# Environment Builder Request Object ```json { "addonscript": {}, "addon": {}, "client": {}, "server": {} } ``` ## Required properties ### addonscript This is an [AddonScript object](addonscript.md) containing information about the version of AddonScript used in this request. It SHOULD be equal to the [addonscript Property](manifest.md#addonscript) of the [manifest](manifest.md) from which the request was send. ### addon This is an [addon descriptor object](api_addon_descriptor.md), which contains the [addon ID](manifest.md#id), [canonical namespace](manifest.md#namespace) and [version](manifest.md#version) of the addon, for which the launch environment will be build. ## Optional properties ### client This is an [environment object](#environment-object) containing information about the client environment. ### server This is an [environment object](#environment-object) containing information about the server environment. # Environment Object ```json { "requested": [], "provided": [] } ``` ## Optional properties ### requested This is an array of [addon descriptor objects](api_addon_descriptor.md) which contains all addons, that will be part of the launch environment, including their version. ### provided This is an array of [addon descriptor objects](api_addon_descriptor.md) which contains all addons from the [relations](manifest.md#relations) of the [addon](#addon), from which the request was send, that will be installed in the instance, including their version