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
operatingTicks = nbtTags.getInteger("operatingTicks");
clientActive = isActive = nbtTags.getBoolean("isActive");
speedMultiplier = nbtTags.getInteger("speedMultiplier");
energyMultiplier = nbtTags.getInteger("energyMultiplier");
upgradeTicks = nbtTags.getInteger("upgradeTicks");
controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[nbtTags.getInteger("controlType")];
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
sideConfig[i] = nbtTags.getByte("config"+i);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
nbtTags.setInteger("operatingTicks", operatingTicks);
nbtTags.setBoolean("isActive", isActive);
nbtTags.setInteger("speedMultiplier", speedMultiplier);
nbtTags.setInteger("energyMultiplier", energyMultiplier);
nbtTags.setInteger("upgradeTicks", upgradeTicks);
nbtTags.setInteger("controlType", controlType.ordinal());
nbtTags.setBoolean("sideDataStored", true);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
nbtTags.setByte("config"+i, sideConfig[i]);
public void handlePacketData(ByteArrayDataInput dataStream)
operatingTicks = dataStream.readInt();
isActive = dataStream.readBoolean();
speedMultiplier = dataStream.readInt();
energyMultiplier = dataStream.readInt();
upgradeTicks = dataStream.readInt();
controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[dataStream.readInt()];
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
sideConfig[i] = dataStream.readByte();
MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
public ArrayList getNetworkedData(ArrayList data)
return data;
public void invalidate()
public int demandsEnergy()
return (int)((MekanismUtils.getEnergy(energyMultiplier, MAX_ELECTRICITY) - electricityStored)*Mekanism.TO_IC2);
public int injectEnergy(Direction direction, int i)
double givenEnergy = i*Mekanism.FROM_IC2;
double rejects = 0;
double neededEnergy = MekanismUtils.getEnergy(energyMultiplier, MAX_ELECTRICITY)-electricityStored;
if(givenEnergy <= neededEnergy)
electricityStored += givenEnergy;
else if(givenEnergy > neededEnergy)
electricityStored += neededEnergy;
rejects = givenEnergy-neededEnergy;
return (int)(rejects*Mekanism.TO_IC2);
public boolean acceptsEnergyFrom(TileEntity emitter, Direction direction)
return true;
* Gets the scaled energy level for the GUI.
* @param i - multiplier
* @return scaled energy
public int getScaledEnergyLevel(int i)
return (int)(electricityStored*i / MekanismUtils.getEnergy(energyMultiplier, MAX_ELECTRICITY));
* Gets the scaled progress level for the GUI.
* @param i - multiplier
* @return
public int getScaledProgress(int i)
return operatingTicks*i / MekanismUtils.getTicks(speedMultiplier, TICKS_REQUIRED);
public int getScaledUpgradeProgress(int i)
return upgradeTicks*i / UPGRADE_TICKS_REQUIRED;
public double getMaxEnergy()
return MekanismUtils.getEnergy(energyMultiplier, MAX_ELECTRICITY);
public boolean getActive()
return isActive;
public void setActive(boolean active)
isActive = active;
if(clientActive != active && updateDelay == 0)
PacketHandler.sendPacket(Transmission.ALL_CLIENTS, new PacketTileEntity().setParams(Object3D.get(this), getNetworkedData(new ArrayList())));
updateDelay = 10;
clientActive = active;
public double transferEnergyToAcceptor(double amount)
double rejects = 0;
double neededElectricity = MekanismUtils.getEnergy(energyMultiplier, MAX_ELECTRICITY)-electricityStored;
if(amount <= neededElectricity)
electricityStored += amount;
else {
electricityStored += neededElectricity;
rejects = amount-neededElectricity;
return rejects;
public boolean canReceiveEnergy(ForgeDirection side)
return true;
public String getType()
return getInvName();
public boolean canAttachToSide(int side)
return true;
public boolean canSetFacing(int facing)
return facing != 0 && facing != 1;
public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {}
public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {}
public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int side)
return sideOutputs.get(sideConfig[MekanismUtils.getBaseOrientation(side, facing)]).availableSlots;
public int getMaxSafeInput()
return 2048;
public ArrayList<SideData> getSideData()
return sideOutputs;
public byte[] getConfiguration()
return sideConfig;
public int getOrientation()
return facing;
public int getEnergyMultiplier(Object... data)
return energyMultiplier;
public void setEnergyMultiplier(int multiplier, Object... data)
energyMultiplier = multiplier;
public int getSpeedMultiplier(Object... data)
return speedMultiplier;
public void setSpeedMultiplier(int multiplier, Object... data)
speedMultiplier = multiplier;
public boolean supportsUpgrades(Object... data)
return true;
public String getSoundPath()
return soundURL;
public float getVolumeMultiplier()
return 1;
public boolean hasVisual()
return true;
public RedstoneControl getControlType()
return controlType;
public void setControlType(RedstoneControl type)
controlType = type;