# Addon Manifest Object ```json { "addonscript": {}, "id": "myaddon", "namespace": "com.example", "version": "1.0.0", "files": [], "relations": [], "flags": {}, "repositories": [], "env_api": "https://example.com", "meta": {} } ``` ## Required properties ### addonscript This is an [AddonScript object](addonscript.md) containing information about the version of AddonScript used in this file. ### id This is the ID of the addon. It MUST only contains lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens and SHOULD be written in the `kebab-case` format. ### version This is the [version number](../concepts/versioning.md) of this version. Versions are compared by [Maven version order rules](../concepts/versioning.md#version-order-specification). If this version number is valid semver, this version of the addon is semver compatible and implies all semantics according to the [semver specifications](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). AddonScript implementations MAY provide specific behavior based on the semver semantics, for example warning the user before updating to a next major version. ### namespace This is the [canonical namespace](../concepts/namespaces.md#canonical-namespaces) of the addon. ### flags This is an [flags object](flags.md) which contains [manifest flags](../concepts/flags.md#manifest-flags) for both sides for this manifest. ## Optional properties ### files This is an array of [file objects](file.md) including the files belonging to this addon. ### relations This is an array of [relation objects](relation.md) which represent addons in relation to this one. ### repositories This is an array of [repository objects](repository.md). Each repository object defines one repository from which files or addons can be retrieved. ### env_api This is the base URL of an [AddonScript API](../api) instance, which has the `env` feature and will be used to build the launch environment for this addon. This property will only be used if this addon has the `env` [manifest flag](../concepts/flags.md#manifest-flags). ### meta This is a [meta object](meta.md) containing metadata about the addon.