
307 lines
7.5 KiB

package mekanism.common;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import mekanism.api.EnumGas;
import mekanism.api.GasTransmission;
import mekanism.api.IGasAcceptor;
import mekanism.api.IGasStorage;
import mekanism.api.IStorageTank;
import mekanism.api.ITubeConnection;
import mekanism.api.Object3D;
import mekanism.common.IRedstoneControl.RedstoneControl;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
public class TileEntityGasTank extends TileEntityContainerBlock implements IGasStorage, IGasAcceptor, ITubeConnection, IRedstoneControl
/** The type of gas stored in this tank. */
public EnumGas gasType;
/** The maximum amount of gas this tank can hold. */
public int MAX_GAS = 96000;
/** How much gas this tank is currently storing. */
public int gasStored;
/** How fast this tank can output gas. */
public int output = 16;
/** This machine's current RedstoneControl type. */
public RedstoneControl controlType;
public TileEntityGasTank()
super("Gas Tank");
gasType = EnumGas.NONE;
inventory = new ItemStack[2];
controlType = RedstoneControl.DISABLED;
public void onUpdate()
if(inventory[0] != null && gasStored > 0)
if(inventory[0].getItem() instanceof IStorageTank)
if(((IStorageTank)inventory[0].getItem()).getGasType(inventory[0]) == gasType || ((IStorageTank)inventory[0].getItem()).getGasType(inventory[0]) == EnumGas.NONE)
IStorageTank item = (IStorageTank)inventory[0].getItem();
if(gasType == EnumGas.NONE)
gasType = item.getGasType(inventory[0]);
if(item.canReceiveGas(inventory[0], gasType))
int sendingGas = 0;
if(item.getRate() <= gasStored)
sendingGas = item.getRate();
else if(item.getRate() > gasStored)
sendingGas = gasStored;
int rejects = item.addGas(inventory[0], gasType, sendingGas);
setGas(gasType, gasStored - (sendingGas - rejects));
if(inventory[1] != null && gasStored < MAX_GAS)
if(inventory[1].getItem() instanceof IStorageTank)
if(((IStorageTank)inventory[1].getItem()).getGasType(inventory[1]) == gasType || gasType == EnumGas.NONE)
IStorageTank item = (IStorageTank)inventory[1].getItem();
if(gasType == EnumGas.NONE)
gasType = item.getGasType(inventory[1]);
if(item.canProvideGas(inventory[1], gasType))
int received = 0;
int gasNeeded = MAX_GAS - gasStored;
if(item.getRate() <= gasNeeded)
received = item.removeGas(inventory[1], gasType, item.getRate());
else if(item.getRate() > gasNeeded)
received = item.removeGas(inventory[1], gasType, gasNeeded);
setGas(gasType, gasStored + received);
if(gasStored == 0)
gasType = EnumGas.NONE;
if(!worldObj.isRemote && gasStored > 0 && MekanismUtils.canFunction(this))
setGas(gasType, gasStored - (Math.min(gasStored, output) - GasTransmission.emitGasToNetwork(gasType, Math.min(gasStored, output), this, ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing))));
TileEntity tileEntity = Object3D.get(this).getFromSide(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing)).getTileEntity(worldObj);
if(tileEntity instanceof IGasAcceptor)
if(((IGasAcceptor)tileEntity).canReceiveGas(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing).getOpposite(), gasType))
int sendingGas = 0;
if(getGas(gasType) >= output)
sendingGas = output;
else if(getGas(gasType) < output)
sendingGas = getGas(gasType);
int rejects = ((IGasAcceptor)tileEntity).transferGasToAcceptor(sendingGas, gasType);
setGas(gasType, getGas(gasType) - (sendingGas - rejects));
public boolean canExtractItem(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack, int side)
if(slotID == 1)
return (itemstack.getItem() instanceof IStorageTank && ((IStorageTank)itemstack.getItem()).getGas(EnumGas.NONE, itemstack) == 0);
else if(slotID == 0)
return (itemstack.getItem() instanceof IStorageTank &&
((IStorageTank)itemstack.getItem()).getGas(EnumGas.NONE, itemstack) == ((IStorageTank)itemstack.getItem()).getMaxGas(EnumGas.NONE, itemstack));
return false;
public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack)
if(slotID == 0)
return itemstack.getItem() instanceof IStorageTank && (gasType == EnumGas.NONE || ((IStorageTank)itemstack.getItem()).canReceiveGas(itemstack, gasType));
else if(slotID == 1)
return itemstack.getItem() instanceof IStorageTank && (gasType == EnumGas.NONE || ((IStorageTank)itemstack.getItem()).canProvideGas(itemstack, gasType));
return true;
public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int side)
return side == 1 ? new int[] {0} : new int[] {1};
public int getGas(EnumGas type, Object... data)
if(type == gasType)
return gasStored;
return 0;
public void setGas(EnumGas type, int amount, Object... data)
if(type == gasType)
gasStored = Math.max(Math.min(amount, MAX_GAS), 0);
public int getMaxGas(EnumGas type, Object... data)
return MAX_GAS;
public int transferGasToAcceptor(int amount, EnumGas type)
if(type == gasType || gasType == EnumGas.NONE)
if(gasType == EnumGas.NONE)
gasType = type;
int rejects = 0;
int neededGas = MAX_GAS-gasStored;
if(amount <= neededGas)
gasStored += amount;
else if(amount > neededGas)
gasStored += neededGas;
rejects = amount-neededGas;
return rejects;
return amount;
public boolean canReceiveGas(ForgeDirection side, EnumGas type)
return (type == gasType || gasType == EnumGas.NONE) && side != ForgeDirection.getOrientation(facing);
public void handlePacketData(ByteArrayDataInput dataStream)
gasStored = dataStream.readInt();
gasType = EnumGas.getFromName(dataStream.readUTF());
controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[dataStream.readInt()];
MekanismUtils.updateBlock(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
gasStored = nbtTags.getInteger("gasStored");
gasType = EnumGas.getFromName(nbtTags.getString("gasType"));
controlType = RedstoneControl.values()[nbtTags.getInteger("controlType")];
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
nbtTags.setInteger("gasStored", gasStored);
nbtTags.setInteger("controlType", controlType.ordinal());
public ArrayList getNetworkedData(ArrayList data)
return data;
public boolean canTubeConnect(ForgeDirection side)
return true;
public RedstoneControl getControlType()
return controlType;
public void setControlType(RedstoneControl type)
controlType = type;